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Presented pursuant to Section 135 of " The Counties Act, 1876."

List of Counties in which the whole of the Counties Act is in Operation, and which have furnished copies of their Balance-sheets at 31st March, 1879. Mongonui, Hokianga, Bay of Islands, Whangarei, Hobson, Rodney, Waitemata, Thames, Waikato, Waipa, Taranaki, Patea, Tauranga, Whakatane, Cook, Wairoa, Wanganui, Rangitikei, Manawatu, Waipawa, Hutt, Wairarapa West, Wairarapa East, Kaikoura, Waimea, Coliingwood, Buller, Inangahua, Grey, Selwyn, Akaroa, Ashburton, Waimate, Westland, Waitaki, Waikouaiti, Maniototo, Vincent, Lake, Taieri, Bruce, Clutha, Tuapeka, Southland, Wallace. Balance-sheets have yet to be received from the Counties of Coromandel and Hawke's Bay.


Public Debt Account of Waitaki County Council at 31st March, 1879. Nil. Correct. H. Livingston, Auditor. I—B. 2.

Revenue. £ a. d. Balance from 31st March, 1878 ... ... 15,351 5 7 Licenses — £ s. d. Publicans ... ... 501 0 0 Bottle ... ... 72 10 0 Billiard ... ... 15 0 0 Slaughtering ... ... 20 10 0 Carriers ... ... 9 0 0 Expenditube. £ a. d. Roads and works ... ... ... 13,886 7 6 Valuation expenses ... ... ... 67 17 3 Inspector ... ... ... ... 262 10 0 Engineer ... ... ... ... 250 0 0 Advertising ... ... ... ... 43 15 3 Printing and stationery ... ... ... 25 10 9 Collection of dog-tax ... ... ... 34 9 0 Clerk and Treasurer ... ... ... 302 4 8 Rent of office ... ... ... ... 120 0 0 Rangers ... ... ... ... 62 10 0 Members'travelling expenses ... ... 84 0 O Election expenses ... ... ... 66 8 3 License Court expenses ... ... ... 12 9 8 Incidental ... ... ... ... 34 2 8 Stamps, telegrams, &c. ... ... ... 15 13 9 Acclimatization Society ... ... ... 50 0 0 Cemeteries ... ... ... ... 90 0 0 Public libraries... ... ... ... 130 0 0 Land estate ... ... ... ... 30 0 O Chairman ... ... ... ... 150 0 0 Legal expenses... ... ... ... 6 16 6 Poundage fees, transferred to Deposit Account ... ... ... ... 3 12 10 Charitable institutions ... ... ... 20 0 0 Office furniture ... ... ... 17 0 Balance in Bank at 31st March, 1879 ... 7,939 16 11 £23,689 12 0 618 0 0 Receipts from Government — Gold Revenue ... ... 35 5 6 Gold Duty ... ... 43 13 3 Land Revenue ... ... 3,979 18 1 Subsidy ... ... 2,018 13 10 6,077 10 8 Rates, 1877-78 0 9 11 „ 1878-79 ... ... 650 2 9 650 12 8 Deposits forfeited ... ... ... 770 Dog-tax ... ... ... 304 0 0 Poundage fees in deposit ... ... 3 12 10 Rent of reserve ... ... ... 2 0 0 Bank interest ... ... ... 675 3 3 £23,689 12 0 I have examined the above abstract and compai with the Bank pass-book, and, with the exceptions „ Jas. Martin, County Treasurer. red it with the Treasurer's beoks and vouchers, and specified in my report to the Chairman, I certify it H. Livingston, Auditor.



Public Reserves and other Real Estate of Waitaki County Council at 31st March, 1879. Freehold i Section 6, Block XII., Maheno. Correct. H. Livingston, Auditor.


Sir,— Dunedin, 30th April, 1879. I have the honor to forward to you the accounts for tho year ending 31st March, 1879, laid before me for audit. I have to report that your Treasurer's books have been correctly kept, and all the transactions are in accordance with law, except the subsidies given to cemeteries and to the Acclimatization Society. I cannot find authority in the Acts by which the Counties' powers and functions are defined for such expenditure, and I have therefore been forced to exclude these two items from the certificate. I have, &c., H. Livingston, Auditor. The Chairman, Waitaki County Council, Oamaru.

ABSTRACT of RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS of the HUTT COUNTY COUNCIL for the Year ended the 31st March, 1879.

Westland County Fund.—Report of County Auditor. Sir — Hokitika, 12th May, 1879. I have the honor to forward herewith the following accounts of the County Treasurer, duly audited and certified to by me, viz.: — 1. The balance-sheet of the general account of the County Fund for the half-year ended 31st March, 1879.

Assets. £ s. d. Balance at credit in Colonial Bank ... 7,939 16 11 tates outstanding, two years ... ... 24 5 0 Government subsidy, half-year ... ... 2,018 13 10 lampden Road Board ... ... ... 84 6 0 Waitaki Road Board ... ... ... 12 5 0 )ffic» furniture ... ... ••• 1LS 15 0 Jooks, stationery, 4c. ... ... ... 30 0 0 jand Revenue (not known) fools and rent ... ... ... ... 66 13 4 Liabilities. £ b. d. Amount due on contracts ... ... 1,286 0 2 Amount due on Waitaki Bridge contract ... 3,000 0 0 Unpresented accounts ... ... ... 188 8 8 Government, for School Commissioners of Otago ... ... ... ... 625 7 4 £10,294 15 1 £5,099 16 2 In the assets I certify the items balance in Bi .nd in the liabilities, the items contracts and Waita' iccepted tenders produced. tnk, rates uncollected, and subsidy to be correct; ii Bridge are correct by the Treasurer's books and H. Livingston, Auditor.

Receipts. £ s. d. Balance in hand 1st April, 1878 ... ... 1,275 19 1 Subsidies from Government, viz., — £ s. d. Road Board grants ... 934 16 10 Special grant, Mungaroa to Waikanae Road ... 2,500 0 0 Speoial grant, duration West Coast Road ... 150 0 0 10 per cent, of Land Revenue 252 17 6 Expenditure. £ s. d. New roads— Survey and construction, Mungaroa to Waikanae Road, out of Government grant 2,325 12 6 Existing roads— Repairs and improvements ... ... 3,764 18 0 Other works, viz.,— Purchase of tools, materials, £ s. d. and implements ... 84 7 5 Hutt River protective works 366 8 2 Erection of weighbridge ... 36 7 9 3,837 14 4 Miscellaneous receipts, viz.,— Collector of Customs, license and transfer fees ... 616 0 0 Tolls, Kaiwara and Hutt Bridge tollgates ... 3,343 5 7 Wellington District Highway Board ... ... 41 13 4 Refunds ... ... 8 17 0 G. Jones, purchase of roadsman's whare ... 3 0 0 — 487 3 4 Expenses— Collection of tolls ... 100 14 10 Salaries and forage ... 675 0 0 Printing, advertising, and stationery ... ... 65 1 3 Miscellaneous ... ... 54 15 6 Allowance to Councillors ... 124 10 0 Charitable aid ... ... 55 0 0 Legal expenses ... ... 2 13 6 Waikanae ferry ... ... 17 0 0 Election expenses ... 57 16 5 Karori-Makara Highway Board ... ... 200 0 0 4,012 15 11 £9,126 9 4 1,352 11 6 Cr. balance at Bank ... ... 1196 4 0 £9,126 9 4 Office of Hutt County Council, 17th April, 18' Examined and passed.—R. Macalister, Provit Thos. Mason, Chairman. r9. Wm. Jones, Treasurer. icial District Auditor.—7th April, 1879.



2. The yearly balance-sheet and statement of the assets and liabilities of the County on the same date. In auditing these accounts several matters came under my notice which required correction and explanation, but as such matters come more properly within the duties of the Finance Committee to control in future, I beg to make a few suggestions for their consideration. 1. With regard to the revenue, the vouchers for all moneys received should always agree with the amounts paid into the Bank, and should show from whom and by whom it was received. Full particulars should also be given as to the nature of the revenue received, and the date of payment into the Bank. With regard to the expenditure, I would remark : — 1. That in all cases the authorities for persons, other than the claimants, to receive moneys should be attached to the vouchers. I found it was the practice of the Treasurer to file them separately. 2. That all payments, with the exception of petty-cash payments, should be made by cheque. 3. That in all cases where persons cannot write, the witness to the mark of the said persons should always be some one other than the person paying the money. 4. That the Chairman of the Finance Committee should check the cash-book weekly with the Bank book, and see that they agree, and also that the receipts and expenditure are properly vouched for. 5. With regard to the payment of labourers engaged on public works, 1 find it has been the practice to draw cheques for the total amounts of the vouchers, and to pay the men in cash. No doubt there is a difficulty in paying men who are more or less scattered throughout the county, but there is one instance I should like to quote in order to prove that such a system is open to faults. In going through the vouchers I observed that the signature of a man named Taylor was wanting on Voucher No. 12, for day labour on the Greenstone Road in October, 1878 —amount, £3 10s. On inquiry I found that the cheque for the wages had been drawn for the total amount on the voucher, viz., £56 155., and cashed, and the amount taken by the overseer to pay the men. The receipts of all the other workmen were on the voucher except that of Taylor, and the question arose whether he had been paid or not. It turns out that Taylor has left this district, and cannot be found. The County Treasurer explains the matter by stating that he paid Taylor himself, but as the voucher was not in the office at the time, he could not get it receipted. As no further claim has been made for the money, I think it may be fairly assumed that the explanation given by the Treasurer is correct. But had the amount been paid by cheque, instead of cash, the matter could have been more easily traced. I also beg to state that all the books have been audited up to the end of the month of April, and found correct. I have, &c., The Chairman, County Council of Westland. Edward Patten, County Auditor.

BALANCE-SHEET for the Year ended 31st March, 1879.

I hereby certify that I have examined the above account, compared the same with the vouchers, cash book, Bank pass-book, and other documents connected therewith, and find it correct; also that the revenue and expenditure have been properly classified. 9th May, 1879. Edward Patten, County Auditor. Settled and adopted at special meeting held this 14th day of May, 1879. McLean Watt Jack, Chairman of Special Meeting. H. R. Rae, County Treasurer.

Revenue. £ s. d. Credit balance, Union Bank, 1st April, 1879 918 10 9 rolls ... ... ... ... 1,697 7 6 Publicans'licenses ... ... ... 1,219 5 0 Slaughtering licenses ... ... ... 0 17 6 Dog registration ... ... ... 85 0 0 General rates, Kanieri ... ... ... 127 0 0 Okarito ... ... ... 22 16 6 „ Totara ... ... ... 27 16 0 Government subsidy on rates collected ... 871 3 8 !0 per cent., Westland Land Fund ... 161 5 4 Advance on account of land revenue ... 1,000 0 0 -tents of gold-mining leases ... ... 238 17 0 xold fields revenue (ten months) ... 2,087 4 8 3-old duty (ten months) ... ... 5,294 5 3 i-dvance on account of gold duty... ... 1,000 0 0 Advance from vote for repair of damage by floods ... ... ... ... 2,700 0 0 interest, Union Bank, to 31st March, 1879... 31 5 11 Debit balance, 31st March, 1879, as per Cash Book, viz.:— Bank overdraft ... ... ... 1,190 11 0 Cheques unpresented ... ... ... 357 12 6 Expenditure. £ s. d. Greenstone Road (from Hokitika Borough boundary to Kumara) ... ... 5,394 19 9 Christchurch andLoop-Line Road ... 848 7 8 Kumara to Dillman's Town Road ... ... 1,337 13 1 Ross and Hokitika Road from H.O. line to Ross ... ... ... ... 686 3 7 Bowen-Okarito Road ... ... ... 378 7 0 Kanieri, district roads and tracks ... ... 1,514 8 1 Arahura, district roads and tracks ... 304 1 10 Okarito, district roads and tracks ... ... 641 0 2 Totara, district roads and tracks ... ... 579 0 3 Construction and maintenance of new tracks 954 3 0 Repairs, damage by floods ... ... 1,401 7 6 Protective works at Bladier's farm, Arahura 774 6 0 New surveys, and engineering charges ... 485 3 O Subsidies— Ferries ... ... ... ... 767 10 0 Hospitals ... ... ... ... 116 13 4 Benevolent Society ... ... ... 67 10 0 Acclimatization of salmon ... ... 108 18 0 Salaries ... ... ... ... 885 0 0 Law ... ... ... ... 82 7 0 Election expenses ... ... ... 385 8 2 Travelling expenses, including deputations to Wellington ... ... ... 514 18 0 Printing, advertising, and stationery ... 307 14 11 Valuation ... ... ... ... 40 10 0 Other charges ... ... ... ... 395 13 8 Bank interest on overdraft to 31st Dec, 1878 59 14 7 £19,030 18 7 £19,030 18 7



STATEMENT of ASSETS and LIABILITIES on 31st March, 1879.

DETAIL STATEMENT of EXPENDITURE for the Year ended 31st March, 1879.

Assets. £ s. d. lates uncollected, 1878-79, Kanieri ... 176 17 6 tales uncollected, 1878-79, Arahura ... 361 17 0 lates uncollected, 1878-79, Okarito ... 96 17 6 lates uncollected, 1878-79, Totara ... 25 4 0 1-overnment subsidy on rates ... ... 383 5 5 )ox-tax uncollected ... ... ... 175 0 0 'oils for March, 1879, paid into Bank in April, 1879 ... ... ... 103 2 6 )ue by Native Commissioner towards construction of protective works, Arahura... 325 0 0 )ue by Borough of Ross, under award of Dr. Giles 1,276 15 0 Liabilities. £ s. d. Debit balance, Union Bank, 31st March, 1879 1,190 11 0 Unpresented cheques, 31st March, 1879 ... 357 12 6 Advances from General Government, on account of revenue to accrue ... ... 4,700 0 0 Current Contracts—• Thompson, protective works, Arahura ... 150 0 0 Morris and Donoghue, Christchurch Road track ... ... ... ... 650 0 O Dee, bridge, Loop-Line Road ... ... 173 8 0 Reynolds, pile-driving, Arahura Bridge ... 161 10 0 Cook's and Waiho Rivers Bluff, tracks and ferry contracts ... ... ... 145 0 0 Rangitoto track, maintenance contract ... 95 10 0 Wanganui Bluff, maintenance contract ... 21 0 0 March accounts, unpaid 31st March ... 1,424 0 0 £2,923 18 11 Balance liabilities over assets ... ... 6,144 12 7 £9,068_11_ 6 Reserves on 31st March, 1879 Public Debt on 31st March, 18' Settled and adopted at special meeting held th: £9,068 IX 6 None. 79 ... ... None. Mc] H. is 14th day of May, 1879. Lean W. Jack, Chairman of Special Meeting. R. Rae, County Treasurer.

Greenstone Road. Half-year Nature of Work. ended 30 Sept., 1878. £ s. d. Widening—Hokitika to Arahura, Kellock ... ... 495 15 0 „ Stafford to Goldsborough, Butler and O'Donnell ... 512 0 0 „ Sandy's Hill, Jamieson and Co. ... ... 393 5 0 Bridges—Lengthening, Arahura, McDavitt ... ... 512 11 8 „ Construction, Little Kapitea, Strein and Co. ... 121 12 0 Maintenance contract, Whelan ... ... ... 98 6 4 Metal supply, Maher ... ... ... ... 581 7 8 Overseering new works, Beck and Kerr ... ... ... 255 12 0 Wages for labour, and cartage ... ... ... 809 18 3 Timber —Malfroy and Co., and Cornfoot and Co. ... ... 45 10 9 Smith-work Tools, implements, and sundries ... ... ... 15156 Half-year ended 31 March, 1879. £ s. d. 799 6 6 667 15 6 52 0 0 16 9 8 18 13 11 Total. £ s. d. 495 15 0 1,311 6 6 393 5 O 512 11 8 121 12 0 98 6 4 581 7 8 255 12 0 1,477 13 9 97 10 9 16 9 8 34 9 5 Total ... ... ... ... 3,840 14 2 1,554 5 7 5,394 19 9 Christchurch and Loop-Line Road. Maintenance contract, Goodfellow ... ... ... 128 12 9 Metal supply, Maher ... ... ... ... 329 7 5 Timber, Cornfoot and Co. ... ... ... ... 14 7 0 Wages for labour, and cartago ... ... ... 12496 Protective works ... ... ... ... 70 0 0 Removing toll to Otira 145 11 0 36 0 0 128 12 9 329 7 5 14 7 0 270 0 6 70 0 0 36 0 0 Total ... ... ... ... 666 16 8 181 11 0 848 7 8 Kumara to Dillman's Town Road. Construction contract, Stewart ... ... ... 911 5 7 Compensation for removals ... ... ... ... 20 0 0 Construction contract to Larrikin's, Miller ... ... 133 0 0 Overseeing ... ... ... ... ... 34 12 0 Wages for labour, cartage, and smith-work ... ... 144 11 0 50 0 0 14 4 6 941 5 7 70 0 0 133 0 0 34 12 0 158 15 6 Total ... ... ... ... 1,273 8 7 64 4 6 1,337 13 1 Ross and Hokitika Road. Metal supply, Reedy ... ... ... ... 350 7 9 Wages for labour, and cartago ... ... ... 223 11 4 112* 4 6 350 7 9 335 15 10 Total ... ... ... ... 573 19 1 112 4 6 686 3 7 Bowen-Okarito Road. Widening"(Borkin's contract) ... ... ... 297 4 6 Wages for labour, and repairs ... ... ... 63 13 6 17 9 0 297 4 6 81 2 6 Total ... ... ... ... 360 18 0 17 9 0 378 7 0 Kanieri District Roads. Metal, wages, and cartage ... ... ... ... 944 8 11 569 19 2 1,514 8 1 Arahura District Roads. Wages, repairs, and cartage ... ... ... ... 18 12 0 285 9 10 304 1 10 Totara District Roads. Wages and repairs ... ... ... ... 40 0 0 539 0 3 579 0 3 Okarito District Roads. Wages and repairs ... ... ... ... 170 13 0 470 7 2 641 0 2



