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SEas. 11.—1891. NEW ZEALAND.


Laid on the Table of the House of Representatives by the Hon. J. Ballance, with Leave of the House.

The Labour Conference have the honour to submit to the Government, for their consideration and approval, the accompanying suggested amendments. A special knowledge of the requirements of the workers actuates the Conference to suggest these amendments. Signed on behalf of the Conference. E. Slatee, Chairman. D. P. Fishee, Secretary.


First Day, Thubsday, 18th June. The Conference commenced its sittings at 10 a.m. this day, Mr. E. Slater being voted to the chair, and Mr. D. P. Fisher being elected Secretary. The following delagates furnished their credentials and took their seats : Messrs. E. Slater and A. Judge (Dunedin), J. W. Kelly, M.H.E. (Jnvercargill), G. Simpson and W. Cieworth (Christchurch), T. Hadfield and F. E. Bust (Auckland), D. P. Fisher and W. F. Johnson (Wellington) . The first business taken into consideration was the question of whether the Press should be present or not during the proceedings; and it was resolved, on the motion of Messrs. Simpson and Kelly, That reports of the proceedings be furnished the Press by the Secretary from time to time. Mr. Kelly raised the question as to the intention of the Conference in respect to the work performed by it; whether a complete report would be furnished the various Councils or not. It was resolved, That at the close of the Conference a precis of the proceedings would be furnished each Council, on the motion of Messrs. Fisher and Johnson. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Judge and Bust, That each day's session be as follows: 9 a.m. till 12.30 p.m., and 2 p.m. till 5.30. p.m. Resolved, on the motion of Messrs. Fisher and Slater, That the business of the Conference be first: Consideration of the Labour Bills, and afterwards a National Council scheme. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Judge and Johnson, That in the matter of voting power the Southland member be allowed two votes. Mr. Simpson dissented. The inward correspondence was read and received, on the motion of Messrs. Judge and Hadfield. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Fisher and Kelly, That a delegation, consisting of the Chairman, Mr. Simpson, and the Secretary, wait upon Sir George Grey for the purpose of congratulating him upon having recently rendered very great service to the workers in Australia, and particularly in reference to the elections now taking place in New South Wales. The delegation was instructed to ascertain from Sir George Grey his views in reference to the Labour Bills, and, should he be favourable to them, that he be urged to give them an immediate general support. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Bust and Judge, That this Conference congratulate the workers in New South Wales upon the unprecedented success attained by them in the elections which have so far taken place in New South Wales. A copy of this resolution to be forwarded tothe Sydney Trades and Labour Council. I—H. 48.

