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Messrs. Simpson and Kelly, That the word "one" be substituted for the word "three" in the sixth line, subsection (4). Clause 32. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Johnson and Slater, That the words " an equal number of both sides (there being not less than five members present, including the Chairman) " be substituted for the words " not less than one-half in number " in the first line. Clause 33, subsection (4). Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Simpson and Kelly, That the following be added: "That the Chairman of the Board shall resign his position upon receiving a requisition to that effect from a majority of the Board." Clauses 34 to 40 were passed as printed. Clause 41. Proposed by Messrs. Slater and Judge, That for each Island there shall be established an Arbitration Court. Proposition lost. The clause was then passed as printed. Clause 42. Proposed by Messrs. Judge and Slater, That this clause be altered so as to provide for the appointment of the President by the Assessors. Proposition lost. The clause was then passed as printed. Clause 43. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Slater and Bust, That the word " one " be substituted for the word " three " in the first line. Clause 44 passed as printed. Clause 45. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Johnson and Bust, That the words " not exceeding six weeks " be substituted for the words " or without stating any period " in line ten, page 11. Clauses 46 to 50 passed as printed. Clause 51. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Kelly and Simpson, That the words " such agent not to be a solicitor" be substituted for the words " or, with the consent of all the parties, by counsel or solicitor " in the second line. Clauses 52 to 57 passed as printed. Clause 58. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Kelly and Judge, That all the words after the word "Act," in the third line, down to "Court," in the eleventh line, be struck out. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Slater and Kelly, That the word " amalgamated " be substituted for the word " said " in the twelfth line ; also, that, in the same line, after the word " society," the words. " of railway servants " be inserted. Clauses 59 and 60 passed as printed. Clause 61. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Judge and Slater, That the following new section be added: "In the event of a strike or lock-out taking place, where there is no industrial agreement, the parties in dispute shall be left to settle the matter either by Trades, Conciliation, or Arbitration Boards, or other lawful means, without interference, for twenty-one days, at the expiry of which time, on either party making application, the Minister shall step in and demand the matter to be brought before the District Board for settlement." Clause 62. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Kelly and Judge, That the word " three " be substituted for the word " five " in the third line. Clauses 63 to 67 passed as printed. Clause 68. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Kelly and Judge, That the words "half" a,nd " April and," in the first line, be struck out. Clause 69. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Kelly and Bust, That the word "half," in the first line, be struck out. Clauses 70 and 71 were passed as printed. Clause 72. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Kelly and Slater, That the words " secretary of a union or association " be substituted for the word " person " in the first line. Clauses 73 and 74 were passed as printed. Clause 75. Besolved, on the motion, of Messrs. Simpson and Bust, That the words "in Council " be inserted after the word " Governor " in the first line. Clause 76 passed as printed. Clause 77. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Kelly and Judge, That all the words after the word " Magistrate," in the third line, be struck out. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Kelly and Johnson, That the Standing Orders be suspended to enable Mr. Kelly to refer to a clause already dealt with. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Kelly and Judge, That clause 40 be reconsidered. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Kelly and Judge, That the following words be added to clause 40: "That, in order to prevent annoyance and loss of time to members of Conciliation Boards, all applications to consider trade grievances shall be made through a recognised union or association." Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Cleworth and Bust, That the Industrial Conciliation Bill, with suggested amendments, be adopted. Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Slater and Hadfiold, That the Minister be asked, through Mr. Kelly, to allow the minutes of the Conference to be printed at the Government Printing Office. The Conference adjourned till 9 a.m. next day.

Fifth Day, Tuesday, 23rd June, 1891. The Conference resumed its sittings at 9 a.m., Mr. Slater in the chair, all the delegates being present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The Secretary submitted, from the Government, further amended copies of the Industrial Conciliation Bill. The amendments very materially altered several clauses, and struck out one clause. A long discussion ensued ther§on, and eventually, Besolved, on the motion of Messrs. Simpson and Fisher, That the final amendments of the Government meet with the approval of the Conference. Mr. Kelly reported that the Minister thought there would be no objection to printing the minutes at the Government Printing Office. 2—H. 48.