Detail Statement of Expenditure, &c.— continued. Repair of Damage by Floods. Half-year Half-year Nature of Work. ended ended 30 Sept., 1878. 31 March, 1879. £ s. d. £ s. d. Timber, Reynolds ... ... ... ... ... 240 18 9 Engineering charges, Campbell ... ... ... ... 69 17 3 Smith-work, Low and Renton ... ... ... ... 37 3 4 Purchase of boat for ferry ... ... ... ... ... 1200 Opening road through Ellis's paddock ... ... ... ... 10 0 0 Tools, implements, and gear, Johnson and Co. ... ... ... 40 10 8 Wages and cartage ... ... ... ... ••• 9/2 4 0 Repairs, Hungerford's Bridge ... ... ... ... 18 13 6 Total. £ s. d. 240 18 9 69 17 3 37 3 4 12 0 0 10 0 0 40 10 8 972 4 0 18 13 6 Total ... ... ... ... ... 1,401 7 6 1,401 7 6 Protective Works, Bladier's Farm. Contract payments, Thompson ... ... ... ... ... 774 6 0 774 6 0 Construction and Maintenance of New Tracks. German Gully to Maori Gully ... ... ... 258 0 0 Maori Gullv to Lamplough ... ... ... ... 117 5 0 9 10 0 Little and Big Wanganui ... ... ... ... 21 0 0 24 10 0 Rangitoto ... ... ... ■•■ ••• 32 0 0 Taipo Reefs ... ... ... - ••• •■• 71 0 0 Farmer's Creek ... ... ••■ ••• ••■ ••• 30 0 0 Cook's Bluff ... ... ... ■•• ••• ••• 9 10 0 Dillman's Town to Christchurch Road ... ... ... ... 309 0 0 Lake Mapourika ... ... ... ••• ••• ••• 50 0 0 Teremakau ... ... ••• ••• ••• ••• 6 0 0 Boucher's ... ... ••• ••• ■•• 16 8 0 258 0 0 126 15 0 45 10 0 32 0 0 71 0 0 30 0 0 9 10 0 309 0 0 50 0 0 6 0 0 16 8 0 Total ... ... ... - 444 13 0 509 10 0 954 3 0 New Surveys and Engineering. Clarke, salary ... ... ... ... ... 187 10 0 12117 6 Travelling expenses (Clarke) ... ... ... ... 76 2 0 83 0 0 Campbell, services ... ... ••• ••• 2 2 0 Federli, „ ... 9 4 6 2 5 0 Tent ... ... .- ... ~. 3 2 0 309 7 6 159 2 0 2 2 0 11 9 6 3 2 0 Total ... ... ... ... 278 0 6 207 2 6 485 3 O Subsidies. Ferries ... ... ... ••• ■•• 3?9 ° ° 388 10 ° Hospitals "... ... ... .» ... ■•• o 1J6 \l f Benevolent Society ... ... ■•■ ••• 50 16 8 16 13 4 767 10 0 116 13 4 67 10 0 Total ... ... ... ... 429 16 8 521 16 8 951 13 4 Salaries. Chairman, Clerk, and Toll Collectors ... ... ... 467 10 0 417 10 0 885 0 0 Law Charges. Button and Purkiss ... ... ... - 50 0 0 32 7 0 82 7 0 Printing, Advertising, and Stationery. Printing ... ... ... .... .- 66 16 6 50 18 6 Advertising (including Licensing Courts and election advertisements) ... ... ... ... ••• 96 2 3 73 13 6 Stationery ... ... 12 8 0 7 16 2 117 15 0 169 15 9 20 4 2 Total ... ... ... ... 175 6 9 132 8 2 307 14 11 Election Expenses. Expenses of elections for Okarito and Arahura ... ... 173 11 0 Expenses of general election, November, 1878 ... ... ... 211 17 2 173 11 0 211 17 2 Total ... ... ... ... 173 11 0 211 17 2 385 8 2 Travelling Expenses of Membebs. Mileage and hotel expenses ... ... ... ... 175 11 0 239 7 0 Deputations to Wellington ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 100 0 0 414 18 0 150 0 0 Total ... ... ... ... 225 11 0 339 7 0 561 18 0 Acclimatization. Salmon ova, &c. ... ... ... ••• ••• 1°8 18 0 108 18 0 Valuation. Remuneration of Assessors ... ... ... ... ... 40 10 0 40 10 O 2—B. 2.



Notes on the above Detail. The items under the heading " Greenstone Road" comprise the cost of all the new works on the road from the Hokitik;i town boundary to Kumara, and the maintenance of the same road from the Arahuraßridge (Thompson's) to Kumara. The heading "Bom and Hokitika Road" comprises the cost of the maintenance of the road from tho 11.0. Line, at the Kanieri District boundary, to Ross. The remaining portion of the road to Kanieri is inchided under the heading " Kanieri District Roads," under which heading is also included the maintenance cost of the Arahura Road and all other roads and tracks in charge of the Road Inspector of the Kanieri District. The heading " Arahura District Roads" comprises all the by-roads and old Road Board tracks in charge of the Road Inspector for the Arahura District. Under the heading " Totara District Roads" are included the liabilities of the late Totara Road Board, paid by the County Council after merging of the Board.

StTMMAEY. £ s. d. Public Works ... ... ... ... ... ... 15 299 0 11 Subsidies ... ... ... ... ... ... '951 13 4 Acclimatization ... ... ... ... ... ... 108 18 0 Administrative and all other charges ... ... ... ... 2,671 6 4 Total expenditure ... ... ... £19,030 18 7 County Council Chambers, 9th May, 1879. H. R. Rae, County Treasurer.

ABSTRACT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the WAIKOUAITI COUNTY COUNCIL for the Year ended 31st March, 1879.

J. Smith, Treasurer. I have examined the above statement and compared it with the Treasurer's books aud records and with the Bank pass-book, and I certify it to be correct.—H. Livingston, Auditor. Passed by tho Waikouaiti County Council this 13th day of May, 1879. J. Green, Chairman.

Detail Statement of Expenditure— continued. All Other Charges. Half-year Half-year Nature of Work. ended ended 30 Sept., 1878. 31 March, 1879. £ s. d. £ s. d. Gas ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 16 6 2 7 6 Toll-house repairs and requisites ... ... ... 23 4 6 12 9 0 Cleaning office ... ... ... ... ... 7 3 0 9 10 0 Borough, Hokitika and Ross (Sir George Grey's visit) ... 37 10 0 Licensing Courts expenses ... ... ... ... 17 10 0 31 2 0 Labour, &c, in connection with salmon importation ... ... 1 17 0 Electoral rolls, preparation of ... ... ... 14 15 O 3 3 0 Telegrams, postage, carriage, and petty cash ... ... 10 3 2 23 17 3 Horse and buggy hire ... ... ... ... 12 4 0 32 7 6 Percentage to collectors on taxes collected ... ... ... 31 18 9 Dog collars, auditing accounts, wood and coal for office and tollgates, and sundry small miscellaneous charges ... ... 30 0 0 39 15 6 Total. £ b. d. 7 4 0 35 13 6 16 13 0 37 10 0 48 12 0 1 17 0 17 18 0 34 0 5 44 11 6 31 18 9 69 15 6 Total ... ... ... ... 129 3 2 216 10 6 395 13 8 Bank interest ... ... ... ... ... ... 59 14 7 59 14 7

General Revenue. £ s. d. Balance on 31st March, 1878 ... ... 1,082 12 1 Licenses— Publicans' ... ... ... ... 370 0 0 Bottle ... ... ... ... 60 0 0 Transfer fees ... ... ... 8 0 0 Temporary ... ... ... ... 8 15 0 Slaughterhouse ... ... ... 51 0 0 Weights and Measures ... ... 0 0 4 Mis ... ... ... ... ... 1,011 18 9 roll buildings, gates, &c. ... ... 57 3 0 Jold Revenue ... ... ... ... 93 12 6 Jold Duty ... ... ... ... 206 16 0 Jand Fund ... ... ... ... 3,825 17 2 Dog-tax ... ... ... ... 325 10 0 government subsidy ... ... ... 1,927 0 9 Slaughterhouse Inspector's fees ... ... 16 0 jioveriiment grant, Harbour Road ... 200 0 0 Deposits on contracts ... .. ... 345 9 10 Special vote of General Assembly for road, Palmerston to Houndburn ... ... 1,500 0 0 [nterest to 31st March, 1879 ... 50 14 4 Account. Expenditure. Tolls collection, &c. Clerk and Treasurer Chairman Members' travelling expenses Messenger Inspector Printing and stationery ... Advertising Election expenses ... .., Valuation Charitable Institutions ... Office rent Subsidy to Road Boards... Collection of Dog-tax Public libraries... Plant Law expenses ... Refund of Land Revenue Roads and Works— Junction to boundary of Maniototo Palmerston to boundary of Waitaki Shag Valley to Hyde Junction to Town Belt, Port Chalmers ... Waikouaiti, Station Road Waikouaiti, Harbour Road Palmerston to Houndburn Contractors' deposits refunded Toll le .sees' ditto Incidental expenses Balance in Bank on 31st March, 1879 £ s. d. 87 4 0 275 0 0 187 10 0 146 16 0 43 1 3 270 16 8 45 2 10 58 0 2 17 10 0 34 2 4 409 6 9 37 10 0 180 0 0 31 7 0 120 0 0 20 4 6 26 15 2 382 11 3 3,333 15 7 123 13 2 705 10 9 111 7 0 33 5 2 347 1 6 1,500 0 0 390 5 4 150 1 3 24 10 8 2,034 7 5 £11,125 15 9 £11,125 15 9



BALANCE-SHEET of BRUCE COUNTY COUNCIL for Year ending 31st March, 1879.

ABSTRACT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the COUNTY of BAY of ISLANDS, for the Year ending 31st March, 1879.

Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Balance April 1st, 1878 ... ... ... 862 2 8 Works ... ... ... ... 1,073 5 1 Subsidies ... ... ... ... 1,995 4 7 Surfacing ... ... ... ... 198 5 6 GoldJDuty ... ... ... ... 185 12 8 Grants to Road Boards ... ... ... 782 0 0 Goldfields Revenue ... ... ... 79 14 6 Tools ... ... ... ... 6 17 3 Land Revenue ... ... ... ... 1,997 15 2 Collection of tolls ... ... ... 16 10 0 Grant from Government, Kaitangata Road... 200 0 0 Collection of dog-tax ... ... ... 27 12 3 Licenses— Rent of office ... ... ... ... 20 0 0 Publicans' ... ... ... ... 145 0 0 Advertising, printing, &c. ... 102 12 8 Bottle ... ... ... ... 30 0 0 Charitable institutions and hospitals ... 572 15 11 Billiard ... ... ... ... 25 0 0 Refund, Clutha County Council ... ... 1112 0 Bush ... ... ... ... 5 0 0 Refund, Colonial Treasurer ... ... 257 0 1 Slaughterhouse ... ... ... 45 0 0 Election expenses ... ... ... 40 14 O Dog-tax ... ... ... ... 268 15 0 Valuation ... ... ... ... 5 0 0 Tolls ... ... ... ... 21 16 11 Salaries, Cliairman ... ... ... 137 10 0 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 36 7 0 „ Clerk and Inspector ... ... 201 15 O Treasurer's advance repaid ... ... 0 19 10 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 39 9 3 Interest on Bank account ... ... 97 14 9 Office furniture ... ... ... 3 0 0 Deposits ... ... ... ... 46 5 0 Deposits ... ... ... ... 82 6 9 Balance, cash ... ... ... ... 2,420 17 4 „ deposits ... ... ... 43 5 0 £6,042 8 1 £6,042 8 1 I have examined the above account, and compared it with tho Treasurer's books and vouchers, and with tho Bank pass-book, and certify it to be correct. —II. Livingston, Auditor. Alex. Nelson, Treasurer. Gth May, 1879. Henry Clark. Chairman.

Receipts. Balance in Bank, 1st April, 1878 ... Special Parliamentary grant [nterest on „ ,, jtovernment cheques, special, viz., — For road, Black Bridge to Kawakawa „ Kawakawa to Derrick... „ Ohaeawai to Kaikohe... Paymaster-General, fees j» >. .. !0 per cent, of Land Fund Collector of Customs, licenses bounty rates collected in— Waimate Riding Russell Riding Kawakawa Riding lalf-year's subsidy lubsidy for Russell Road Board ... Dog-tax, 1878— Waimate Riding Russell Riding Kawakawa Riding .„ (1879) ree, slaughter license Jalance of Russell Road Board Account £ s. d. 569 0 1 2,222 4 5 41 17 6 887 8 0 300 0 0 250 0 0 10 10 0 2 0 0 79 4 0 272 5 0 145 4 9 41 14 7 57 12 6 98 11 8 16 5 9 11 0 0 11 0 0 22 16 0 7 8 0 10 0 42 5 1 Expenditure. £ s. d. Waimate Riding— Road, Falls to Okaihau, S. Dixon ... . 144 1 6 Great -North Road — Extras, Bedggood ... ... ... 71 14 0 Inspecting, Jos. M. Williams.., ... 7 10 0 „ S. Weetman ... ... 13 4 8 Compensation for fences, J. W. W. ... 38 18 2 Bridgenoar Waimate, Alexander and Dixon 51 10 0 Waimate Road, Bedggood ... ... 100 0 0 Metalling Puketona, Alexander and Dixon 67 10 0 Road from Great North Road to VVhangai, Herepo ... ... ... ... 20 0 0 Road from Falls to Ti Beach, clearing scrub 5 19 0 Road from Falls to Ti Beach, copy of plan, Palmer ... ... ... ... 1 11 6 Road from Falls to Black Bridge, metalling 50 0 0 Russell Riding—■ Russell Road Board Account ... ... 20 18 0 Russell Wharf, Prior ... ... ... 416 2 0 ,, „ passage of Engineer ... 2 8 0 Kawakawa Riding— Boad to Whangai, hill cutting, Binden ... 20 12 0 Oropa Bridge, repairs, Bedggood, and Goldie 49 4 0 Road, 11 igginson's to Great North Koad,Spratt 20 0 0 Great. North Road, extras, Bedggood ... 11 0 0 Waiomio Bridge ... ... ... 251 17 2 „ „ plans, Neumann ... 8 8 0 ,, ,, compensation toCo-operative 25 0 0 „ ,, inspecting, Farrar ... 5 0 0 Oropa Bridge, metalling, Binden ... 22 10 0 Derrick Road, clearing ti tree ... ... 15 18 6 Oropa Road to Swift's ... ... 10 12 7 Atkin, for valuation books and printing ... 10 10 6 Herald, advertising account ... ... 17 8 0 Star „ „ ... ... 1 17 6 Northern Advocate „ ... ... 9 12 6 Stationery, cheque book, and stamps ... 14 17 5 Dog collars for 1878 and 1879 ... ... 21 3 4 Clerk's salary ... ... ... ... 24 9 6 Expenses of Clerk attending Assessment Court 10 0 Cliairman, Clerk, and Treasurer ... ... 112 10 0 Expenses of Chairman attending Conference 4 15 0 Expenses of members of Council ... ... 12 16 0 County Auditor's expenses ... ... 2 8 0 Office rent, 12 months ... ... ... 15 0 0 Office fittings, Prior ... ... ... 10 0 Expenses of election, Greenway ... ... 11 10 10 Valuators'fees... ... ... ... 20 0 0 Freight, interest, and exchange ... ... 0 17 0 Collecting rates ... ... ... 9 14 6 Government contract, road from Black Bridge to Kawakawa ... ... ... 1,295 14 9 Fixed deposit ... ... ... ... 1,01)0 0 0 Balance in Bank at Russell ... ... 1,051 3 5 £5,089 7 4 £5,089 7 4 H. Williams, Treasurer and Chairman.



I hereby certify that I have examined this statement and the vouchers thereto, being the amount of receipts and expenditure of the Bay of Islands County Council for the year ended the 31st March, 1879, and that I find the same to be correct. 21st April, 1879. L. A. Durrieu, Auditor.

Statement of the Reserves and other Real Estate belonging to the County of Bay of Islands, as required by Section 132, Sub-section 3, of " The Counties Act, 1876." Assets, Nil. Liabilities, Nil. H. Williams, Treasurer and Chairman.

STATEMENT of the ASSETS LIABILITIES of the COUNTY of BAY of ISLANDS, on the 31st day of March, 1879.

ABSTRACT of RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS of the WAIMEA COUNTY FUND Account, from the 15th January to the 31st March, 1879.

STATEMENT of ACCOUNTS of the WANGANUI COUNTY COUNCIL for the Six Months ending 31st March, 1879.

Assets. Salanee in Bank of New Zealand at Russell 'ixed deposit receipt, due 8th July, 1879... £ s. d. 1,051 3 5 1,000 0 0 Liabilities. £ s. d. Hete te Haara and Kohumaru, contract for road, Ohaeawai to Kaikohe ... ... 250 0 0 Balance due on contract for extension of Russell Wharf ... ... ... 181 6 0 Engineer's commission on ditto ... ... 29 17 0 Preston, for culverts on Derrick Road ... 69 0 0 Alexander and Dixon, for metalling road from Falls to Black Bridge ... ... 65 10 0 Alexander and Dixon, repairs of road from Black Bridge to Ohaeawai ... ... 210 0 0 Bedggood, for bridge near Kerikeri ... 49 0 0 Thompson, for culverts in Whangai Settlement ... ... ... ... 11 18 6 Bedggood, balance due on road through Waimate... ... ... ... 99 10 0 Balance ... ... ... ... 1,085 1 11 lalance £2,051 3 5 £1,085 1 11 £2,051 3 5 L. A. Durhieu, Auditor. 5th May, 1879. H. "Williams, Treasurer and Chairman.

Receipts. £ s. d. Slaughterhouse license fees ... ... 13 10 0 'ublicans' „ ... ... 2 10 0 lold-fields revenue ... ... ... 10 1 4 )utstanding cheques ... ... ... 17 12 0 Sank overdraft ... ... ... 43 3 4 Disbursements. £ a . d. Advertising ... ... ... ... 3 12 0 Dog tickets ... ... ... ... 3 0 0 Copy valuation ... ... ... 116 Expenses, deputation to Wellington ... 14 0 0 Members' allowance ... ... ... 64 19 0 Cheque-book ... ... ... ... 0 4 2 £86 16 8 £86 16 8 I certify that I have examined the above acco ind the same correct.—Eobt. Pollock, Counties' unt, comparing same with vouchers and books, and Auditor. J. W. Barnicoat, Chairman and Treasurer.