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Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Simpson and Cleworth, That the Factories Bill be first taken into consideration. Clauses 1 and 2 passed as printed. Clause 3 subsection (4). Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Kelly and Bust, That all the words after the word " used," in the sixth line, be struck out. Clause 4 passed as printed. Clause 5. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Kelly and Simpson, That the work of inspection, when it can be avoided, be not intrusted to policemen. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Simpson and Kelly, also to add, " That before Inspectors are appointed that their names be submitted to the local Trades Council for its approval." Clauses 6, 7, and 8 passed as printed. Clause 9. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Simpson and Cleworth, That after the word "Board," in the first line, on page 5, the following words be inserted: "and the local Trades Council." Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Simpson and Cleworth, That after the word " Inspector," in the first line, the words " and on " be struck out. Clauses 10, 11, 12, and 13 passed as printed. Clause 14, subsection (5). Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Johnson and Kelly, That this subsection be amended so as to read, " An employe shall have the right to be examined in private.' Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Slater and Simpson, That information in reference to the Labour Bills be not supplied to the Press. Clauses 15 to 20 passed as printed. Clause 21, subsection (d). Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Johnson and Bust, The addition of the following subsection: (d.) "The official address of the Trades and Labour Council." Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Johnson and Bust, That the printed subsection (d) be altered to (<?). Clauses 22 to 29 passed as printed. Clause 30. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Simpson and Cleworth, That the following words be added to this section: "That provision be made for a regular supply of fresh water for the use of the employes in which ten or more persons are employed." Clauses 31 to 34 passed as printed. Clause 35. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Simpson and Johnson, That after the word " Board," in the seventh line, the words " Local Trades Council " be inserted. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Bust and Cleworth, That the following exemptions be struck out : " Flour-mills, hay and corn and shaff-cutting and corn-crushing mills." Mr. J. Ahearn was introduced at this stage in order to represent a grievance on behalf of the Cape Foulwind Branch of the Miners' Association. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Fisher and Johnson, That Mr. Ahearn be heard at the close of the consideration of the Labour Bill. Upon Mr. Ahearn retiring, the discussion on the Factories Bill was resumed. Clause 36. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Simpson and Cleworth, That the words " an outer door " be struck out, and that the words " all outer doors and gates " be substituted. Clause 37. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Judge and Simpson, that all the words between the word "shall," in the second line, and " section," in the fourth line, be struck out. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Judge and Simpson, That the word " five," in the fifth line, be struck out, and "four and a half" inserted, and that the sentence at the end beginning with "Provided" be struck out. Clauses 38 to 40 passed as printed. Clause 41. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Bust and Johnson, that the word "twelve," in the last line, be struck out, and the word " six " substituted. Clauses 42 to 50 passed as printed. Clause 51. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Slater and Cleworth, that the last paragraph in this section be struck out, and the following inserted in lieu thereof : "No person shall employ in -any factory or workroom any female or any male under the age of eighteen years for more than eight hours in any one day, or at any time between the hours of six in the evening and eight in the morning." Clause 52. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Simpson and Hadfield, That the two last paragraphs in this section be struck out. Clause 53. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Simpson and Cleworth, that the words "be ■educated up to," in the fourth line, be struck out, and the words " have passed " be substituted. Clauses 54 to 56 passed as printed. Clause 57. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Cleworth and Bust, That this clause be struck ■out. At 5.30 p.m. the Conference adjourned till 9 a.m. the next morning.

Second Day, Fbiday, 19th June. The Conference resumed its sittings at 9.30 a.m., Mr. Slater in the chair, all the delegates being present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. Simpson gave notice to move, at the afternoon sitting, that the minutes of the 18th instant be reconsidered. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Fisher and Kelly, That, if suitable arrangements can be made, the delegates appointed to wait upon Sir George Grey be instructed to do so this evening. Mr. Tregear, who is in charge of the Government Labour Bureau, applied for certain information. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Judge and Cleworth, That Mr. Tregear be asked to attend the Conference and explain his requirements. A letter was read from the Tailoresses' Union asking the Conference to attend a special meeting of the Tailoresses' Union, the time and place of such meeting to be suggested by the Conference.



Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Bust and Cleworth, That the request be acceded to, and that Tuesday, the 23rd instant, be suggested as the day of the meeting. The discussion on the Factories Bill was resumed. Clauses 58 and 59 were passed as printed. Clause 60. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Judge and Bust, That the word " may," in marginal note, be altered to " shall." Subsection (1) : Proposed by Messrs. Judge and Slater, That the words " Labour Day, the 28th October," be added. Proposed, as an amendment, by Messrs. Bust and Simpson, That the words " Labour Day" only be added. The amendment was adopted. Mr. Tregear attended at 2.15 p.m., and explained at length what had been done by the Government, and what it proposed to do in the way of relieving congestion in the labour-market. He pointed out that the unemployed section of labour had a disastrous effect upon both employer and employed. He was unable, however, to suggest any plan whereby the large amount of unemployed labour could be ascertained, and he asked the Conference to try to suggest some way in which this object could be attained. He outlined the Government's scheme for finding employment for those out of work. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Judge and Bust, That Mr. Tregear be accorded a hearty vote of thanks for the information furnished by him, and that a reply to his request be furnished him in a few days. The consideration of the Factories Bill was then resumed. Clause 60, subsection (2). Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Judge and Kelly, That wherever the words " two o'clock " occur the words " one o'clock " be substituted. Clause 61. Proposed by Messrs. Judge and Slater, That certain words in the clause be struck out. Motion lost, and clause passed as printed. Clause 62. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Bust and Hadfield, That the word " or," in the first line, be struck out, and the words " or mortgagee " be inserted after the word " occupier," in the first line. Clauses 63 to 81, with schedules, passed as printed. The Factories Bill was adopted, with suggested amendments, on the motion of Messrs. Bust and Simpson. The Shop Hours Bill was next considered. Clauses 1 and 2 were passed as printed. Clause 3. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Judge and Kelly, That the word " tobacconist" be struck out. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Bust and Johnson, That "confectioners" be struck out. Mr. Simpson dissented. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Bust and Judge, That the words "fruit and vegetables" be struck out. Clause 3, subsection (3). Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Judge and Kelly, That the word " two" be struck out and the word " one " substituted. Clause 4. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Kelly and Slater, That the word " two," in the last line, be struck out, and the word "one" substituted. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Simpson and Cleworth, That the words " Town Board " be inserted wherever applicable throughout the Act. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Kelly and Slater, That the following paragraph be added to this section: "That the City or Borough Council shall have power to fix the hours at which the respective shops exempted shall be closed." Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Johnson and Simpson, That the Standing Orders be suspended in order to enable Mr. Johnson to move an addition to clause 3. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Johnson and Fisher, That " milk-shops " be included in the list of exemptions. Mr. Bust dissented. Mr. Bust moved to insert a new clause, but as the Standing Orders were suspended for only a specific purpose, the Chairman ruled Mr. Bust out of order. The Conference resumed discussion on the Shop Hours Bill. Clause 5 passed as printed. Clause 6. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Judge and Slater, That this clause be altered so as to read " A female shall not be employed longer than fifty-two hours in one week, or a youth, under eighteen years of age, shall not bo employed in or about any shop for a longer period than fifty-eight hours in one week, both including meal hours." Clauses 7 and 8 were passed as printed. Clauses 9 and 10. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Simpson and Johnson, That these clauses be struck out. Clauses 11 and 12 passed as printed. Clause 13. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Cloworth and Bust, That the words "or mortgagee " be inserted after the word " occupier," in the first line, and the word " or," in the same line, be struck out. Clauses 14 to 18 passed as printed. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Johnson and Hadfield, That the Shop Hours Bill, with suggested amendments, be adopted. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Cleworth and Simpson, That Sir George Grey be asked if he approves of the interview between him and the Conference delegates being made public. In accordance with notice of motion, Messrs. Simpson and Cleworth moved, That the minutes of the 18th instant be reconsidered. Motion lost. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Cleworth and Judge, That, in order to enable the delegation to confer together in reference to consulting Sir George Grey, this Conference do adjourn at 5 p.m. till 9 a.m. the next day. The Employers' Liability Act Amendment Bill was next considered. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Bust and Johnson, That this Bill be adopted, with the exception that, whenever the word "workman" occurs in the Bill, it be understood to mean " employe." At 5 p.m. the Comference adjourned till 9 a.m. the next morning.



Third Day, Saturday, 20th June, 1891. The Conference resumed its sittings at 9 a.m., Mr. Slater in the chair, all the delegates being present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The Chairman reported in reference to the deputation appointed to wait upon Sir George Grey, who, he said, was not very enthusiastic about the Labour Bills. Sir George Grey, however, gave apledge to give them a general support if they met' with the views of the majority of the workers. Sir George said he paid greater attention to freeing the political institutions of the colony. He suggested, that the Secretary should write to him embodying the desires of the Conference, and he would, in return, suggest whatever amendments he considered needful. The report, which was considered, highly satisfactory, was adopted, on the motion cf Messrs. Hadfield and Bust. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Bust and Simpson, That the Secretary be requested to write to Sir George Grey, thanking him for receiving the deputation, and at the same time it be pointed out to that gentleman that the Conference highly approves of the Labour Bills now before Parliament. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Hadfield and Bust, That, in order to secure a better knowledge of the law relating to apprentices, " The Masters and Apprentices Act, 1865," be now read, in order to ascertain what bearing it had upon the proviso contained in clause 5 of the Employers' Liability Act Amendment Bill. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Judge and Simpson, that the Employers' Liability Act Amendment Bill, with amendment proposed on the previous day, be adopted. The Truck Bill was next taken into consideration. Clause 1 passed as printed. Clause 2, subsection (4). Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Bust and Kelly, That the words " or thing had or," in the first line, be struck out. Clauses 3 to 20, passed as printed. Clause 21, subsection (1). Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Bust and Johnson, That this subsection be struck out. Subsection (2) struck out, on the motion of Messrs. Kelly and Judge. Subsection (3) struck out, on the motion of Messrs. Bust and Judge. Subsection (4) struck out, on the motion of Messrs. Hadfield and Johnson. Subsection (5) struck out, on the motion of Messrs. Slater and Cleworth. Subsection (6) struck out, on the motion of Messrs. Judge and Bust. Subsection (7) and the concluding paragraph were struck out, on the motion of Messrs. Bust and Johnson. Proposed by Messrs. Fisher and Simpson the addition of the following new clause : " That this Bill shall not apply to the General Government of the colony as far as the unemployed are concerned." Messrs. Bust and Cleworth (pro forma) proposed as an amendment, " That no rcommendation be made which will empower the Government to in any way enter into competition with private business people in supplying any Government servant or employe." The motion was carried by six to two. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Slater and Judge, That this Conference recommend to the favourable consideration of the Government that a clause be inserted in the Truck Bill to prevent employers in any way providing stores, &c, to their employes. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Simpson and Hadfield, That the Truck Bill, with suggested amendments, be adopted. The Conference then adjourned till Monday, the 22nd instant, at 9 a.m.

