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No. 419.—Petition of Loeenz Eiesteree. Petitioner states that certain deferred-payment land, held by him at Hokianga, has been forfeited by the Auckland Land Board for non-fulfilment of improvement conditions. He prays that the land may be restored to him, or other relief given. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee, after careful consideration of all the circumstances, does not see reason to recommend any interference on the part of the Government or the House. 18th September, 1893.

No. 503. —Petition of John Colvin. Petitioner prays for an amendment of "The Public Eeserves Vesting and Sale Act, 1892," section 7, by which a certain portion of his land, in the City of Dunedin, has been taken from him and vested in the Corporation of the said city. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that the petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 18th September, 1893.

Nos. 508, 509, 510, and 511.—Petitions of M. G. Morgan and Others; C. E. Leeds and Others; A. J. Cruickshank and Others; E. Martin and Others. Petitioners pray that the road between Warkworth and Whangarei may be constructed vid Mangaripa Valley and Waipu Gorge. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion these petitions should be referred to the Government for consideration. 18th September, 1893.

. . .. No. 520.—Petition of E. A. Adams and 60 Others, of Bltham. Petitioners pray that a road may be constructed to their lands at Eltham, Taranaki. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 18th September, 1893.

No. 516. —Petition of the Masteeton Eoad Boaed. Petitioners state that a difficulty exists in taking roads through Native lands; that the felling of bush and the sowing of grass is sufficient to deem such lands through which it is proposed to take a road as " cultivated lands" within the meaning of " The Native Lands Court Act, 1886." They therefore pray that the Act may be amended. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion that in any amendment of the law provision should be made for giving larger powers to the local authorities in respect of taking roads through Native lands, giving them (the local bodies), subject to appeal to the Waste Lands Boards, the power of deciding whether the right of taking roads should be exercised or not. 18th September, 1893.

No. 497. —Petition of Catheeine Clyne. Petitioner makes claim for a grant of land as a free immigrant. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion the petitioner has no claim on the colony. 18th September, 1893. ;

The Taieua Land Bill. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the Tairua Land Bill, have the honour to report that they have considered the same and made no amendment therein, and they therefore beg to recommend that the Bill be allowed to proceed. 20th September, 1893.

No. 542.—Petition of D. O'Loghlen and Satchell and 65 Others, of Manawatu. Petitioners are ratepayers of the Manawatu Eoad District, and they pray that the drainage system of the Kairanga Block may be improved and carried to a proper outlet. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee is of opinion, after careful consideration, and having taken evidence, that the petitioners have no claim on the colony. 26th September, 1893.

No. 452.—Petition of Coleman Phillips, of Peatherston. Petitionee prays for relief in connection with the prosecutions instituted against him by the Wellington Land Board, as he is advised ho can obtain no redress at law. He therefore prays that the House will afford him such relief as they may think meet. I am directed to report that the Waste Lands Committee recommend the petition to the favourable consideration of the Government; and, as there would now be difficulty in giving effect to the resolution of the Wellington Land Board of the 30th June, 1892, they suggest that the justice of the case would be satisfied by the withdrawal of the forfeiture of the Dry Eiver Block. 26th September, 1893.