Receipts. £ s. d. Balance from last account ... ... 210 6 5 Colls ... ... ... ... 468 17 2 ?erry ... ... ... ... 7 10 0 Publicans' licenses ... ... ... 71 0 0 General Government ... ... ... 1,071 15 9 [nterest allowed by Bank ... ... 13 18 8 Sank overdraft... ... ... ... 1,629 4 3 Unpresented cheques, viz : — Ready ... ... ... ... 4 0 0 Walker ... ... ... ... 5 19 0 Symon ... ... ... ... 2 2 0 Willis ... ... ... ... 16 2 Jago ... ... ... ... 5 15 0 Expenditure. £ 8 . d. Existing road repairs and improvements, as per Appendix No. 1 ... ... 3,185 18 4 Salaries, &c, Appendix No. 2 ... ... 160 0 0 Printing, advertising, stationery, No. 3 ... 61 18 11 Murimotu Account, No. 4 ... ... 12 1 0 Contingencies account, No. 5 ... ... 71 11 2 Balance in hands of Treasurer ... ... 0 5 0 £3,491 14 5 £3491 14 5 Jo "Wanganui, 22nd April, 1879. Ee Examined and passed. —E. Macalister, Provii s. Reginald Sommehville, Chairman. i. N. Liffiton, Treasurer, Wanganui County. icial District Auditor.—22nd May, 1879.



STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the WANGANUI COUNTY for the Year ending 31st March, 1879.

ASSETS and LIABILITIES of the WANGANUI COUNTY at 31st March, 1879.

Sir, — Provincial District Auditor's Office, Wellington, 22nd May, 1879. Herewith I now forward you balance-sheet, &c, for the half-year and year respectively, ending 31st March, 1879, sent for audit and examination. I have no special audit observations to offer further than that the accounts show an improvement from previous years. The balance-sheets are accordingly passed correct. In the matter of J. E. Nathan's voucher (£179 10s.), you can forward to me the Bank Manager's certificate of payment into Mr. Nathan's account. I have, &c, Ed. N. Liffiton, R. Macalister, Treasurer, Wanganui County Council. Provincial District Auditor.

ABSTRACT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the TUAPEKA COUNTY for the Half-year from the 1st day of October, 1878, to the 31st day of March, 1879, inclusive.

Receipts. Balance, 1st April, 1878 ... General Government, grant in aid Ditto, Land Fund roils Ferry Licenses Slaughterhouse licenses ... 'nterest allowed by Bank ESank overdraft... £ s. d. | Expenditure. 139 4 1 I Repairs, existing roads ... 3,563 5 10 Salaries and office rent ... 177 0 0 Printing and advertising... ... 1,007 6 0 Contingencies ... 28 0 9 | New road—Murimotu Road 196 0 0 Balance in hands of Treasurer 40 0 0 26 4 11 ... 1,648 6 5 £ s. d. 6,228 15 11 344 5 0 136 14 5 103 6 8 12 1 0 0 5 0 £6,825 8 0 £6,825 8 0

Assets. £ s. d. Liabilities. £ s. ?oIl-house, St. Johns ... ... ... 75 0 0 Existing contracts and completed (about) ... 1,100 0 Ditto, Kaitoke ... ... ... ... 80 0 0 Due maintenance men (about) ... ... 50 0 /Veighbridge ... ... ... ... 80 0 0 Salaries, &c. ... ... ... ... 50 0 ferry, punt, wire, &c. ... ... ... 130 0 0 Bank of Australasia ... ... ... 1,648 6 Pools ... ... ... ... 25 0 0 lubsidy due from Government ... ... 1,019 0 0 £1,409 0 0 £2,848 6 Joe Reginald Sommerville, Chairman. Wanganui, 9th April, 1879. Ed. N. Liffiton, Treasurer, Wanganui County. Examined and passed. —R. Macalister, Provincial District Auditor.—22nd May, 1879.

Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ e. d. Rates... ... ... ... ... 1,885 9 2 License, Publican's (refund) ... ... 3 0 O Subsidy on rates ... ... ... 1,152 8 10 Subsidies to Road Boards ... ... 452 19 5 Dog-tax ... ... ... ... 31 10 0 Valuations ... ... ... ... 58 10 7 Gold Fields Revenue ... ... ... 794 19 7 i Stationery ... ... ... ... 35 19 3 Gold Duty ... ... ... ... 1,650 4 3 ; Printing "and advertising... ... ... 144 18 3 Licenses — Roads and works ... ... ... 19,285 18 5 Bottle ... ... ... ... 2 10 0 I Engineer and Inspector ... ... ... 212 10 0 Night ... ... ... ... 2 0 0 1 Chairman ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 Carriage ... ... ... ... 6 0 0, Treasurer ... ... ... ... 150 0 0 Temporary ... ... ... ... 4 0 0 Collector ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 Pedlers and hawkers' ... ... ... 800 Incidental expenses ... ... ... 125 7 1 Slaughterhouse ... ... ... 20 0 0 Office furniture ... ... ... 45 5 0 Miscellaneous receipts ... ... ... 3 13 8 Law expenses ... ... ... ... 17 17 0 Government contributions to roads and works 1,512 18 8 Election expenses ... ... ... 90 11 6 Land Revenue ... ... ... ... 2,499 3 1 Members'expenses ... ... ... 156 7 0 Depasturing fees ... ... ... 24 14 10 Interest ... ... ... ... 99 6 6 Government advance on account of floods ... 8,000 0 0 Balance from 30th September, 1878 ... 644 7 1 Overdraft on Bank Account ... ... 4,125 5 0 £21,722 17 1 £21,722 17 1 J. C. Brown, Chairman. John J. "Woods, Treasurer. I have examined the foregoing statement, and compared it with the Treasurer's books and vouchers, and with the Bank pass-book, and certify it to be correct. H. Livingston, Auditor. 3—B. 2.



STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the TUAPEKA COUNTY for the Year, from the 1st day of April, 1878, to the 31st day of March, 1879, inclusive.

STATEMENT of ASSETS and LIABILITIES of the TUAPEKA COUNTY on the 31st day of March, 1879.

Statement of the Public Debt of the Tuapeka County on the 31st day of March, 1879. Nil. Correct. H. Livingston, Auditor. J. C. Brown, Chairman. John J. AVoods, Treasurer.

Statement of the Reserves and other Real Estate belonging to the Tuapeka County on the 31st day of March, 1879. Council's offices and site ... ... ... ... £\ i]_> 4 S yj Correct by Treasurer's books and Engineer's estimate. H. Livingston, Auditor. J. C. Brown, Chairman. John J. Woods, Treasurer.

Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. fates... ... ... ... ... 2,512 19 0 Balance from 31st March, 1878 ... ... 3,722 15 8 lubsidy on rates ... ... ... 1,152 8 10 Subsidy to Road Boards... ... ... 504 12 5 Dox-tax ... ... ... ... 157 13 0 Valuations ... ... ... ... 207 10 10 Jold Fields Revenue ... ... ... 1,392 1 5 Stationery, printing, and advertising ... 304 16 5 xold Duty ... ... ... ... 3,020 6 6 Roads and works ... ... ... 30,836 110 jicenses— Engineer and Inspector (including horse Carriage ... ... ... ... 6 0 0 allowance)... ... ... ... 412 10 0 Bagatelle ... ... ... ... 0 10 0 Office rent ... ... ... ... 66 13 4 Bush ... ... ... ... 10 0 0 Chairman ... ... ... ... 200 0 0 Brewers' ... ... ... ... 5 0 0 Treasurer ... ... ... ... 285 8 4 Bottle ... ... ... ... 52 10 0 Collector ... ... ... ... 205 3 7 Billiard ... ... ... ... 40 10 0 Sub-Inspector ... ... ... ... 5 8 11 Night ... ... ... ... 46 0 0 Incidental expenses ... ... ... 231 11 1 Publicans' ... ... ... ... 467 0 0 County building ... ... ... 694 10 1 Temporary ... ... ... ... 7 0 0 Office furniture ... ... ... 143 3 8 Pedlers and hawkers' ... ... ... 13 0 0 Law expenses ... .. ... ... 17 17 o Slaughterhouse ... ... ... 70 0 0 Election expenses ... ... ... 90 11 6 Hisccllancous receipts ... ... ... 3 13 8 Members' expenses ... ... ... 156 7 0 Depasturing fees ... ... ... 24 14 10 Charitable institutions ... ... ... 150 0 0 Land Revenue... ... ... ... 7,719 8 3 Interest on overdraft ... ... ... 129 17 6 Jovernment advance on account of floods ... 8,000 0 0 lovcrnmei-l contributions to road works ... 9,538 18 8 Dverdraft on Bank Account ... ... 4,125 5 0 £38,364 19 2 £38,364 19~2 J. C. Brown, Chairman. John J. Woods, Treasurer. I have examined the foregoing statement, and compared it with the Treasurer's books aud ouchers, and with the Bank pass-book, and certify it to be correct. H. Livingston, Auditor.

Assets. £ s. d. Liabilities. £ s. d. Dffice furniture and Engineer's instruments... 320 0 0 Salaries ... ... ... 75 0 0 [Jncollected rates — £ s. d. Roads and works (contracts) ... ... 5,517 17 0 By rate-book for year ending Overdraft on Bank account ... ... 4.'l25 5 0 31st March, 1878... ... 54 9 5 Contract deposits ... ... ... 932 14 6 By rate-book for year ending Unpresented accounts, roads and works, day 31st March, 1879 461 1 8 labour, and miscellaneous ... ... 675 0 0 Beaumont Bridge ... ... ... 3,000 0 0 515 11 1 ' Other unpresented accounts ... ... 25 0 0 Less unrecoverable ... ... 410 4 7 ! Government loan on account of floods 8 000 0 0 105 6 6 _ovi rnment grant, Beaumont Bridge ... 3,000 0 0 Plant, boats, punts, roadmen's tools, &C. ... 1,100 0 0 Contract deposits ... ... ... 932 14 6 Land Revenue for quarter ending 31st March, 1879 ... ... ... ... 1,600 0 0 Subsidv on rates for year ending 31st March, 1879 ... ... ... ... 1,152 8 9 i5 tons of bridge iron ... ... ... 1,000 0 0 £9,210 J)_ 9 £22,350 16 6 J. C. Brown, Chairman. John J. Woods, Treasurer. In the assets, I certify tie items "uncollected rates, £515 lis. Id.," to be correct; and in the labilities, the items "salaries" rnd " overdraft" are correctly stated. H. Livingston, Auditor.



Auditor's Report. Sir,— Dunedin, 21st April, 1879. After audit of your Treasurer's books, I have the honor to forward you, duly certified, the documents specified in the margin. I have, Ac., The Chairman, Tuapeka County Council, Lawrence. H. Livingston, Auditor. The following are the marginal references : —" Abstract of Receipts and Expenditure for Year ending 31st March, 1879;" "Statement of Assets and Liabilities;" "Statement of Public Debt;" " Statement of Reserves."

ACCOUNT of the RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS of the COUNTY of GREY, for the Year ended 31st March, 1879.


Receipts. £ s. d. from rates, viz.:— General rate of Is. in the £ on £30,080 ... 1.2S0 9 6 from the Government, viz.:— £ s. d. Grant of £ for £ on rates collected under provisions of the Financial Arrangements Act ... ... 1,009 2 8 On account of Land Fund 582 4 10 Special grant for main roads and bridges ... ... 1,000 0 0 2,591 7 6 Expenditure. £ s. d. Balance due to Union Bank of Australia on the 1st April, 1878, being amount expended in excess of receipts during former year ... 4,120 10 9 Public Works, viz. : — New roads, survey and construction ... 5,101 3 1 Compensation for land taken. ... ... 110 10 0 Existing roads, repairs and improvements... 4,352 11 1 Bridges ... ... ... ... 1,486 5 10 Ferries ... ... ... ... 235 0 0 On charitable institutions, public libraries, markets, &c. ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 On special works, out of special rates or grants, — Purchase of Arnold Bridge, for which the sum of £1,500 was received from General Government ... ... ... 1,341 17 6 On management, viz.:— Salaries ... ... ... ... 949 0 0 Travelling expenses ... ... ... 487 17 6 Collection of rates or tolls ... ... 257 10 0 Sundries ... ... ... ... 2,589 17 1 '. W. Bruce, advance for construction of road, Greenstone to 33-mile peg, Christchurch Road ... ... ... 2,000 0 0 liscellaneous ... ... 13,718 16 7 ■ 15,718 16 7 •verdraft at Union Bank of Australia on the 31st March, 1879, being amount expended in excess of receipts .. ... ... 1,491 9 3 £21,082 2 10 £21,082 2 10 Dated this day of June, 1879, at the oil ce of the County, at Greymouth. A. K. Guinness, Chairman. James Payne, Clerk.

Revenue. £ a. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Balance in Bank ... ... ... 303 14 11 Salaries— Licenses — Chairman ... ... ... ... 205 5 6 Publicans' ... ... ... ... 355 0 0 Clerk aud Treasurer ... .... ... 300 0 0 Bush ... ... ... ... 20 0 0 Inspector of Roads ... ... ... 200 0 0 Billiard ... ... ... ... 45 0 0 Valuation expenses ... ... ... 50 0 0 Temporary ... ... ... ... 600 Engineer's commission ... ... ... 175 0 0 Bottle ... ... .... ... 30 0 0 Roads — Hawkers' ... ... ... ... 16 1 0 West Taieri to Lee Stream ... ... 371 10 8 Bagatelle ... ... ... ... 0 10 0 Caversham to East Taieri ... ... 739 10 0 Slaughterhouse ... ... ... 70 0 0 Saddle Hill to West Taieri ... ... 838 18 11 Transfer of ... ... ... ... 12 0 0 Half-way Bush to West Taieri ... ... 113 17 0 Gold Fields Revenue ... ... ... 138 15 2 Junction to Waipori ... ... ... 19 16 0 Gold Duty ... ... ... ... 12112 11 Clark's to Boundary {via Hyde) ... 346 14 0 Land Revenue ... ... ... 2,363 9 5 Lee Stream lo Rock and Pillar ... ... 97 13 0 Miscellaneous receipts ... ... 3 4 4 Bridges— Collection from dog-tax ... ... 352 10 0 West Taieri ... ... ... ... 86 17 0 Green Island toll ... ... ... 829 7 9 Greytown ... ... ... ... 9 0 0 West Taieri toll ... ... ... 307 1110 Riccarton Culvert ... ... ... 163 19 6 Subsidy from Government ... ... 2,810 13 6 Long's Creek ... ... ... 112 10 0 Surplus poundage fees ... ... ... 20 2 0 Silver Stream and Mill Creek ... ... 1,143 8 8 Interest ... ... ... ... 62 14 11 Expenses of collection, Green Island toll ... 106 5 3 Expenses of collection, West Taieri toll ... 141 2 4 Commission on dog-tax ... ... ... 46 8 6 Stationery ... ... ... ... 13 19 0 Printing and advertising... ... ... 41 14 3 Incidental expenses ... ... ... 41 12 0 Postages and telegrams, &c. ... ... 5 5 0 Charitable institutions ... ... ... 601 10 3 Election expenses ... ... ... 17 11 6 Tools and materials ... ... ... 6 0 0 New County buildings (site) ... ... 184 10 0 Subsidy to Road Boards... ... ... 863 19 6 Refund, Land Revenue ... ... ... 370 3 7 Balance in Bank ... ... ... 451 7 4 £7,868 8 9 £7,868 8 9 John Roberts, Chairman. John T. Douglas, Treasurer. I have examined the above abstract and compared it with the Treasurer's books and vouchers, and with the Bank pass-book, and I certify it to be correct. H. Livingston, Auditor.



ACCOUNT of RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS of the MANAWATU COUNTY COUNCIL, for the Year ended 31st March, 1879.

ACCOUNT of RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS of the COUNTY COUNCIL of WAIRARAPA WEST, for the Year ended the 31st March, 1879.

ABSTRACT of RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS of the TAURANGA COUNTY COUNCIL, for the Year ending March 31st, 1879.

RECEIPTS. £ s. <J. General rates ... ... ... 1,258 2 3 iubsidies from Government— County Fund ... ... 2,077 3 1 Special grants ... ... 750 0 0 20 per cent. Land Revenue 2,038 3 7 4,865 6 8 tiscellaneous receipts — Dues, penalties, license fees, deposits, &c, ... ... 1,125 13 8 Expenditure. £ s. d. Balance from 1st April ... ... ... 55 17 4 New roads— Survey and construction ... 4,499 9 11 Existing roads— Repairs and improvements 1,355 10 7 Bridges ... ... 155 19 0 Ferries ... ... 99 9 1 1,125 13 8 6,110 8 7 Expenses— Salaries and rent ... 474 3 5 Printing and advertising ... 148 18 3 Cost of valuation lists ... 13 0 0 Collection of rates ... 25 0 0 Miscellaneous ... ... 419 1 7 £7,249 2 7 1,080 3 3 Balance in hand 1st April, 1879 ... 2 13 5 £7,249 2 7 Examined and passed —E. Macalisteh, Provii John McCulloch, Acting Treasurer. D. H. Macaethub, Chairman. Lcial District Auditor.—28th May, 1879.

Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ _. a. Subsidies from Government, viz.— Existing roads, repairs and improvements ... 1,133 3 10 Road Board grants ... ... ... 971 15 7 Other works, viz., purchase of tools, Special grants ... ... ... 2,263 12 9 materials, and implements ... ... 155 14 2 Miscellaneous receipts, including dues, Expenditure out of special grants ... ... 1,98118 5 penalties, license fees, tolls, &c, viz.—■ Salaries, and rent ... ... ... '139 4, 3 License fees ... ... ... 132 10 0 Cost of valuation of county district ... 15 19 0 Penalties, &c. ... ... ... 19 0 0 Printing and advertising ... 80 0 9 Refunds ... ... ... ... 12 5 9 Miscellaneous, as per Schedule A ... ... 302 17 9 Tender deposits ... ... ... 95 0 0 I Cr. Balance ... ... ... ... 73 2 11 Liabilitv on cheques outstanding ... 36 12 0 Tolls ' ... ... ... ... 351 5 0 £3,882 1_1 £ 3, 882 x x Schedule A. —Miscellaneous. £ s. d. Petty cash ... ... ... ... 32 4 8 Office fittings and supplies ... ... 64 3 6 Councillors' travelling expenses ... ... 24 0 0 Election expenses ... ... ... 27 6 3 Interest to Bank on half-year's overdraft ... 2 8 2 . Chequebooks ... ... ... ... 19 2 Refund, Clerk of R.M. Court ... ... 10 0 0 „ Featherston Highway Board —Rent of Waihenga Toll-gate paid in error to credit of County Fund ... ... 40 0 0 Solicitor's fees ... ... ... ... 6 6 0 Deposits on tenders ... ... ... 95 0 0 £302 17 9 E. and O. E. Office of Wairarapa West County Council, C. Pharazyn, Chairman. Foresters' Hall, Belvidere Road, Carterton, Thos. Gole, Treasurer. 7th April, 1879.