Fourth Day, Monday, 22nd June, 1891. The Conference resumed its sittings at 9 a.m. The Chairman (Mr. E. Slater) occupied the chair, all the delegates being in attendance. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The outward correspondence was read and ratified. The Industrial Conciliation Bill was then taken into consideration. Clauses 1 to 18 were passed as printed. Clause 19. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Bust and Simpson, That the word " employer" be substituted for the word "person" in the second line. Clause 20. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Johnson and Fisher, That the word " three " be substituted for the word " five "in the second line; also that the word " employers "be substituied for the word " persons " in the eighth line. Clauses 21 to 24 passed as printed. Clause 25. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Kelly and Simpson, That the word "union" be inserted before the word " association "in the first line. Mr. Fisher dissented. Clause 26 was passed as printed. Clause 27. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Simpson and Kelly, That the word " outside " be inserted, in the fifth line, after the word " one ; " also that the words " or unless he shall be requested by a majority of the Board to do so" be inserted after the word " resign," in the tenth line, the words " the chair," at the end of the section, being struck out. Clause 28 passed as printed. Clause 29. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Kelly and Judge, That the word " only " be inserted after the word " shall " in the fifth line; and, in the same line, the words " second or " be struck out. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Johnson and Slater, That the words "an equal number on both sides (there being not less than five members present, including the Chairman) " be substituted for the words " not less than one-half in number " in the first line. Clause 30 passed as printed. Clause 31, subsection (3). Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Simpson and Kelly, That the word " one " be substituted for the word " three"" in line one ; also, that the word " annually " be substituted for the word " trienially" in line two, subsection (3). Besolved, on the motion of