General Account. Dr. Collector of Customs General rates ... Slaughtering licenses Deposits on tenders !0 per cent, of Land Revenue Subsidy on general rates interest £ a. d. 28 0 0 492 9 5 38 0 0 20 0 0 252 7 0 256 5 11 12 5 7 Cr. Oropi Road Travelling allowance to Councillors Advertising and stationery Incidental expenses Valuation of outlying districts Interest Clerk's salary ... Election expenses Engineer's salary „ travelling expenses Survey and laving off the Rotorua and Maketu Road... Balance, as per Bank-book, March 31, 1879 £ s. d. 28 13 0 26 5 0 29 7 4 5 18 11 13 5 0 0 19 0 45 0 0 24 2 6 83 6 0 5 0 6 21 19 7 815 11 1 £1,099 7 11 £1,099 7 11



STATEMENT of ASSETS and LIABILITIES of the COUNTY of TAURANGA on the 31st March, 1879.

ABSTRACT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the WHANGAREI COUNTY COUNCIL, for the Year ended 31st March, 1879.

BALANCE-SHEET of the INANGAHUA COUNTY COUNCIL, showing RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE from 31st March, 1878, to 31st March, 1879.

Assets. £ s. d. Liabilities. £ s. d. Balance in National Bank ... ... 815 11 1 Salaries and commission... ... ... 58 15 8 Uncollected rates, as per rate-book ... 714 11 7 Deposits on tenders ... ... ... 20 0 0 Subsidy on general rates for half-year ending 30th June, 1879 ... ... ... 256 5 11 Office furniture, books, Ate ... 30 0 0 £1^816 8 _7 £75 15 8 Thomas Wrigley, Treasurer of the Tauranga County Council. I hereby certify that I have examined the above statements in connection with the books and vouchers of the Tauranga County Council, and find the same correct. Tauranga, 30th April, 1879. W. M. Commons, County Auditor. Finally settled at a special meeting of the Taurauga County Council, held at Tauranga, on Saturday, May 17th, 1879. George Vesey Stewart, Chairman.

Kkceipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Balance brought forward ... ... 229 3 1 Special works ... ... ... ... 6,138 12 4 Special votes ... ... ... ... 4,750 0 0 Other works ... ... ... ... 283 7 6 Share of £40,000 to provincial districts ... 2,222 4 5 Grants in aid to Highway Districts ... 252 1 9 Subsidies ... ... ... ... 397 3 3 Contractor's deposit returned ... ... 70 0 0 License fees ... ... ... ... 90 0 0 Printing and advertising ... ... 69 8 6 Dog fees ... ... ... ... 16 8 0 Land, and transfer fees ... ... ... 58 3 6 County rates ... ... ... ... 415 13 11 Building and furniture ... ... ... 244 18 2 Contractors' deposits ... ... ... 70 0 0 Salaries ... ... ... ... 128 13 4 Land Fund ... ... ... ... 7 4 0 Travelling expenses ... ... ... 114 16 0 Sale of Government stores ... ... 5 0 0 Valuation lists ... ... ... ... 21 13 0 Returning Officer ... ... ... 23 4 0 Compensation ... ... ... ... 10 5 0 Stamps and stationery ... ... ... 16 12 11 Clerical assistance ... ... ... 7 10 0 Sundries ... ... ... ... 19 1 8 Ferry service ... ... ... ... 10 0 0 Balance in Bank of New Zealand ... ... 734 9 0 £8,202 16 8 £8,202 16 8 Statement of the whole Assets and Liabilities of the Whangarei County on the 31st March, 1879. . Assets. £ s. d. i Liabilities. £ s. d. Balance in Bank of New Zealand ... ... 734 9 0 Sundry accounts owing, and works in proBalance due on special votes ... ... 888 10 9j gress ... ... ... ... 1,616 19 3 Land, building, and office furniture ... 303 1 8 I Liability authorized by Government ... 488 10 0 Balance ... ... ... ... 179 7 10 j . . £2,105 9 3 £2,105 9 3 Public Debt of the Whangarei County ... ... Nil. Public Reskrves belonging to, or leased by, County Nil. Real Estate belonging to, or leased by, County ... Belonging to : £58 3s. 6d. Finlayson Smith, Chairman. I hereby certify that I have examined the books and vouchers of the "Whangarei County Council for the year ended 31st March, 1879, and that 1 find the same to be correct. 25th April, lb79. L. A. Durbieu, Auditor.

Reci eipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Bank of New Zealand, debit balance 31st March, 1878... ... ... ... 3,438 0 4 Interest ... ... ... ... 368 3 0 Printing and advertising... ... ... 40 2 3 Valuation roll ... ... ... ... 27 0 0 Electoral roll ... ... ... ... 9 0 0 Election expenses ... ... ... 83 1 0 Expenditure ... ... ... ... 262 17 5 Salaries ... ... ... ... 592 18 4 Petty cash ... ... ... ... 43 4 4 Legal expenses... ... ... ... 16 16 0 Hospital ... ... ... ... 744 10 0 County Fund, dog-tax ... ... ... 15 2 2 !ounty Fund— Dog-tax Land Bevenue Gold Fields Revenue ... Gold Duty ... Land Fund ... Consolidated Fund Rates Licenses Miscellaneous Fees Gold-mining leases Legal expenses, refund 82 5 0 121 6 8 ... 1,167 13 10 ... 2,395 3 11 198 19 1 ... 1,752 8 2 ... 1,236 11 7 ... 1,116 6 0 81 15 0 2 0 0 687 7 6 15 2 6 Carried forward ... £8,856 18 10 Carried forward ... ... £5,640 15 7



ACCOUNT of RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS of the COUNTY of RANGITIKEI, for the Year ended 31st March, 1879.

Balance-sheet o: ;he Inangah ua County Council — continued. Receipts. Brought forward ... Government— Portion of unexpended vote Advance on revenue ... Subsidies— Roads and bridges New Grey Road Expenditure Charges Cash overpaid Forfeited deposit Boatman's Tracks, refund Bank of New Zealand, present overdraft £ s. d. 8,856 18 10 750 0 0 1,400 0 0 1,601 4 0 6,077 10 0 41 11 0 244 7 0 0 9 1 5 0 0 1 15 0 3,467 0 3 EXPENDITURB. £ 8. d. Brought forward ... ... ... 5,640 15 7 Health ... ... ... ... 5 0 0 Council Chambers ... ... ... 355 14 2 Charitable aid ... ... ... 86 15 6 County Fund, general rates ... ... 5 3 0 Reefton Streets ... ... ... 594 3 11 Hampden Roads ... ... ... 1,461 1 6 Grey Road, maintenance ... ... 1,079 4 5 Boatman's Road ... ... ... 244 10 10 Black's Point Road ... ... ... 9U9 2 0 Westport Road ... ... ... 1,206 14 2 Crushington Road ... ... ... 1,237 14 IO Devil's Creek Road ... ... ... 289 19 2 New Grey Road ... ... 6,542 1 6 Boatman's Tracks ... ... ... 287 15 & Antonio's Tracks ... ... ... 778 19 5 Boatman's Short Track ... ... ... 39 8 4 Protective works ... ... ... 532 10 8 Squaretown bridge ... ... ... 500 0 0 Smith Street ... ... ... ... 130 10 0 Suspension bridge ... ... ... 130 Soldier's Track... ... ... ... 9 12 6 Sundries ... ... ... ... 21 3 0 Imprest Account ... ... ... 110 0 0 Travelling expenses ... ... 21 2 6 Charges ... ... ... ... 311 0 4 Hampden Cemetery ... ... ... 44 0 0 Bank of New Zealand, overpaid rates ... 0 9 1 £22,445 15 2 £22,445 15 2 Patrick Brennan, Treasurer. Assets and Liabilities of the Inangahi a County Council, at 31st March. 1879. Assets. £ s. d. Jounty Chambers ... ... ... 600 0 0 )ffice furniture and safe... ... ... 95 0 0 lorse ... ... ... ... 30 0 0 'ools, wire, Ate. ... ... ... 20 0 0 tates not collected ... ... ... 520 3 4 ialance ... ... ... ... 5,265 16 4 £6,530 19 8 Liabilities. £ s. d. Bank overdraft ... ... ... 3,467 0 3 Due to creditors ... ... ... 2,470 11 8 Due on existing contracts ... ... 593 7 9£6,530 19 8 Balance ... ... ... ... £5,265 16 4 Patrick Brennan, Treasurer. P. Q. Carles, Chairman of Inangahua County Council.

General Account. Receipts. Credit balance on 1st April, 1878 ... Share of County Fund ... !0 per cent, of Land Revenue 'araekaretu grant (first instalment) .license fees Jog-tax fines Jublic pound returns )eposits on contracts Jank interest on credit balance £ s. d. 652 16 10 1,967 3 10 32 0 0 800 0 0 525 12 0 111 8 0 2 15 0 36 13 3 32 0 0 49 0 2 Expenditure. £ 8 . d. Roads— Repairs and improvements, Great Xorth Western ... ... ... ... 870 13 H Construction, Paraekaretu ... ... 739 14 0 Purchase, Kaiwhangaroa ... ... 10 0 0 Public grant, Rangitikei Highway Board 550 0 0 „ Mart on Local Board ... 100 0 0 Ferry, purchase of site, &c, Kaiwhangaroa ... 93 11 4 Subsidies— Marton Local Board ... ... ... ■ 215 2 2 Bull's Local Board ... ... 137 1 xo Lethbridge Local Board ... 52 14 0 Groin, Rangitikei River ... ... ... 85 15 0 Advertising and printing ... ... 45 13 6 Stationery, stamps, &c. ... ... ... 7 10 5 Salaries ... ... ... ... 294 19 0 License fees refunded ... ... ... 70 15 0 Wanganui Hospital ... ... ... 6 18 10 Dog badges ... ... ... ... 7 10 0 Public pound ... ... ... ... 3 0 0 Deposits on contracts returned ... ... 23 0 0 Balance ... ... ... ... 895 10 1 £4,209 9 1 £4,209 9 1




ABSTRACE of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE on GENERAL ACCOUNT of the COUNTY of WAITEMATA, for the Year ended 31st March, 1879.

!redit balance on 1st April, 1878 ... 'oils ... Sank interest on credit balance Toll-bridge Account. £ a. A. £ s. d 397 3 6 Repairs (maintenance) ... ... ... 79 11 6 361 0 0 Printing and advertising ... ... 7 4 C 21 11 0 Balance ... ... ... ... 692 19 C £779 14 6 £779 14 6 Rangitikei County Council Oliice. Marton, 3rd April, 1879. Alex. Milne, Chairman. W. G. Watt, Treasurer.

1878. Receipts. £ s. d. ! 1879. Expenditure. £ s. d5ec. 14. To Treasury Voucher (Hazard's claim) 25 0 0 I Jan. 14. By Cheque, Mr. Ball, advance Hazard's „ 28. „ License fees, Resident Magistrate's claim ... ... ... 25 0 0 Office, Mangonui ... ... 3 0 0 Mar. 14. „ Incidental expenses, printing, post1879, age, &e. ... ... ... 10 1 5 ran. 3. „ Balance subsidy, to 31st Dec, 1878 79 16 2 „ „ „ Chairman's expenses to meet Native Minister ... ... ... 5 0 0 „ 31. „ Balance ... ... ... 67 14 9 £107 16 2 £107 16 2 Lpril 1. „ Balance iu Bank of New Zealand 67 14 9 I hereby certify that I have this day examined the receipts and vouchers of the Mangonui County Council and found them correct. 25th April, 1879. George Kelly, Auditor, Mangonui Council. I hereby certify that this is a correct copy ofthe County Balance-sheet. Robt. M. Houston, Chairman.

Receipts. £ s. d. j Expenditure. £ s. d. Balance, 31st March, 1878 ... ... 269 12 9 ! Works in Ararimu Riding ... ... 583 5 0 Tear's subsidy ... ... ... ... 421 14 11 ' „ Takapuna Riding ... ... 431 12 11 Half-year's subsidy, supplementary ... 10 8 6 „ Waitakerei Riding ... ... 132 1 0 Proportion of Special Grant to Counties ... 2,222 4 5: „ Weiti Riding... ... ... 107 12 6 Bank interest on cash deposit ... ... 30 18 9: „ Titirangi Riding ... ... 90 1 0 Percentage from Land Fund ... ... 20 2 0 Grants to Road Boards ... ... ... 56119 6 Cash received from Road Boards in aid of „ Libraries ... ... ... 48 12 6 works ... ... ... ... 80 0 0 County assessments, valuation, and electoral rolls 148 9 0 County rateB ... ... ... ... 214 4 1 Engineer's commission ... ... ... 73 16 6 Contractors' deposits ... ... ... 121 14 0 Contractors'deposits returned ... ... 87 14 0 Weights and Measures Act ... ... 0 14 5 Chairman's salary ... ... ... 60 0 0 Dog-tax ... ... ... ... 21 0 0 Members' expenses ... ... ... 23 0 0 Publicans'licenses ... ... ... 174 0 0 Election expenses ... ... ... 37 11 0 License fees and fines ... ... ... 3 0 0 County ferries ... ... ... ... 9 0 0 Rodney County Council ... ... ... 4 10 0 Expenses under Licensing Act ... ... 3 19 0 North Head Reserve ... ... ... 2 0 0 Commission on rates collected ... ... 19 19 8 Electoral rolls, sale of ... ... ... 0 12 6 Office rent. ... ... ... ... 10 0 0 Clerk and Treasurer's salary ... ... 17 10 0 Law costs ... ... ... ... 9 19 0 Advertising ... ... ... ... 77 7 0 County seal ... ... ... ... 10 0 Dog collars ... ... ... .... 4 5 0 Printing ... ... ... ... 11 19 9 Stamps, cheques, stationery, and office expenses 22 12 10 Balance in Union Bank of Australia, Auckland— £ s. d. Current Account ... 523 9 2 Deposit Account ... 500 0 0 • 1,023 9 2 £3,596 16 4 £3,596 16 4 12th April, 1879. Jno. James, Treasurer. Finally settled and signed by J. W. Waller, J. W. Walleii, Chairman. Chairman, in the presence of—Jno. James, Clerk. I hereby certify that I have examined the accounts and vouchers of the Waitemata County Council for the year ended 31st March, 187!), and that I find the same to be correct. 23rd April, 1879. L. A. Durrieu, Auditor. Statement of the Assets and Liabilities of the County of "Waitemata on the 31st March, 1879. 1879. Assets. £ s. d. 1879. Liabilities. £ s. d. April 1. Balance in Union Bank of Australia 1,023 9 2 April 1. Sundry accounts owing and works Office furniture, maps, _fcc. ... 18 0 0 in progress ... ... 642 15 4 Balance ... ... ... 398 13 10 £1,041 9 2 £1,041 9 2 12th April, 1879. Jno. James, Treasurer.



Statement of the Public Debt of the County of Waitemata on the 31st March, 1879. Nil. 12th April, 1879. Jno. James, Treasurer,

Statement of Reserves and other Real Estate belonging to the County of Waitemata on 31st March, 1879. Nil. 12th April, 1879. Jno. James, Treasurer. Examined.—L. A. Durrieu, Auditor.

ANNUAL BALANCE-SHEET of ACCOUNTS of the WAIKATO COUNTY COUNCIL, for the Year ended 31st March, 1879.

BALANCE-SHEET of the ASHBURTON COUNTY COUNCIL, for the Year ending 31st March, 1879.

Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. Balance, cash in Bank on 1st April, 1878 ... 504 10 7 Advertising ... ... ... ... 52 13 0 Butchers'fees ... ... ... ... 72 14 2 Audit ... ... ... ... 2 15 6 Bank interest on account ... ... 47 6 4 Bridges and culverts ... ... ... 915 6 3 __erk, Resident Magistrate's Court ... 3 5 0 Election expenses ... ... ... 14 11 9 deposit on contract ... ... ... 800 Legal expenses... ... ... ... 38 8 2 Discount on accounts ... ... ... 0 12 0 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 4 0 0 Fees collected by Government ... ... 39 0 0 Petty cash ... ... ... ... 1113 0 Ferry rent ... ... ... ... 26 13 4 Rate collecting... ... ... ... 7 15 6 Government subsidies ... ... ... 3,081 8 5 Roads ... ... ... ... 237 5 7 Government refund on cost of Whanga- Road Board subsidies ... ... ... 2,860 4 8 marino Bridge ... ... ... 350 1 0 Salaries ... ... ... ... 150 0 0 Land Fund ... ... ... ... 131 1 9 Stationery ... ... ... ... 2 14 5 Publicans'licenses ... ... ... 160 0 0 Surveys ... ... ... ... 48 12 3 Rates, Rangiriri ., ... ... 69 18 9 Valuation ... ... ... ... 28 7 0 Balance, cash in Bank, 31st March, 1879 ... 123 4 2 £4,497 11 3 £4,497 11 3 Jas. McPherson, Treasurer. Wm. Steele, Chairman. I certify that I have examined the books and vouchers of the Waikato County Council for ;he year ended the 31st March, 1879, and that I find the same to be correct. Hamilton East, 30th April, 1879. L. A. Dubrieu, Auditor. True copv. —Jas. McPiieeson, Clerk and Treasurer, Waikato County Council. —Hamilton East, LOth June, 1879.

Receipts. £ s. d. Balance brought forward ... ... 2,309 12 5 Dog fees ... ... ... ... 333 11 0 Hotel licenses ... ... ... ... 379 0 0 Stage carriage licenses ... ... ... 3 5 0 Slaughtering licenses ... ... ... 15 0 Auctioneers' licenses ... ... ... 160 0 0 Government, 20 per cent. Land Revenue, December 2 to December 31, 1877 ... 2 2 3 Government, surplus Land Revenue (share of), for December quarter, 1877 ... 7,768 5 10 Government, 20 per cent. Land Revenue, March quarter, 1878 ... ... 11,438 16 'J Govern ment, 20 per cent. Land Revenue, Juno quarter, 1878 ... ... ... 17,507 13 5 Government, 20 per cent. Land Revenue, September quarter, 1878 ... ... 15,700 12 7 Government, 20 per cent. Laud Revenue, December quarter, 1878 ... ... 6,487 0 4 First moiety general rates ... ... 910 1 11 Interest on £11,000 ... ... ... 58 0 2 „ account current to June 30, 1878 38 9 3 Dec. 31, „ 364 8 10 Rent, Ashburton Pound — £ s. d. September, 1878 ... ... 5 0 0 October 18 to December 31, 1878 6 3 4 January, 1879 ... ... 2 10 0 February ... ... ... 2 10 0 H.XPENDITURE. £ S. d. OfficeRent, for offices ... ... ... 48 14 3 Furniture for offices ... ... ... 106 19 8 Stationery, &_., for offices ... ... 24 6 0 Salary, Clerk ... ... ... 250 0 0 „ Engineer, from February 5 to February 28, 1879 ... ... ... 36 3 9 Dog collars, supply for 1878 and 1879 ... 90 12 6 Petty expenses ... ... ... 2 17 3 Advertising and printing ... ... 183 10 3 Ashburton Pound, contract, extras, &c. ... 267 19 1 Rakaia Gorge Ferry, subsidy for March quarter, 1878, and half subsidy for June anil September quarters, 1878 ... 50 0 0 Ashburton Domain Board, grant from Council 350 0 0 Grants to Cemetery Boards ... ... 352 0 0 Grant to Ashburton Agricultural and Pastoral Association ... ... ... 100 0 0 Cost of valuation lists for ridings of County 197 10 0 Contract for survey — Rakaia Plains water supply ... ... 377 9 0 Bridge sites, Ashburton ... ... 50 0 0 Returning Officer, expenses general election 76 10 3 Chief Surveyor, professional payment on County map ... ... ... 60 0 0 Honorarium to Chairman ... ... 100 0 0 Cost sinking trial piles, Rangitata Road Bridge 206 13 10 „ cement for approaches ,, ,, ,, 115 0 „ extension of bridge ., „ „ 133 5 4 „ terry „ „ „ 63 7 6 Protective works, Ashburton River ... 63 7 0 Mount Somers Railway, cost of freight on lines, unloading same at Tinwald ... 95 5 11 Sundry expenses ... ... ... 72 17 4 Ashburton water supply — Premium for best design ... ... 100 0 0 Grant to Borough ... ... ... 5,000 0 0 Balance at Bank — On Current Account ... ... ... 15,032 8 6 O i Deposit Account ... ... ... 40,000 0 0 £68,608 2 5 16 3 4 Sundries— Half subsidy for Rakaia Gorge Ferry, March quarter, 1878 ... ... 12 10 0 Moiety of surplus timber, Rangitata Road Bridge ... ... ... ... 2 5 0 Sale of furniture and valuation lists ... 9 19 4 £03,503 2 5 I have audited this account, and find it correel April, 1879. 7th May, 1879. ;.—J. Ollivier, Provincial District Auditor.—27th W. C. Walker, Chairman.



ABSTRACT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the SOUTHLANDS COUNTY for the Year ending 31st March, 1879.

STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the BULLER COUNTY COUNCIL, for the Year ending 31st March, 1879.*

Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. General rate ... ... ... ... 7,364 0 1 | Balance due to National Bank at 31st March, Land Revenue, 20 per cent. ... ... 14,892 17 0 1878 ... ... ... ... 1,068 10 8 Government subsidy from Consolidated Fund 3,297 16 9 Works—Contracts, per Road Boards ... 4,137 4 7 Balance of Land Fund ... ... ... 873 17 5 „ Day labour, „ „ ... 199 0 2 Gold Fields Revenue ... ... ... 322 9 0 Subsidies to Road Boards, &c. ... ... 1,061 111 Gold Duty ... ... ... ... 654 19 1 , Works—Construction, County roads ... 13,664 13 9 Gold Fields depasturing fees ... ... 0 17 6 „ Maintenance, „ „ ... 2,087 13 9 General licenses ... ... ... 874 5 0 ! Land purchase ... ... ... ... 217 8 6 Bottle licenses ... ... ... ... 70 0 0 Engineering, survey, and inspection ... 712 6 10 Wholesale licenses ... ... ... 20 0 0 . Advertising works ... ... ... 217 15 2 Hawkers' licenses ... ... ... 5 0 0; Interest ... ... ... ... 107 5 11 Auctioneers'licenses ... ... ... 50 0 0 Contractors'Deposit Account ... ... 322 7 0 Carriage licenses ... ... ... 10 0 Valuations Account ... ... ... 427 0 8 Dog licenses ... ... ... ... 99 0 0 J Rating expenses ... ... ... 150 17 1 Slaughtering licenses ... ... ... 80 15 0, Office furniture ... ... ... 5 9 2 Miscellaneous revenue ... ... ... 19 0 ! Charitable aid, hospitals, &c. ... ... 570 3 9 Forfeited deposits ... ... ... 10 0 0 I Election expenses ... ... ... 213 3 0 Revenue from deferred-payment lands ... 21 13 0 Office repairs ... ... ... ... 27 11 0 Subscriptions from local bodies, &c. ... 174 15 4 ; Ordinary working expenses— Public Pounds Account ... ... ... 2 13 0 ; Members'travelling expenses ... ... 90 17 0 Government Subsidies — Office assistance, general ... ... 6 8 6 Oreti Bridge at Elbow ... ... 413 17 2 Supplement, to Clerk and Treasurer's Jetty, Toi Toi ... ... ... 650 3 0 salary ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 Road, Toi Toi, inland ... ... ... 856 16 0 Clerk and Treasurer's salary, 1 year and Road, Wyndham to Toi Toi ... ... 1,415 12 6 1 month ... ... ... ... 337 10 0 Road, Gore to Switzers ... ... 3,495 9 0 Chairman's salary ... ... ... 100 0 0 Protective works, Dipton ... ... 500 0 0 Collection of dog-tax ... ... ... 24 5 6 Balance due to Bank at 31st March, 1879 ... 2,215 19 8 Collection of slaughtering licenses ... 13 1 6 Advertising, general ... ... ... 45 16 1 Stationery and printing ... ... 31 17 5 Miscellaneous expenses ... ... 181 6 8 Legal expenses ... ... ... 20 5 2 Balance in Bank at 31st March, 1879 ... 2,676 6 5 Works under Government, Special Votes— Oreti Bridge at Elbow ... ... 1,920 19 2 Jetty, Toi Toi ... ... ... 1,000 O 0 Road, Toi Toi, inland... ... ... 986 16 0 Road, Wyndham to Toi Toi ... ... 1,500 O O Road, Gore to Switzers ... ... 3,411 1 6 Protective works, Dipton ... ... 500 0 0 Road, Otara to Waikawa, &c. ... ... 229 0 8 £38,365 4 6 £38,365 4 6 R. P. MacGoun, County Treasurer. J. S. Shanks, County Chairman. I have examined the above account and compared it with the Treasurer's books and vouchers, and with the Bank pass-book, and, with tho reservation specified in my report to the Chairman, I certify it to be correct. H. Livingston, Auditor.

Receipts. £ s. d. Gold Fields Revenue, to amount paid ... 1,074 2 9 Gold Duty, to amount received ... ... 1,614 0 9 Land Revenue, to amount received ... 248 15 2 Licenses, to amount received ... ... 563 10 0 Rates, to amount received ... ... 263 19 0 General Government subsidy on rates received 243 14 9 General Government grants — £ s. d. Karamea Special Settlement 107 0 9 Buller Road ... ... 500 0 0 Buller Road, Lyell Riding 1,300 0 0 General road work ... 75000 Expenditure. Office charges— £ s. d. £ s. d. Salaries ... ... 287 10 0 Contingencies ... 187 0 8 Rent of chambers ... 32 10 0 Legal expenses ... 121 1 4 Stationery, and office furniture 28 12 2 Printing and advertising 116 15 9 773 9 11 2,657 0 9 Credit balance, 30th March, 1878... ... 305 14 7 Balance, overdraft, Bank of New South Wales 2,926 8 4 Other charges— Overseer's wages and allowance 319 15 0 Horse maintenance ... 118 17 6 Election expenses ... 121 8 2 Valuations ... ... 27 2 6 Bank interest ... 140 8 9 Surveys ... ... 91 8 4 Councillors' expenses ... 218 12 6 Relief Fund ... ... 15 0 0 Ferries ... ... 15 0 0 Deputation to Wellington, expenses ... ... 58 4 0 Carried forward ... ... ... £9,927 6 1 1,157 10 9 Public Works —■ Buller Road, wages ... ... ... 1,195 8 6 „ contracts ... ... 346 2 6 Buller Road, Lyell Riding, wages ... 248 13 6 „ „ contracts ... 1,504 4 0 Carried forward ... ... ... £5,225 9 2 * This ia a correct copy of the statement as audited ai 5—B. 2. id laid upon the table of the House of Representatives.




BALANCE-SHEET of the COUNTY of WHAKATANE, for the Year ending 31st March, 1879.

Itatement of the Receipts and _ Expenditub: e of the Buller County Council — continued. Receipts. Brought forward ... £ s. d. 9,927 6 1 Expenditure. £ e. d. Brought forward ... ... ... 5,225 9 2 Public Works — continued — Wages, Lyell Riding ... ... ... 95 4 0 Victoria Punt Road, contracts ... ... 648 13 0 Westport and Charleston Road, wages ... 143 19 6 „ contracts 2,103 18 2 Charleston Riding, wages ... ... 196 3 10 Wareatea North Riding, wages ... ... 22 13 9 „ „ contracts ... 65 10 0 Wareatea South Riding, wages ... ... 3 6 0 „ „ contracts ... 17 0 0 Karamea Riding, wages ... ... 56 19 4 „ contracts ... ... 366 10 1 Mokihinui Road, wages ... ... 47 2 0 „ contracts ... ... 529 0 0 Charleston Riding and Cape Foulwind Roads, maintenance ... ... 102 10 0 Subsidies ... ... ... ... 183 1 1 Builer Road, materials and tools ... 61 15 4 Charleston Riding „ ... 13 7 10 Lyell Riding „ ... 2 6 0 Karamea Riding „ ... 4 17 0 Boats, Totara and Karamea Rivers ... 3800 £9,927 6 1 £9,927 6 1 I hereby certify that I have examined the abo 1 itatements already audited, and find it correct. 17th May, 1879. P. S. Dempsey, Treasurer. e account, and compared it with the two half-yearly Robt. Pollock, Counties' Auditor.

___._»__■_._. £ s. d. £ s. d. Fnpaid rates, No. 1 Assessment 308 15 6 No. 2 „ 275 15 0 Liabilities. Existing contracts— £ s. d. £ s. d. Victoria Punt Road ... 229 5 0 Mokihinui Road ... 595 0 0 Karamea Riding ... 45 0 0 Westport and Charleston Road 260 0 0 584 10 6 late subsidy due by Government ... 1,315 14 9 lalance ... ... ... ... 84 3 8 3,309 0 0 teneral Government, grant for maintenance of Buller Road, per annum ... ... 2,000 0 0 lalance payable from ordinary revenue ... 1,409 0 0 1,129 5 0 Wages ... ... ... ... 93 13 0 Salaries ... ... ... ... 37 10 0 Printing and advertising ... ... 42 17 3 Legal expenses ... ... ... 8 16 2 Assessment Court order... ... ... 18 4 6 Belief ... ... ... ... 15 0 0 Valuation ... ... ... ... 26 2 6 Councillors' expenses ... ... ... 20 10 0 Sundry accounts ... ... ... 8 0 0 £3,409 0 0 1,399 18 5 Maintenance contracts, per year— Buller Road ... ... 2,600 0 0 Westport and Charleston Road ... ... 365 0 0 Cape Foulwind ... 45 0 0 Charleston Riding ... 154 0 0 Northern Terraces ... 50 0 0 Ngakawau and Mokihinui 30 0 0 Mokihinui to Karamea 89 0 0 Lyell Riding tracks ... 50 0 0 Totara Beach Ferry ... 26 0 0 3,409 0 0 Audited and found correct.—Robt. Pollock, P. S. Dempsey, Treasurer, bounties' Auditor. Geo. Ealla, County Chairman.

Receipts. lalance in hand at commencement of year ... Irant from Opotiki Road Board ... £ s. d. 10 0 0 Salaries 10 0 0 Balance in hand... £20 0 0 Expenditure. £ s . d. 10 0 0 10 0 0 £20 0 0 Opotiki, 13th June, 1879. Robert King, Chairman. * Thia is a correct copy of the statement as audited and laid upon tho table of tho House of Rej ire.enti ti'


BALANCE-SHEET of the COUNTY of WAIPAWA, for the Year ended 31st March, 1879.


Receipts. Expenditure. April—1878. £ 8. d. General rates ... ... 450 0 0 Debit error in cheque, 2nd Oct., 1877 ... ... ... 9 0 0 General Government subsidy... 268 6 11 General rates ... ... 616 8 0 License fees ... ... 80 0 0 £ s. d. April—1878. £ b. d. Balance ... ... ... ... 411 7 7 £ s. d. Salaries ... ... ... 62 10 0 Timber, &c. ... ... 22 0 7 Refund, funeral expenses ... 3 0 0 Wages ... ... ... 2 0 0 Less paid on cheque, 2nd Oct., 1877 ... ... ... 9 0 0 1,423 14 11 May. General rates ... ... 100 0 0 License fees ... ... 40 0 0 Subsidv, General Government 258 9 5 General rates ... ... 120 0 0 98 10 7 May. Salaries ... ... ... 62 10 0 Wages ... ... ... 129 17 0 Bonus, Porangahau Ferry ... 12 10 0 Stationery, advertising, &c. ... 20 8 7 Timber, &c. ... ... 32 11 8 Blacksmiths' work ... ... 12 6 Expenses Licensing Court ... 2 8 0 Imprest, County Engineer ... 50 0 0 Engineer's department ... 6 18 6 518 9 5 June. License fees ... ... 250 0 0 General rates ... ... 85 0 0 Bank interest on credit balances 10 15 7 Cheque No. 15932, 6th Nov., 1877, cancelled ... ... 16 13 4 362 8 11 318 6 3 July. License fees ... ... 154 0 0 Dog-tax for 1877 ... ... 51 8 0 Pound fees ... ... 1 18 7 Subsidy, General Government 42 19 6 General rates ... ... 25 0 0 Dog-tax ... ... ... 15 0 0 i 290 6 1 June. Salaries ... ... ... 62 10 0 Wages ... ... ... 121 9 0 Ironmongery ... ... 37 16 10 Petty cash... ... ... 5 0 0 Timber ... ... ... 23 11 6 Grant in aid of bridge ... 10 0 0 Bank interest on overdraft ... 14 17 10 August. License fees ... ... 25 0 0 Dog-tax ... ... ... 25 0 0 Subsidy, General Government 278 9 3 Deposit on contracts ... 20 0 0 348 9 3 275 5 2 Sept. Dog-tax ... ... ... 35 0 0 License fees ... ... 41 10 0 July. Salaries ... ... ... 62 10 0 Wages ... ... ... 2G9 19 4 Valuation expenses ... ... 40 0 0 Collecting county rates ... 94 0 0 Stationery... ... ... 14 6 Grant for boat, Wainui ... 10 0 0 Timber and ironmongery ... 52 6 11 Solicitor's fees ... ... 6 6 0 Office rent, Engineer ... 4 7 6 480 14 a 76 10 0 Oct. Pound fees ... ... 2 15 6 Subsidy, General Government 154 9 2 Dog-tax ... ... ... 32 10 0 189 14 8 August. Salaries ... ... ... 66 13 4 Wages ... ... ... 296 10 0 Timber, &c. ... ... 35 1 2 Expenses, messenger ... 10 0 Dog tickets ... ... 6 0 0 Advertising ... ... 8 19 6 Nov. Deposit on contract... ... 10 0 0 Cash, S. Burgess ... 38 10 0 First instalment on account £2,000 grant, Seventy-Mile Bush Road ... ... 1,890 11 4 Hawkers'License fees ... 4 4 0 • 414 4 0 Dec. Deposit on contract... ... 20 0 0 General Government subsidy,.. 1,314 16 5 Bank interest ... ... 15 6 9 1,943 5 4 Sept. Salaries .. ... ... 66 13 4 Wages ... ... ... 399 18 6 Advertising ... ... 18 3 3 Dog tickets ... ... 4 0 0 Petty cash... ... ... 5 0 0 Grant for boat ... ... 10 0 0 Timber, tents, &c. ... ... 64 0 8 Travelling expenses... ... 100 Bank cheque-book ... ... 2 18 570 17 5 1,350 3 2 Jan.—1S79. License fees ... ... 20 0 0 Dog-tax ... ... ... 82 0 0 102 0 0 Feb. Subsidy, General Government 606 3 1 Dog-tax ... 5 10 0 611 13 1 Oct. Ssdaries ... ... ... 66 13 4 Wages ... ... ... 470 13 0 Timber, ironwork, &c. ... 195 15 2 Advertising Licensing Courts... 2 8 0 735 9 6 March. First instalment Government grant on roads, WaipukurauWahrai... ... ... 1,500 0 0 License fees ... ... 12 10 0 Sale of drain pipes ... ... 29 0 0 Cheques not presented 1,541 10 0 1 16 4 Nov. Salaries ... ... ... 66 13 4 Wages ... ... ... 591 15 2 Timber, &c. ... ... 112 12 5 Advertising ... ... 5 19 0 Survey expenses ... ... 34 10 0 Travelling expenses... ... 10 0 — 812 9 11 Dec. Salaries ... ... ... 66 13 4 Wages ... ... ... 619 17 3 Timber, &c. ... ... 241 16 0 Advertising, &c. ... ... 27 9 10 Election expenses ... ... 12 16 9 Charitable aid ... ... 6 5 0 Bank interest on overdrafts ... 3 8 1 978 6 3 Carried forward £8,760 1 2 Jan.—1879. Salaries ... ... ... 66 13 4 Wages ... ... ... 388 6 10 Carried forward ... £455 0 2 £5,095 10 11



STATEMENT of REVENUE and EXPENDITURE of the WAIPAWA COUNTY FUND ACCOUNT, for the Year ended 31st March, 1879.


BALANCE-SHEET of the KAIKOURA COUNTY COUNCIL for the Year ending 31st March, 1879.