Messrs. Simpson and Kelly, That the word "one" be substituted for the word "three" in the sixth line, subsection (4). Clause 32. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Johnson and Slater, That the words " an equal number of both sides (there being not less than five members present, including the Chairman) " be substituted for the words " not less than one-half in number " in the first line. Clause 33, subsection (4). Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Simpson and Kelly, That the following be added: "That the Chairman of the Board shall resign his position upon receiving a requisition to that effect from a majority of the Board." Clauses 34 to 40 were passed as printed. Clause 41. Proposed by Messrs. Slater and Judge, That for each Island there shall be established an Arbitration Court. Proposition lost. The clause was then passed as printed. Clause 42. Proposed by Messrs. Judge and Slater, That this clause be altered so as to provide for the appointment of the President by the Assessors. Proposition lost. The clause was then passed as printed. Clause 43. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Slater and Bust, That the word " one " be substituted for the word " three " in the first line. Clause 44 passed as printed. Clause 45. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Johnson and Bust, That the words " not exceeding six weeks " be substituted for the words " or without stating any period " in line ten, page 11. Clauses 46 to 50 passed as printed. Clause 51. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Kelly and Simpson, That the words " such agent not to be a solicitor" be substituted for the words " or, with the consent of all the parties, by counsel or solicitor " in the second line. Clauses 52 to 57 passed as printed. Clause 58. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Kelly and Judge, That all the words after the word "Act," in the third line, down to "Court," in the eleventh line, be struck out. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Slater and Kelly, That the word " amalgamated " be substituted for the word " said " in the twelfth line ; also, that, in the same line, after the word " society," the words. " of railway servants " be inserted. Clauses 59 and 60 passed as printed. Clause 61. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Judge and Slater, That the following new section be added: "In the event of a strike or lock-out taking place, where there is no industrial agreement, the parties in dispute shall be left to settle the matter either by Trades, Conciliation, or Arbitration Boards, or other lawful means, without interference, for twenty-one days, at the expiry of which time, on either party making application, the Minister shall step in and demand the matter to be brought before the District Board for settlement." Clause 62. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Kelly and Judge, That the word " three " be substituted for the word " five " in the third line. Clauses 63 to 67 passed as printed. Clause 68. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Kelly and Judge, That the words "half" a,nd " April and," in the first line, be struck out. Clause 69. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Kelly and Bust, That the word "half," in the first line, be struck out. Clauses 70 and 71 were passed as printed. Clause 72. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Kelly and Slater, That the words " secretary of a union or association " be substituted for the word " person " in the first line. Clauses 73 and 74 were passed as printed. Clause 75. Besolved, on the motion, of Messrs. Simpson and Bust, That the words "in Council " be inserted after the word " Governor " in the first line. Clause 76 passed as printed. Clause 77. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Kelly and Judge, That all the words after the word " Magistrate," in the third line, be struck out. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Kelly and Johnson, That the Standing Orders be suspended to enable Mr. Kelly to refer to a clause already dealt with. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Kelly and Judge, That clause 40 be reconsidered. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Kelly and Judge, That the following words be added to clause 40: "That, in order to prevent annoyance and loss of time to members of Conciliation Boards, all applications to consider trade grievances shall be made through a recognised union or association." Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Cleworth and Bust, That the Industrial Conciliation Bill, with suggested amendments, be adopted. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Slater and Hadfiold, That the Minister be asked, through Mr. Kelly, to allow the minutes of the Conference to be printed at the Government Printing Office. The Conference adjourned till 9 a.m. next day.

Fifth Day, Tuesday, 23rd June, 1891. The Conference resumed its sittings at 9 a.m., Mr. Slater in the chair, all the delegates being present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The Secretary submitted, from the Government, further amended copies of the Industrial Conciliation Bill. The amendments very materially altered several clauses, and struck out one clause. A long discussion ensued ther§on, and eventually, Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Simpson and Fisher, That the final amendments of the Government meet with the approval of the Conference. Mr. Kelly reported that the Minister thought there would be no objection to printing the minutes at the Government Printing Office. 2—H. 48.



Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Judge and Bust, That the Minister be asked, through Mr. Kelly, which would be the best course to observe in reference to reporting the Conference's suggestions to the Government. Mr. Bust introduced the subject of the Slaughterhouses Bill, but was ruled out of order. Mr. Ahearn (of the Amalgamated Miners' Association, Cape Foulwind Branch) applied for a hearing. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Hadfield and Bust, That Standing Orders be suspended. Mr. Ahearn stated that about forty of the members of his union were unemployed, and had been so since the strike. The Harbour Board had systematically employed only non-union men. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Johnson and Hadfield, That, in reference to the grievance expressed by Mr. Ahearn, this Conference is strongly of opinion that equality should be observed in the matter of employing union and non-union men. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Johnson and Judge, that this Conference sympathizes with the Cape Foulwind miners, and recommend that their grievance be brought before the labour members in Parliament. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Johnson and Hadfield, That a copy of the report of this Conference be furnished the Cape Foulwind Branch of the Amalgamated Miners' Association. Proposed by Mr. Bust and seconded by Mr. Cleworth, pro forma, That the circumstances of the Cape Foulwind miners—namely, that forty of their number were kept out of employment whilst nonunionists were employed—be laid before the officer in charge of the Government Labour Bureau with a request that he should use his influence with the Harbour Board in that district to secure equal rights for union and non-unionists. Proposition lost. In reply to the Chairman, Mr. Ahearn expressed the opinion that the Cape Foulwind miners preferred a New Zealand federation to an Australasian federation. Mr. Bust again brought forward the Slaughterhouses Bill, and moved that it be now considered. Mr. Johnson seconded the proposition, which, upon being put, was lost. Proposed by Messrs. Judge and Hadfield, That the Slaughterhouses Bill be now read, but that consideration of it be deferred till the business of the Conference —namely, consideration of the Labour Bills—is finished. After a long discussion the voting was equal. The Chairman gave his casting-vote against the motion. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Simpson and Cleworth, That the individual members of this Conference pledge themselves to consider (if possible) at the close of the Conference—(l) A National Council scheme ; (2) the Slaughterhouses Bill; (3) flax- and timber-mills; (4) any other important business. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Cleworth and Judge, That the Eight Hours Bill be now •considered. Clause 1 passed as printed. Clause 2, subsection (1). Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Johnson and Slater, That the word "outdoor," in the third line, be struck out; also, the words "with their hands," in the seventh line, be struck out. Clause 3. Proposed by Messrs. Slater and Simpson, That the words "of not less than one month" be substituted for the words "or term" in the last line. Proposition lost. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Judge and Fisher, That the lines seven, eight, and nine be struck out. Clause 4. Proposed by Messrs. Slater and Simpson, That the words " and forty-eight hours a week's work" be struck out. Proposition lost. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Johnson and Judge, That the words " not more than " be inserted before the words " forty-eight " in the second line. Clause 5. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Bust and Johnson, That the words "that not more than eight hours shall be worked when other competent operatives are procurable" be added. Clause 6 passed as printed. Clause 7. Besolved, en the motion of Messrs. Slater and Fisher, That the word " fourteen " be substituted for the word. " twelve "in the first line. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Johnson and Bust, That all the words after the word " hire," in the second line, be struck out. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Simpson and Cleworth, That previous words be struck out where they clash with the Factories Bill. Clause 8. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Judge and Bust, That the word "five" be substituted for the word " two "in the second line; also, that the word " ten "be substituted for the word " five " in the third line. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Simpson and Cleworth, That the Eight Hours Bill, with suggested amendments, be now adopted. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Judge and Johnson, pro forma, That the names of movers of resolutions appear in the report of the minutes. The Conference adjourned till 9 a.m. the next day.

Sixth Day, Wednesday, 24th June, 1891. The Conference resumed its sittings at 9 a.m. this day, Mr. Slater occupying the chair, all the delegates being present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Proposed by Mr. Judge, and seconded by Mr. Bust, That the minutes of Monday, 22nd instant, referring to the proposed addition to clause, be specially recommended to the Government. The proposition was lost. The Building Lien Bill was then considered. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Simpson and Cleworth, That the word " January," in the last line of the Bill, be struck out and the word " October" substituted. The Bill was then adopted, with amendment suggested, on the motion of Messrs. Judge and Hadfield.



Resolved, on the motion of Messrs. Fisher and Judge, That the Ministry be asked to furnish Trades Councils with copies of the statutes for reference purposes. A discussion arose as to what reply should be sent to Mr. Tregear, officer in charge of the Government Labour Bureau, and it was proposed by Mr. Bust and seconded by Mr. Slater, That we pass a vote of congratulation and approval of the scheme, and promise our hearty support. As an amendment, Messrs. Cleworth and Simpson moved the following, That the members of this Conference, having every sympathy for the scheme for the purpose of getting employment for surplus labour in connection with the Labour Bureau, do herewith pledge themselves to do all in their power to assist the Government by getting all information possible on arrival at their several districts, and forward the same to the Government for the purposes of this work. The amendment was adopted. Resolved, on the motion of Messrs. Judge and Slater, That the Conference suggest to the Government that suggestions be made to the various Trades Councils in which way they desire information in re the unemployed. Resolved, unanimously, on the motion of Messrs. Cleworth and Hadfield, That this Conference thank the Government for the very valuable assistance rendered to the Conference. Resolved, unanimously, on the motion of Messrs. Judge and Bust, that a hearty vote of thanks be accorded the Chairman, Mr. E. Slater; the Secretary, Mr. ]). P. Fisher; and Mr. W. F. Johnson, for the very able services rendered by them to the Conference. The Conference then dissolved. Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, nil; printing (1,200 copies), £i 7s.

By Authority: Geobge Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB9l. Price 6(l]

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