Balance-sheet o\ )f the Cou ity of Waipawa— continued. Receipts. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward ... 455 0 2 5,095 10 11 Jan.—1879 — continued. Timber, &c. ... ... 92 6 8 Advertising, &c. ... ... 44 19 9 Election expenses ... ... 34 3 0 Survey expenses ... ... 27 16 0 Petty cash ... ... 5 0 0 Refund moneys, County Engineer 7 16 Brought forward ... ... ... ! £ s. d. 8,760 1 2 666 7 1 Feb. Salaries ... ... ... 66 13 4 Wages ... ... ... 588 2 9 Timber, <tc. ... ... 130 11 5 Advertising ... ... 15 5 3 Election expenses ... ... 15 19 10 Compensation, Mackay, loss of tools, &c, Wanstead Road contract ... ... 35 0 0 Imprest, County Clerk ... 20 0 0 Travelling expenses ... 10 0 Engineer's department ... 9 8 9 882 1 4 March. Salaries ... ... ... 66 13 4 Wages ... ... ... 967 13 8 Timber ... ... ... 107 16 8 Advertising, <__o. ... ... 35 12 10 Legal advice ... ... 4 14 6 Deposits on contracts ... 20 0 0 Collecting dog-tax ... ... 24 17 6 Engineer's department ... 50 10 4 1,277 18 10 Balance ... ... ... ... 838 3 0 £8,760 1 2 £8,760 1 2 Examined and compared with vouchers and i iril, 1879. iund correct. —"William Coward, Auditor. —20th

Revenue. £ s. d. .icense fees ... ... ... ... 623 0 0 'ound fees ... ... ... ... 4 14 1 reneral rates ... ... ... ... 1,396 8 0 i'rom the Government— Subsidy, Financial Arrangements Act ... 2,163 1 6 „ Account of Land Fund ... 760 12 3 Special grant, roads, Waipukurau-Wainui 1,500 0 0 Seventy-mile Bush ... 1,890 11 4 ' egistration of dogs ... ... ... 246 8 0 lawkers' licenses ... ... ... 440 liscelhmeous sources ... ... ... 144 19 8 lank interest ... ... ... ... 26 2 4 Expenditure. £ e. d. Balance from last statement ... ... 411 7 7 Salaries ... ... ... ... 783 6 8 Formation and maintenance of roads ... 4,786 2 6 Timber and ironwork ... ... ... 1,149 10 2 Advertising, printing, and stationery ... 180 10 6 Miscellaneous contingencies, viz., election expenses, collecting rates, valuation expenses, ic. ... ... ... 382 2 3 Engineer's Department, surveys, ic. ... 190 12 7 Contract deposits ... ... ... 20 0 0 Bank interest ... ... ... ... 18 5 11 Balance at Union Bank ... ... ... 838 3 0 £8,760 1 2 £8,760 1 2

Assets. £ s. d. ialance at Union Bank ... ... ... 838 3 0 'imber ... ... ... ... 60 0 0 'lant, tools, and furniture ... ... 100 0 0 _mount due by Government on account of special grants ... ... ... 1,109 8 8 loneyi to be accounted for by Treasurer ... 20 0 0 Liabilities. £ s. d. Accounts due for labour and material ... 759 14 0 Contracts ... ... ... ... 624 0 0 Salaries ... ... ... ... 37 10 0 £2,127 11 8 £1,421 4 0 Sydney Johnston, Chairman. Alex. S. C. Inglis, Treasurer. Waipawa, May 2nd, 1879.

Heceipts. i, s. d. Expenditure. ialance ... ... ... ... 7 0 10 Subsidy to the Road Board teceived from Clerk of Licensing Court for Bank of New Zealand, fixed deposit extension of publicans' licenses ... 2 10 0 „ „ JolonialTreasurer's subsidy to 30th June, 1878 136 2 1 „ „ Jcceivcd from Colonial Treasurer, 20 per cent. Bank cheque-book on Land Revenue ... ... ... 39 110 Subsidy to Road Board ... Carried forward ... „. ... £184 14 9 Carried forward ... £ s. d. 300 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 400 0 0 0 2 0 200 0 0 ... £1,200 2 0



STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the COUNTY of RODNEY, for the Year ended 31st March, 1879.

G—B. 2.

Balance-sheet of the Kaikou: sa County Council— continued. Receipts. £ s. d. Brought forward... ... ... 184 14 9 Bank of New Zealand, fixed deposit and interest expired ... ... ... 325 12 5 Received from Clerk of Licensing Court for publicans' licenses ... ... ... 110 0 0 Colonial Treasurer, 20 per cent, on Land Revenue for June quarter ... ... 202 0 6 _Yom Officer of Customs, for auctioneers' licenses ... ... ... ... 20 0 0 Bank of New Zealand, fixed deposit and interest expired ... ... ... 202 5 0 Received from Colonial Treasurer... ... 188 2 2 „ „ Officer of Customs for licenses 17 10 0 interest on fixed deposit ... ... 5 12 6 Received from Paymaster-General ... 0 16 0 Expenditure. £ s. d. Brought forward ... ... ... 1,200 2 O Passau, salary as clerk ... ... ... 6 19 8 Balance ... ... ... ... 49 11 8 £1,256 13 4 £1,256 13 4 Examined and passed.—R. Macalister, Provi: Accepted by the Council this 18th day of Jun< J. Davidson, Treasurer. icial District Auditor.—31st May, 1879. i, 1879. William Smith, Cliairman.

Receipts. Balance brought forward Government subsidies „ ordinary revenue _ublicans' licenses -licensing Court fees 3og collars Fold 10 per cent. Land Revenue )nc-eightcenth of grant of £40,000 tees, weights aud measures icneral Government ,, for Main North line ... „ for compensation £ s. d. ialance of vote of £5,000... 986 4 9 jess balance last account ... 596 12 1 £ s. d. 262 11 7 421 11 8 12 0 0 44 O 0 2 5 0 32 4 6 14 10 0 2,222 4 5 0 0 8 54 0 0 400 0 0 450 0 0 Expenditure. £ e. d. Grants to Road Boards ... ... ... 2,391 4 0 Survey, new line betwixt Matakana and Te And ... ... ... ... 104 10 6 Ferrymen's salaries ... ... ... 23 0 0 list of electors, and valuation outlying districts 29 18 0 County election ... ... ... 26 8 2 Twelve ballot boxes ... ... ... 6100 Dog collars ... ... ... ... 18 7 4 Expenses under Licensing Act ... ... 4 5 0 Hotco Bridge, repairs ... ... ... 4 15 6 Councillors'travelling expenses ... ... , 36 13 0 Copying valuation lists ... ... ... 2 8 8 Chairman's salary ... ... ... 26 5 0 Clerk's „ ... ... ... 45 3 0 Legal expenses ... ... ... 2 12 6 Advertising ... ... ... ... 14 8 0 Printing and stationery ... ... ... 8 9 3 Copying press ... ... ... ... 2110 Rent ... ... ... ... ... 8 0 0 Telegrams ... ... ... ... 4 9 7 Postage stamps ... ... ... 4 15 7 Sundries ... ... ... ... 6 3 9 Main North line — Section Ia ... ... ... ... 169 17 6 „ 3, Albcrtland to Waipu ... 274 9 6 „ 3, Warkworth to Te Weili ... 314 16 O Between Puhoi and Waiwera ... ... 21 19 10 Cliff Bridge, Puhoi ... ... ... 25 6 0 Topuni Bridge, extras ... ... ... 22 10 0 Inspectors' salaries ... ... ... 15 9 0 Clayden v. Rodney County Council ... 24 11 10 Compensation claims ... ... ... 505 5 0Balance— £ s. d. At Colonial Bank ... 137 10 6 At Bank of New Zealand 23 5 3 389 12 8 160 15 9 Less duo to Treasurer ... 0 17 9 , £4,305 0 6 159 18 0 £4,305 0 6 Examined and found correct. —L. A. Duhrieh Thos. Chaplin, Treasurer. Auditor. Henry Palmer, Chairman.



ABSTRACT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the SELWYN COUNTY COUNCIL for the Year ending 31st March, 1879.

General Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Balance in hand, 1st April, 1878 ... ... 470 13 6 Salaries ... ... ... ... 348 6 8 Licensing fees ... ... ... ... 1,452 10 11 Stationery, advertising, printing, maps, ic. ... 266 12 2 Dog fees ... ... ... ... 791 2 0 Compiling electoral rolls... ... ... 74 17 5 Slaughterhouse fees ... ... ... 169 5 6 Ferries, subsidies ... ... ... 100 0 0 Land Revenue ... ... ... ... 14,822 8 7 North Rakaia Conservators, grant ... 1,000 0 0 Subsidies ... ... ... ... 2,888 2 3 Report on Glentunnel Bridge ... ... 26 5 0 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 25 3 3 Rent, travelling expenses, and sundries ... 145 18 9 Interest ... ... ... ... 87115 2 Balance in hand, 31st March, 1879 ... 19,529 1 2 £21,491 1 2 £21,491 1 2 Malvern Waterworks Account. £ s. d. j £ s. d. Balance in hand, 1st April, 1878 ... ... 6,950 0 0 Payments on Contract No. 3 ... ... 1,492 14 1 Repairs of tunnel ... ... ... 109 4 0 Commission, foreman's wages, ie. ... 125 5 6 Liabilities incurred by Government ... 386 4 10 ; Balance in hand, 31st March, 1879 ... 4,836 11 7 £6,950 0 0 £6,950 0 0 Cemeteries Account. £ s. d. £ s . d. Balance in hand, 1st April, 1878 ... ... 1.908 6 8 Public Cemetery, Christchurch ... ... 1,472 13 3 Springston Cemetery ... ... ... 40 0 0 East Malvern Cemetery ... ... ... 40 0 0 Ellesmere Cemetery ... ... ... 55 0 0 Kowai Pass Cemetery ... ... ... 40 0 0 Balance in hand, 31st March, 1879 ... 260 13 5 £1,908 6 8 £1,908 6 8 Domains and Rccreation-t/rounds Account. £ '■ d- j £ s. d. Balance in hand, 1st April, 1878 ... ... 3,766 13 4 ' Lyttelton and Heathcote Recreation Trust... 60 0 0 Hororata Domain Board... ... ... 95 0 0 Lyttelton Domain Board ... ... 60 0 0 Kowai Pass Recreation Trustees ... ... 70 0 0 Ellesmere Domain Board ... ... 95 0 0 Balance in hand, 31st March, 1879 ... 3,386 13 4 £3,766 13 4 £3,766 13 4 Deposit Account. £ s. d. £ g (j Deposit, Malvern Water-race contract ... 200 0 0 Balance in hand, 31st March, 1879 ... 250 0 0 Deposit, Bakaia Cutting contract ... ... 50 0 0 £250 0 0 £250 0 0 Assets and Liabilities, 31st March, 1879. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Malvern Water-race, No. 3 Contract, balance 963 6 11 Balance, General Account ... ... 19,529 1 2 Malvern Water-race, tunnel repairs ... 100 0 0 Malvern Waterworks Account ... ... 4,836 11 7 Balance ... ... ... ... 27,199 12 7 Cemeteries Account ... ... ... 260 13 5 Domain Boards' Account ... ... 3,386 13 4 Deposit, Account ... ... ... 250 0 0 £28,262 19 6 £28,262 19 6 Public Debt of County ... ... ... ... ... Nil. Reserves and Real Estate ... ... ... ... ... Nil. 15th April, 1879. "W. Jameson, Treasurer. I have examined these abstracts of account, and have compared the various items with the vouchers and find jt correct, and the balance in each case is accurately stated. 9th May, 1879. J. Ollivier, Provincial District Auditor. Approved and settled at a special meeting of the Selwyn County Council, held this 30th day of May, 1879. John Hall, Chairman.



STATEMENT of ACCOUNTS of the COUNTY of AKAROA, from 1st April, 1878, to 31st March, 1879.

ACCOUNT of the RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS of the COUNTY of CLUTHA for the Year ending 31st March, 1879.

STATEMENT of the REVENUE and EXPENDITURE of the SPECIAL FUND ACCOUNTS of the COUNTY of WAIRARAPA EAST, from the 1st April, 1878, to the 31st March, 1879, both inclusive.

General Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Disbursements. £ s. d. General Government — j Cemeteries and domains, paid grants in aid ... 1,200 14 2 Cemeteries and domains ... ... 1,375 0 0 Grants to Road Boards for main roads ... 5,279 9 7 20 per cent, of land sales to 31st December 6,716 8 1 Refund to General Government Account, Roads diversions ... ... ... 500 0 0 roads diversions ... ... ... 200 0 0 £ s. d. Election of members ... ... ... 29 11 0 Subsidies to 31st Dec, 1878 ... 389 15 4 Clerk's salary ... ... ... 8114 0 Less for Akaroa Hospital ... 93 10 0 j Travelling expenses of members ... ... 95 12 6 296 5 4 ' Honorarium to Chairman ... ... 100 0 0 Slaughterhouse, dog-tax, and publicans' li- Engineer ... ... ... ... 14 9 0 cense fees ... ... ... ... 34S 14 0 Dog collars ... ... ... ... 30 9 7 Advertising, printing, stationery, postage, and petty expenses ... ... ... 112 3 1 Balance in Bank of Now Zealand, Akaroa, after deducting cheques not presented ... 2,092 4 6 £9,236, 7 5 j £9,236 7 5 Special Grants Account. £ s. d. £ s . d. General Government — Payments to Road Boards, in aid of works for For special works ... ... ... 3,899 14 0 which money was allocated by the late Provincial Government ... ... 2,553 2 0 Balance at Bank of New Zealand to credit of separate account... ... ... 1,346 12 0 £3,899 14 0 £3,899 14 0 E. C. Latter, Treasurer. I have examined this account and find it correct, aud the balances are accurately stated.— J. Olliviek, Provincial District Auditor. —25th April, 1879. Read and adopted at a special meeting of the Akaroa County Council, held this 23rd dav of May, 1879. Eredk. W. Williams, Chairman."

Receipts. £ s. d. ialance in hand on the 1st April, 1878 ... 15 3 1 _om rates — General rate of Is. in £ on £57,122 14s. ... 1,682 15 7 'rom Government — Grant of £ for £ on rates collected under provisions of the Financial Arrangements Act ... ... ... 579 15 9 On account of Land Fund ... ... 1,587 17 4 Special grant for Catlin's River Road ... 750 0 0 rovernment loan, account Balclutha Bridge 7,500 0 0 'rom miscellaneous sources— Licenses ... ... ... ... 207 2 0 Dog-tax ... ... ... ... 114 0 0 Deposits on contracts ... ... ... 270 0 10 Bruce County, account Matau Bridge ... 11 12 0 Gold Fields Revenue ... ... ... 10 0 tverdraft at Bank of New Zealand (or amount due to Treasurer) on the 31st March, 1879, being amount expended in excess of receipts ... ... ... 2,259 4 4 Expenditure. £ s. d. Balance due to Bank of New Zealand (or to Treasurer) on the 1st April, 1878, being amount expended in excess of receipts during former year ... ... ... 493 2 2 Public works— New roads, survey and construction, compensation for land taken; existiug roads, repairs and improvements; bridges, ferries ... ... ... ... 5,000 5 6 Deposits repaid ... ... ... 103 8 10 Publican's license, refund ... ... 5 0 0 Special works, out of special rates or grants— Catlin's River Road ... ... ... 933 1111 Management — Salaries ... ... ... ... 545 0 0 Travelling expenses ... ... ... 929 Rent ... ... ... ... 12 10 0 Sundries ... ... ... ... 347 11 11 Balance in hand on 1st April, 1879 (cash in hand) ... ... ... ... 28 17 10 Balance in Bank, account of Balclutha Bridge 7,500 0 0 £14,978 10 11 £14,978 10 11 Dated this 24th day of June, 1879, at the offic of the County at Balclutha. Alfred Jowith, Chairman. Wm. Henderson, Clerk.

Revenue. .dvanced from General Account ... £ s. d. 825 8 5 Expenditure. £ s. d Awhea— Expenses of poll ... ... ... 10 11 4 Advertising and printing ... ... 10 14 9 Advance to Fcatherston Highway Board... 670 7 1 Uriti— Expenses of poll ... ... ... 12 13 10 Advertising and printing ... ... 8 9 9 Survey expenses ... ... ... 51 19 5 Masterton Highway Board ... ... 45 10 8 Hurinui-o- Rangi— Expenses of poll ... ... ... 6 11 10 Advertising and printing ... ... 8 9 9 £825 8 5 £825 8 5 R. Wilsone, Treasurer.



STATEMENT of the REVENUE and EXPENDITURE of the SEPARATE ACCOUNT of the COUNTY of WAIRARAPA EAST from the 1st April, 1878, to the 31st March, 1879, both inclusive.

STATEMENT of the REVENUE and EXPENDITURE of the GENERAL ACCOUNT of the COUNTY of WAIRARAPA EAST, from the 1st April, 1878, to the 31st March, 1879, both inclusive.

STATEMENT of the whole ASSETS and LIABILITIES of the COUNTY of WAIRARAPA EAST on the 31st March, 1879.

Revenue. )paki and Forty Mile Bush— Deposits on contracts ... Government advance ... lungapakcha— Government advance ... Deposits on contracts ... 'angitumau— Government advance ... Iurinui-o-Rangi— Government advance ... lalance advanced from the General Account £ s. d. 50 18 0 8 0 0 1,500 0 0 79 2 0 36 13 4 10 10 0 114 11 6 Expenditure. £ s. d. Opaki and Forty-Mile Bush— Printing and advertising ... ... 2 15 0 Surreys ... ... ... ... 9 10 Mungapakeha— Surveys ... ... ... ... 180 10 1 Pell's contract ... ... ... 777 0 0 Price's contract ... ... ... 600 0 0 Printing ... ... ... ... 2 15 0 Sundries ... ... ... ... 10 1 0 Deposits returned ... ... ... 79 2 0 Rangitumau— Surveys ... ... ... ... 36 13 4 Hurinui-o-Rangi— Surveys ... ... ... ... 17 5 0 Sundries ... ... ... ... 3 13 0 Plans and tracings ... ... ... 10 1 7 Advertising ... ... ... ... 29 0 5 Masterton Highway Board ... ... 31 12 1 Taueru, County West— Surveys ... ... ... ... 10 8 4 £1,799 17 10 £1,799 17 10 R. Wilsone, Treasurer.

Revenue. talance at Bank of New Zealand ... loverninent subsidies lospitid subsidies .and Revenue ... ocenses, Government lank interest ... lalance of account at Bank of New Zealand £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. 27 0 0 Salaries ... ... ... ... 86 6 1 1,612 12 10 ' Stationery ... ... ... ... 65 15 0 80 9 1 Survey expenses ... ... ... 14 0 0 38 2 6 Printing and advertising... ... ... 26 18 3 130 0 0 Travelling allowances, Councillors... ... 74 10 0 18 10 10 Plans ... ... ... ... 5 4 2 423 3 8 Hospitals ... ... ... ... 80 9 1 Road Board subsidies ... ... ... 9G2 11 10 Imprest Supply ... ... ... 30 0 0 Suntlrios— Interest ... ... ... ... 2 6 6 Supplies, ic... ... ... ... 42 15 1 Advanced to Special Fund Accounts ... 825 8 5 Advanced to Separate Account ... ... 114 14 6 £2,329 18 11 £2,329 18 11 R. Wilsone, Treasurer.

Assets. £ s. d. Liabilities. £ >. d. Ldvanced to Special Fund Accounts to 30th Bank overdraft... ... ... ... 423 3 8 September, 1878 ... ... ... 35 10 9 Balance creditor ... ... ... 516 19 3 Ldvanced to Special Fund Accounts to 31st March, 1879 ... ... ... 789 17 8 Ldvanced to Separate Account to 30th September, 1878 ... ... ... 10 8 0 Ldvanced to Separate Account lo 31st March, 1879 ... ... ... 104 6 6 £940 2 11 £940 2 11 R. Wilsone, Treasurer. Statement of the Public Debt of the County of Wairarapa East on the 31st March, 1879. Loans not yet raised. Reserves and other Real Estate. Nil. R. Wilsone, Treasurer.



BALANCE-SHEET of the VINCENT COUNTY COUNCIL, being an ABSTRACT of all the TRANSACTIONS on the GENERAL ACCOUNT for the Year ending 31st March, 1879.

STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the PATEA COUNTY, for the Year ended 31st March, 1879.

Receipts. £ s. d. j Expenditure. £ s . d. Balance— £ s. d. Roads and works ... ... ... 13 439 9 3 In Bank, 1st April, 1878 1,273 8 2 Subsidy to Pipeclay Sludge Channel '" 207 4 4 Fixed deposit ... 10,000 0 0 Ferries ... ... ... ... 633 5 4 Sub-Treasurer's petty cash Rocky Point Bridge ... ... ... 2,005 12 10 advance ... ... 0 11 6 Purchase Maeaudrew Bridge, final pavment 3,587 10 0 11,273 19 8 Boring tools ... ... ' ... " ... 103 11 9 Gold Fields Revenue ... ... ... 1,347 5 6 County offices ... ... 1120 9 O Gold Duty ... ... ... ... 2,479 6 3 Office furniture ... '", 'l90 15 6 Land Revenue ... ... ... ... 3,801 13 3 Salaries ... ... ... ... 1,268 19 11 Rates, late Borough of Clyde ... ... Ill 13 9 Legal charges ... ... ... ... 'm 10 4 Rates, County ... ... ... ... 2,352 6 6 Postages and telegrams ... ... ... 102 9 3 Subsidy on Clyde rates ... ... ... 126 17 6 Election expenses ... ... ... 74 12 0 Subsidy on County rates... ... ... 1,643 4 1 Members'travelling expenses ... ... 105 0 0 Licenses — Printing and stationery ... ... ... 285 15 7 General night and brewers' ... ... 604 0 0 Charitable, donation to hospitals ... ... 100 0 0 Billiard and bagatelle... ... ... 23 10 0 Collecting dog-tax ... ... ... 25 2 0 Auctioneers'... ... ... ... 100 0 0 Incidental ... ... ... 267 1 9 Slaughtering... ... ... ... 106 0 0 Balance — £ s. d. Hawkers' ... ... ... ... 22 10 0 Fixed deposit ... 5,000 0 0 Depasturing... ... ... ... 167 14 0 In Bank ... ... 7,395 4 11 Dox-tax ... ... ... ... 250 8 0 Sub-Treasurer's petty cash Gold-mining lease rents ... ... ... 188 15 O advance ... ... 13 10 8 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... 57 18 0 12 408 15 7 Contribution from Alexandra, Manuherikia Purchase, Clyde Bridge ... ... ... 5,000 O O Bridge ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 Purchase, Victoria Bridge ... ... 4^000 0 O Grant from Government, Nevis Bridge ... 300 0 0 Grant from Government, road Alexandra to boundary ... ... ... ... 500 0 0 Loan from Government to repair damages by floods ... ... ... ... 10,000 0 0 Interest ou current account ... ... 80 2 11 Interest on fixed deposit... ... ... 400 0 0 Remittance from Government for purchase— Clyde Bridge ... ... ... 5,000 0 0 Victoria ... ... ... ... 4,000 0 0 £45,037 4 5 £45,037 4 5 Vincent County Offices, David A. Jolly, Treasurer. Clyde, 12th April, 1879. I have examined the above abstract and compared it with the Treasurer's books and vouchers, and with the Bank pass-book, and I certify it to be correct. H. Livingston, Auditor. Settled at a meeting ofthe County Council held at Clyde, ou the 28th day of May, 1879. Vincent Pyke, Chairman.

Receipts. £ b. d. Cash in hand, 1st April, 1878 ... ... 96 11 7 Licenses — Amount of auctioneers' and publicans' licenses ... ... ... ... 754 13 0 Miscellaneous— £ s. d. Dog registration and other fees 55 4 3 Sundries ... ... 14 11 6 Interest on deposit in Bank 141. 0 4 Expenditure. £ s. d. Amount of overdraft 1st April, 1878 ... 702 3 2 General Account — Amount transferred to Hos- £ s. d. ... ... 250 0 0 Miscellaneous ... ... 197 5 0 Printing and advertising ... 87 7 5 Salaries, Chairman, clerk, ic. 313 0 0 846 12 5 210 16 1 Hospital Account — Salaries ... ... 150 18 0 Rations, ic, and medicines 240 6 3 Incidental .... ... 28 1 8 Printing and stationery ... 0 11 0 Burial expenses ... ... 9 0 6 Expense of patient at Christchurch ... ... 24 15 6 Transferred from Government Account ... 261 9 8 Subsidies — Half-year's subsidy on rates ... 844 10 1 Hospital Account — Repayment of amount deducted from subsidy... 51 3 6 Reimbursements ... 3 9 0 Donations ... ... 37 7 0 Voted by Council ... 250 0 0 341 19 6 Government Account — Remittances ... ... 7,157 7 2 Transferred to Hospital Account ... ... 261 9 8 715 2 7 Public works — Salaries ... ... 200 8 3 Repairs to road ... ... 2,947 8 11 Printing and advertising ... 19 16 0 Tools, ic. ... ... 17 9 Sundries ... ... 17 13 0 7,418 16 10 Deposit Account — Deposits on contracts ... ... 375 1 4 Mountain Road— Amount received from Government ... 3,107 2 8 Waverley Recreation-ground— Rent to 23rd March, 1879 ... ... 28 4 0 Mokoia Recreation-ground— Rent to 23rd September, 1879 ... ... 5 4 0 3,185 13 11 Government Account— Mountain Road... ... 3,107 2 8 Land Revenue ... ... 3,064 17 8 Hospital ... ... 51 3 6 6,223 3 10 Carried forward ... ... ...£13,182 19 1 ' Carried forward ... ... £11,672 15 11 7—B. 2.



BALANCE-SHEET of the COUNTY of HOBSON, for the Year ending 31st March, 1879.

County of Collingwood. Balance-sheet returned as "Nil." Act only brought into operation at end of year.

BALANCE-SHEET of the WAIMATE COUNTY FUND ACCOUNT, for the Year ended 31st March, 1879.

Statement of the Receipts and Expenditure of the Patea County— continued. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Brought forward ... ... ... 13,182 19 1; Brought forward ... ... ...11,672 15 11 lates — Deposit Account— Amount collected to 31st March, 1879 ... 937 15 3 Deposits repaid ... ... ... 234 1 4 and Revenue— Mountain RoadAmount, received during year ... ... 3,359 16 4! Amount paid on works in <and Revenue (deferred payments)— progress ... ... ... 2,106 15 1 Amount received during year ... ... 436 18 0 Land Revenue (deferred payments) — Hawera Road Board ... 295 1 0 Patea West Road Board... 141 17 0 436 18 0 Waverley Recreation-ground— Cost of leasing ... ... 3 4 9 Mokoia Recreation-ground— Cost of leasing ... ... ... 1 19 11 Cash in hand ... ... 53 2 5 „ Bank of New Zealand 3,408 11 3 3,461 13 8 £17,917 8 8 £17,917 8 8 F. McGuiHE, Chairman. County Offices, Carlyle, 26th June, 1879. J. Black, Clerk.

General Account. Receipts. £ b. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Balance in hand, 1878 ... ... ... 66 14 8 Valuation rolls... ... ... ... 2 10 0 £ s. d. Grant to Wairau Highway Board... ... 395 0 0 Government subsidy, one year 349 15 4 „ Okahu „ ... ... 320 0 0 Less hospitals, ic. ... 67 7 0 „ Paparoa „ ... ... 405 0 0 282 8 4 „ Pukekaroriro „ ... ... 220 0 0 Dog collars sold ... ... ... 47 19 9 „ Matakohe „ ... ... 641 0 0 licensing fees ... ... ... ... 97 1 0 „ Outlying districts ... ... 411 0 0 Veights and measures fees ... ... 2 7 5 Chairman's salary (one year) ... ... 50 0 0 !0 per cent. Land Revenue ... ... 28 14 7 „ extra allowance ... ... 18 0 0 3alance at credit, 30th Sept. (Colonial Go- Advertising ... ... ... ... 21 14 1 vernment ... ... ... ... 10 0 0 Dog-collars ... ... ... ... 8 16 8 Government grant (l-18th of £40,000) ... 2,222 4 5 Valuation of outlying districts ... ... 55 0 0 ?ash from Colonial Government, to be ex- Inspector's fees ... ... ... 5 5 0 pended on road, Wangarei to Port Albert 912 13 6 McKay and Co. (contractors on Government road) ... ... ... ... 479 0 0 Cullen and Co. (contractors on Government road) ... ... ... ... 430 8 1 Rent of rooms ... ... ... ... 380 Law expenses ... ... ... ... 290 Councillors'travelling expenses ... ... 23 13 0 Election expenses (advertising not included) 22 19 0 Stationery, postage, telegrams, (Jerk, messengers, ic. ... ... ... ... 12 5 4 Balance in Bank of New Zealand ... ... 131 2 1 „ Treasurer's hands ... ... 1 13 5 £3,660 3 8 £3,660 3 8 W. "W. Ariell, 10th April, 1879. Treasurer, County of Hobson. I hereby certify that I have examined the accounts and vouchers of the Hobson County Council ior tiie year ended 31st March, 1S79, and that I find the same to be correct. 8th May, 1879. L. A. Durrieu, Auditor. May 28, 1879. • TV. W. Ariell, Chairman.

1878. Receipts. £ s. d. lay 4. To Matured deposit receipt and interest ... ... ... 5,312 10 0 Amount received from land sales 24,205 4 10 „ surplus land revenue 6,169 14 10 lay 28. J. T. Pain's bond and costs ... 104 16 0 uuclu. Cash for crossings ... ... 21 0 0 Rent of Reserve No. 817 ... 5 0 0 1878. Expenditure. Mar. 30. By Overdraft at date Cheques unpaid 1879. Mar. 31. Salaries Day labour Office furniture, ic. ... Incidental expenses ... Carried forward ... £ s. d. ... 3,312 8 11 157 3 8 ... 1,789 7 10 ... 1,996 3 2 400 9 2 ... 2,256 9 11 ... £9,912 2 8 Carried forward ... ... ...£35,818 5 O



ABSTRACT of REVENUE and EXPENDITURE of the LAKE COUNTY COUNCIL, for the Twelve Months commencing 1st April, 1878, and ending 31st March, 1879.

Balance-sheet of the Waimate ( ounty Iund Account— continued. 1878. Receipts. £ s. d. Brought forward ... 35,818 5 0 ■Vug. 15. To Timaru and Gladstone Board of Works ... .. ... 500 0 0 „ 26. Charitable aid subsidy ... 283 0 0 3ep. 10. Cash, drain pipes ... ... 10 3 0 „ 14. Road Board deposits and interest 10,600 0 0 3ct. 15. Cash, Bruce's survey ... 5 5 0 Sov. 5. Fixed deposit receipt and interest 4,250 0 0 ,, 20. Half-year's subsidy on rates ... 2,232 18 11 Dec. 17. Wages refunded ... ... 6 8 0 ,, 30. Fixed deposit receipt and interest 9,849 7 6 1879. Ian. 15. „ „ » ... 2,105 2 11 Feb. 15. „ „ „ ... 2,105 2 11 Vlar. 5. Lane's deposit transferred ... 12 16 0 „ 7- W. Darby's salary refunded ... 1 18 4 „ 19. Hire of engine ... ... 6 0 0 „ 31. Cash, rents collected... ... 1,084 0 7 Interest on accounts credited ... 1,705 2 8 Fees and fines for year ... 187 15 0 Licenses ,, ... 347 16 0 Maps sold ... ... ... 4 4 0 Cheques on hand ... ... 218 0 0 Cheques unpaid by Bank ... 153 1 4 Cheques cancelled ... ... 34 0 0 Overdraft on current account ... 1,062 6 3 1879. Expenditure. £ s. d, Mar. 31 Brought forward ... 9,912 2 £ By Subsidy (library) ... ... 23 15 6 General contracts ... ... 41,667 6 6 Exchange on cheques ... 3 0 C Cheque-book ... ... 4 0 C Interest on overdraft ... 274 12 11 Transferred to Charitable Aid Account ... ... 283 0 0 Fixed deposit receipt ... 11,026 2 6 „ „ ... ... 8,263 14 C Interest placed on fixed deposit 1,125 0 0 £72,582 14 1 £72,582 14 1 Examine^ . and found correct. J. Ollivier, Provincial District Auditor. 2nd May, 1879.

Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Balances brought forward from 31st March, Grants in aid— £ s. d. 1878— £ s. d. Hospitals ... ... 27o 0 0 In deposit 54 7 0 Libraries 25 0 0 Available 15 8 9 Acclimatization ... ... 50 0 0 69 15 9 350 0 0 Fixed deposit 4,000 0 0 Valuations 5 0 10 Licenses _ Elections 110 13 9 Oeneral ... •■• 890 ° ° Legal expenses ... ... ... 52 19 6 Wholesale" 10 0 0 Roads and bridges 15,108 15 4 Night ... ... ... ••• 5 0 0 Salaries ... ... ... ... 918 6 8 Billiard ■•• ••• 1° 10 ° Travelling allowances to members ... 110 6 0 Slaughter ... ••• 53 5 0 Rents of office ... ... ... 35 0 0 Hawkers' 10 0 0 Office furniture 11 7 6 Transfers . . ... ••■ 3 6 3 Stationery ... ... ... ... 29 17 A Dog registrations '.'.'. 115 10 0 Printing and advertising 118 10 0 Ra te 8 ... ... ... 1,629 3 5 County Conference ... ... ... 48 0 0 Subsidy on rates 1,516 17 0 Charges by Government _ 8 1 4 Gold mining leases ... 412 14 10 Refunds of contract deposits ... ... 113 9 0 GoldDutv 1.1M 2 7 Postages 15 6 6 Gold Fields Revenue 1,017 14 10 Telegrams 33 13 6 Grant for beacon 35 0 0 Incidental 12 8 0 Contract deposits 142 0 0 Interest . ... ... ... 0 17 4 Surplus Land Fund (Canterbury) ... 468 13 7 Balances, Bank of New Zealand, on 31st Land Revenue 3,640 13 5 March, 1879- £ s d Advance from Government, account of floods 10,000 0 0 In deposit ... ... 82 18 0 Interest 158 17 4 Available 3,722 19 11 3imdl . v 15 7 0 3,805 17 11 y '" Fixed deposits 4,000 0 0 £24,883 11 0 £24,883 11 0 M. J. Malaghan, Treasurer. I have examined the foregoing abstract and compared it with the Treasurer's books and vouchers, ind with the Bank pass-book, and, with the exception stated iu my report to the Chairman, I certify it to be correct. • , ... H. Livingston, Auditor. Settled in accordance with section 134, " The Counties Act, 1S76," at a meeting of the Lake County Council, held at Queenstown on 30th May, 1879. _ Jno. Edgar, Chairman.




Public Debt of Lake County Council ... ... ... Nil. Reserves and Real Estate of Lake County Council ... ... Nil. Correct.—H. Livingston, Auditor. In the assets I certify the items " Rates uncollected " and " Bank balances" to be correct; in the liabilities the items " Advance by Government" and " Deposits on contracts " are correct; and the item " Contracts " is correct by accepted tenders produced. H. Livingston, Auditor. Auditor's report, addressed to the Chairman, Lake County Council:—"l have only to state that the reservation in my certificate applies to the sum of £50, given as subsidy to Acclimatization Societies for which I find no authority in the Act. H. Livingston, Auditor.

ACCOUNT of the RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS of the COUNTY of THAMES, for the Year ended 31st March, 1879.

RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the WAIPA COUNTY COUNCIL, from commencement of the Counties Act being in force till the 31st day of March, 1879.

ASSETS. £ s. d. told Fields Revenue ... ... ... 106 8 6 )ffice furniture ... ... ... 200 0 0 lates uncollected ... ... ... 299 7 0 .ash balances, Bank of New Zealand, 31st March, 1879 ... ... ... 7,805 17 11 ialance ... ... ... ... 4,116 0 0 £12,527 14 0 Liabilities. Contracts Deposits on contracts Day-labour Account Advance by Government ... Salaries Unpresented accounts £ s. d. ... 1,415 6 0 82 18 0 ... .872 0 0 ...10,000 0 0 ... 107 10 0 50 0 0 £12,527 14 0

KECEIPTS. £ 8. d. Balance in hand on the 1st April, 1878 ... ... From rates, viz.: — General rate of Is. in the £ on £1,849 19s. 924 19 6 From the Government— £ s. d. Grant of £ for £ on rates collected under provisions of the Financial Arrangements Act ... ... 1,727 1 4 Gold Duty and Gold Fields Revenue ... ... 5,865 10 6 Ditto, Borough refund ... 1,644 10 5 Per Paymaster-General ... 6,202 7 0 Out of grant in aid of Native districts ... ... 250 0 0 Expenditure. £ s. d. Balance due to Bank (or to Treasurer), on 1st April, 1878, being amount expended in excess of receipts during former year ... 9,573 18 1 On Public Works, viz. : — £ s. d. New roads, survey and construction ... ... 12,373 0 8 Cemeteries, wharves, and other works ... ... 355 12 6 Existing roads, repairs and improvements— Gold fields tracks ... 130 17 3 Road metal ... ... 383 12 9 County water-race ... 1,667 14 10 Tramways ... ... 114 9 4 United Pumping Association 5,359 17 5 20,385 4 9 On special works, out of special rates or grants — Fencing Native Tapus ... ... 50 0 0 Payments to Borough (gold £ s. d. duty) ... ... 359 8 7 On grants to Road Board— Loan, domestic water supply 692 8 9 Sick and destitute ... 82 8 6 On management— Valuation list ... ... 75 0 0 Salaries ... ... 887 5 0 Travelling expenses ... 345 10 6 Rent ... ... ... 52 0 0 Collection of rates or tolls 92 18 8 Sundries, petty cash, office furniture, and other expenses ... ... 431 8 3 Legal expenses ... ... 81 17 8 Stationery and printing 182 6 0 15,689 9 3 From miscellaneous sources— Publicans' and dog registration fees ... ... 620 7 3 Rent, Moanataiari Tramway 30 0 0 Dues, Thames Water-race 1,731 3 11 Sale of surplus iron ... 300 0 0 Sundry receipts ... ... 7 0 0 2,688 11 2 Overdraft, nt Bank of New Zealand (or amount due to Treasurer) on the 31st March, 1879, being amount expended in excess of receipts ... .,, 14,936 16 4 £34,239 16 3 3,282 11 11 Interest ... ... ... ... 943 1 6 £34,239 16 3 Dated this 30th day of June, 1879, at the offici of the County at Shortland, Thames. Alexander Brodie, Chairman. E. W. Hollis, Clerk.

Receipts. By Subsidy for half-year ending 31st December, 1878 ... „ License fees ,, Poundage, ic. ,, Interest on Coup balance at Bank £ 8. d. 555 4 3 25 0 0 14 0 3 16 0 Expenditure. To Grants to Road Boards „ Prin! ing and advertising „ Valuation rolls ,, Election expenses „ Office expenses, clerk's salary, ic. ,, Postage and stationery „ Electoral rolls „ Conveying rolls to districts Balance iu Bank £ s. d 275 0 C 46 11 _ 14 8 C 30 14 C 11 9 2 12 1 S 2 15 0 IOC 191 4 IC £585 4 3 £585 4 3



BALANCE-SHEET of the HOKIANGA COUNTY COUNCIL, for the Year ending 31st March, 1879.

ACCOUNT of RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS of the COUNTY of TARANAKI, for the Year ended 31st March, 1879.

ABSTRACT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the MANIOTOTO COUNTY COUNCIL, for the Year ending 31st March, 1879.

Assets and Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. Liabilitibs. £ s. d. lank balance ... ... ... ... 191 4 0 Liabilities ... ... ... ... Nil. leal estate ... ... ... ... Nil. Public debt of County ... ... ... Nil. .eserves ... ... ... ... Nil. James Wells, Treasurer, Waipa County Council. I hereby certify that I have examined the accounts and vouchers of the Waipa County Council rom their commencement to the 31st March, 1S79, and that I find the same to be correct. 9th May, 1879. L. A. Durrieu, Auditor. Passed, 14th May, 1879. T. C. G-ermann, Chairman, "Waipa County Council.

General Account. Receipts. £ s. d. j Expenditure. £ s. d. balance from last year ... ... ... 120 9 4 Ordinary expenditure ... ... ... 53 8 4 Eighteenth part ofvote of £40,000 to Counties 2,222 4 5 Salaries ... ... ... ... 42 15 O License fees ... ... ... ... 112 2 0 Charities ... ... ... ... 1 10 0 bounty rates ... ... ... ... 83 7 1 Public works ... ... ... ... 463 3 11 Fines'.. ... ... ... ... 0 5 0 Surveys ... ... ... ... 187 19 O log licenses ... ... ... ... 8 12 0 Election expenses ... ... ... 9 15 0 Government subsidy ... ... ... 70 10 6 Inspection expenses ... ... ... 31 19 6 Government, Taheke Bridge contract ... 100 0 0 Balance ... ... ... ... 2,179 5 0 Government, Matawera Road ... ... 150 0 0 Refund for surveys ... ... ... 18 19 0 interest on daily balance ... ... 83 1 5 £2,969 10 9 £2,969 10 9 Assets and Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. I Liabilitiis. balance in Bank ... ... ... 2,179 5 0| Nil. True copy of balance-sheet as signed by Chairman. H. N. Bishop, County Treasurer. Hokianga, 28th June, 1879.

Receipts. £ s. d. Jalance in Bank on 1st April, 1878 ... 534 15 5 .ash in hand ... ... ... ... 0 5 0 Irant of £1 for £1 on rates collected under provisions of the Financial Arrangements Act ... ... ... ... 1,030 4 2 )n account of Land Fund ... ... 2,390 17 1 Ipecial grant for Mountain Road ... ... 648 1 0 horn loans, deposit and interest ... ... 1,215 0 0 __m miscellaneous sources — Licenses ... ... ... ... 430 15 8 Dox-tax ... ... ... ... 49 3 5 Tolls ... ... ... ... 368 11 11 Reserves ... ... ... ... 77 6 0 Expenditure. £ s. d. Existing roads ... ... ... ... 3,148 8 0 Bridges ... ... ... ... 330 4 5 Salaries ... ... ... ... 338 9 9 Deposit ... ... ... ... 1,200 0 0 Rent, ic. ... ... ... ... 16 16 4 Sundries ... ... ... ... 229 16 9 Petty cash ... ... ... ... 10 17 3 Balance iu hand on 1st April, 1879 ... 1,470 7 2 £6,744 19 8 £6,744 19 8 J. B. Lawson, Clerk, County Council, Taranaki.

Receipts. £ s. d. Balance in Bank on 30th March, 1878 ... 218 12 10 Balance, Sub-Treasurer's advance... ... 2 19 1 Gold Revenue ... ... ... ... 1,032 16 10 told Duty ... ... ... ... 1,837 14 0 :,and Revenue ... ... ... ... 2,994 3 11 £ e. d. Subsidy on rates collected ... 1,525 11 0 Less over-issue of Land Revenue deducted by Government ... ... ... 125 1 5 Expenditure. £ s. d. Main Roads— Shag River to Lauder Creek ... ... 4,590 17 0 Rock and Pillar to Vincent County ... 80 10 0 Main Branch Roads — Boundaries of Waikouaiti and Taieri Counties to Kyeburn Ford ... ... 1,107 4 5 Douglas to Eden Creek ... ... 990 6 9 Main Road, Blackstone Hill, to Main Road near White Horse ... ... ... 2,077 2 4 Nasebv to Kyeburn Diggings ... ... 633 0 0 Tracks " ... ... ... ... 1,600 9 9 Bridges ... ... ... ... 1,035 15 2 Taieri River Bridge, Hyde ... ... 900 4 11 County office building ... ... ... 796 2 5 Office furniture and fittings ... ... 206 12 9 1,400 9 7 Assembly votes ... ... ... 1,500 0 0 tates ... ... ... ... 1,538 1 0 Billiard licenses ... ... ... 15 0 0 Bagatelle licenses ... ... ... 0 10 0 Carried forward ... ... £10,540 7 3 Carried forward ... ... £14,018 5 6 8—B. 2.



ABSTRACT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the WALLACE COUNTY COUNCIL, for the Year ending the 31st day of March, 1879.

STATEMENT of ASSETS and LIABILITIES of the WALLACE COUNTY COUNCIL, for the Year ended 31st March, 1879.

Austract of Receipts and Receipts. Brought forward ... Slaughtering licenses Publicans' licenses Pedlers and hawkers' licenses Valuation expenses, appeal costs ... _Iining-lease rents Forfeited deposits Dox-tax tees, Weights and Measures Act ... Interest .verdraft on 31st March, 1879 ... Expenditure of £ s. d. ... 10,540 7 3 36 0 0 302 0 05 10 0 2 3 0 205 12 6 10 0 0 138 10 0 0 6 0 0 16 6 ... 5,067 14 10 the Maniototo County Council— continued. T\ Expenditure. £ s. d. Brought forward... ... ... 14,018 5 6 Election expenses ... ... ... 63 IS 11 Printing and stationery ... ... ... 108 12 5 Advertising ... ... ... ... 117 10 0 Subsidies to Public Works ... ... 150 0 0 Subsidies to Public Libraries ... ... 35 15 0 Valuation expenses ... ... ... 10 0 6 Incidental expenses ... ... ... 83 7 4 Postages and telegrams ... ... ... 20 8 1 Collecting dog-tax ... ... ... 13 18 0 Rent of office ... ... ... ... 18 0 0 Salaries — Chairman ... ... ., ... 200 0 0 Clerk ... ... ... ... 250 0 0 Engineer ... ... ... ... 408 6 8 Valuer and Collector ... ... ... 241 13 4 Interim Inspectors ... ... ... 176 15 0 Travelling expenses of Councillors... ... 222 12 0 Travelling expenses of Engineer ... ... 50 7 0 Insurance ... ... ... ... 6 0 0 Office Care-taker ... ... ... 15 13 4 Interest on overdraft ... ... ... 94 19 6 Balance carried forward, Sub-Treasurer's advance ... ... ... ... 2 17 6 £16,309 0 1 £16,309 0 1 John Ewing, Treasurer.

Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Roads and works, overpaid and recovered ... 11 14 0 Balance from last account ... ... 3,196 11 2 Rates, 1877-78... ... ... ... 69 10 7 Roads and works ... ... ... 7,330 10 3 Rates, 1878-79... ... ... ... 1,421 0 1 Rates, 1877-78, refund ... ... ... 5 19 10 Government subsidy ... ... ... 790 1 10 Gold Revenue refund* ... ... ... 5 0 0 Gold Fields Revenue ... ... ... 407 19 6 Advance to Treasurer ... ... ... 4 7 6 i.dvance to Treasurer,now repaid... ... 0 8 2 Publicans'licenses collection ... ... 5 13 8 Gold Duty ... ... ... ... 532 0 6 Dox-tax collection ... ... ... 2 2 0 Publicans' licenses ... ... ... 143 0 0 Deposits on contracts ... ... ... 140 2 O Dox-tax ... ... ... ... 13 10 0 Advertising ... ... ... ... 85 18 9 Deposits on contracts ... ... ... 406 0 6 Printing and stationery ... ... ... 81 17 11 Land Revenue ... ... ... ... 12,038 7 5 Rent Account ... ... ... ... 24 3 0 share of surplus Land Revenue ... ... 1,034 7 10 Chairman ... ... ... ... 237 10 0 Revenue under Mines Act ... ... 36 14 4 Clerk and Treasurer ... ... ... 200 0 0 Interest Account ... ... ... 59 14 4 Inspector of Works ... ... ... 253 6 8 Hawkers' licenses ... ... ... 7 10 0 Incidental expenses ... ... ... 32 19 10 slaughtering licenses ... ... ... 12 0 0 Postages and telegrams ... ... ... 12 14 8 Bagatelle licenses ... ... ... 0 10 0 Members'travelling expenses ... ... 40 4 0 Contributions to charitable institutions ... 155 7 2 Land Revenue, refund to Government ... 473 14 9 Office furniture ... ... ... 7 10 11 Vauation expenses ... ... ... 11 2 0 Law expenses ... ... ... ... 110 Election expenses ... ... ... 60 11 0 Interest Account ... ... ... 01 16 2 Balance to next account... ... ... 4,554 4 10 £16,984 9 1 * Reservation referred to. £16,984 9 1 G-. W. Brodrick, County Treasurer. H. Hiest, Chairman. 1 have examined the above abstract and compared it with the Treasurer's books and vouchers, and vith the Bank pass-book, and, with the reservation that is contained in my report to the Chairman, I :ertify it to be correct. H. Livingston, Auditor.

Assets. £ s. d. Liabilities. £ s . d. Balance in Bank of New Zealand ... 5,092 15 8 Roads and bridges in course of construction 4,840 0 11 Rates 1877-78 unpaid ... ... ... 13 6 7 Cheques outstanding ... ... ... 538 3 10 Rates 1878-79 unpaid ... ... ... 260 11 0 Deposits held on account of contractors ... 285 18 6 £5,366 13 3 £5,664 3 3 Gr. W. Brodrick, Treasurer. In the assets, I certify the items "balance in Bant" and "rates uncollected" to be correct. In ;he liabilities, the items " cheques outstanding " and " contract deposits " are correct, and " roads and bridges" contracts are correct by accepted tenders produced. H. Livingston, Auditor.



ABSTRACT ACCOUNT of the RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS of the COUNTY of COOK, in all the transactions for the Year ended 31st March, 1879.

RETURN of ASSETS and LIABILITIES of the COUNTY of COOK on 31st March, 1879.

Statement as required by the 132 nd section of "The Counties Act, 187 G." Public Debt of the County ... ... ... ... Nil. Reserves and other Real Estate ... ... ... ... Nil. I hereby certify the above to be a true statement of the public debt and ofthe real estate of Cook County on the 31st March, 1879. W. H. Tucker, County Clerk and Treasurer. I certify that I have examined the within abstracts, marked respectively A, B, C, and showing all transactions in the General Account of the Cook County for the year ended 31st March, 1879 ; together with the statement of assets and liabilities for the same period; and, on comparing the same with the books and vouchers produced, find the said abstracts to be correct. Witness my hand this 30th day of April, 1879. Harry Kenrick, County Auditor. I hereby certify this to be a true copy of accounts and statements as signed by the Chairman on the 30th May, 1879. W. H. Tucker, County Clerk.

Statement of Public Debt of Counts: of Wallace on 31st March, 1879. Nil. OUNTV O: Nil. 11U. Gr. W. Brodhick, Treasurer, 'orrcct. —II. Livingston, Auditor. Statement of Keser\es vested in County of "Wallace, to 31st March, 1879. Nil. Gr. W. Bhodbick, Treasurer, 'orrect. —H. Livingston, Auditor.

Receipts. £ s. d. 3nlance in hand on 1st April, 1878 ... 2,018 19 9 <Yom general rate of Is. in the £ on £31,823 91G 9 1 •"roni the Government — Grant of £ for £ on rates collected under provisions of the Financial Arrangements Act ... ... ... ... 482 3 5 On account of Land Fund ... ... 7,230 2 0 Special grant for approaches to Waipaoa Bridge ... ... ... ... 700 0 0 Special grant, share of amount of £40,000 divided amongst counties ... ... 2,222 4 6 'rom miscellaneous sources— Licenses ... ... ... ... 849 11 0 Deposits on contracts ... ... ... 85 0 0 Bank interest on money balances ... 223 11 10 Expenditure. £ s. d. Existing roads— Repairs and improvements ... ... 5,958 9 1 Bridges ... ... ... ... 378 2 0 Culverts ... ... ... ... 347 17 6 Ferries—■ Subsidies ... ... ... ... 28 0 0 Construction of punts... ... ... 236 2 8 On special works, out of special grants — Approaches, painting Waipaoa Bridge ... 375 13 8 On management, viz., — Salaries ... ... ... ... 507 4 8 Rent ... ... ... ... 27 13 0 Expenses oh railway iron to date ... 1,529 16 3 Sundries, viz., printing, advertising, stationery, furniture, election expenses, &c. ... 709 10 7 Balance in hand, 1st April, 1879 ... ... 4,629 12 2 £14,728 1 7 £14,728 1 7 Dated this 31st day of March, 1879, at the offii :e of the County, at Gisborne. "W. H. Tucker, County Treasurer.

Liabilities. £ s. d. To balances due on contracts — Painting Waipaoa Bridge ... ... 28 0 0 Wall's contract, metalling ... ... 144 0 0 Quarrying 1,500 yards metal ... ... 160 0 0 Arai Bridge ... ... ... ... 1,476 0 0 Trussel bridge, Ormond-Opotiki Road ... 105 0 0 Bridle track, Gisborne-Wairoa Road ... 500 0 0 Pipiwaka Bush Road ... ... ... 101 0 0 Clearing side-drains and culverts ... 100 0 0 Bolaud, outlet drain, Ormond ... ... 27 0 0 Cuttings, Ormond Road ... ... 208 0 0 C. D. Berry, metalling tram, maintenance ... 1,122 0 0 Grant to Hospital ... ... ... 150 0 0 „ Waikohu Road Board ... ... 100 0 0 „ East Coast Eoads ... ... 150 0 0 Tologa Bay Ferry, extras ... ... 15 0 0 Forbes and .skeet's account ... ... 10 0 0 Unpaid accounts, ic. ... ... ... 20 0 0 Office rent and contingencies ... ... 50 0 0 Salaries, £58 6s. 8d. ; sundries, £20 ... 78 6 8 Outstanding cheques, £10 and £3 7s. lOd. ... 13 7 10 Assets. £ s. d. Balance to credit, Bank of New Zealand ... 4,530 11 5 Rates due ... ... ... ... 1,007 3 4 Government subsidy on rates received to date ... ... ... ... 916 9 1 Tools, instruments, furniture, ic. ... ... 100 0 0 Trucks, £250; quarried metal, £60 ... 310 0 0 Tologa punt, £175; iron rails, £7,400 ... 7,575 0 0 Rent of Patutahi ... ... ... 60 0 0 Cash in hand at 5 p.m. ... ... ... 113 4 1 £14,612 7 11 Promised from Government for Wairoa Road, £500; Bridge, £50... ... ... 550 0 0 £15,162 7 11 £4,563 14 6 I hereby certify this to be a true statement of the 31st March, 1879. ■he assets and liabilities of the County of Cook on W. H. Tucker, Treasurer.



ACCOUNT of the RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS of the WAIROA COUNTY COUNCIL, for the Year ended 31st March, 1879.

By Authority : Geoeqb Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB79. Price Is. 3d.

Receipts. £ s. d. ialance in hand on the lBt April, 1878 ... 116 6 6 from rates — General rate of Is. in the pound on £15,960 786 6 9 Vom tho Government, viz.— Grant of pound for pound on rates collected under provisions of the Financial Arrangements Act ... ... ... 684 4 8 Special grant for — Waikaremoana and Gisborne Roads ... 1,266 11 4 Land Fund, 20 per cent. ... ... 325 11 1 from miscellaneous sources — Ferries, publicans' licenses, dog-tax, slaughterhouse and hawkers' licenses, pound fees, ic. ... ... ... 390 8 10 Expenditure. £ s. d. On District works, viz.— Existing roads, repairs and improvements 1,062 8 7 Bridges ... ... ... ... 915 4 2 Ferries ... ... ... ... 66 2 3 Wharves ... ... ... ... 29 5 10 Charitable ... ... ... ... 51 0 0 Interest on mortgage ... ... ... 30 0 0 On management, viz.— Salaries ... ... ... ... 213 10 0 Travelling expenses ... ... ... 12 15 0 Valuing ... ... ... ... 45 0 0 Sundries, elections, furniture, ic. ... 197 8 1 Balance in hand on the 1st April, 1879 ... 946 15 3 £3,569 9 2 £3,569 9 2 Dated this 5th day of July, 1879, at the office if the Council at Clyde, ia the County of "Wairoa. R. O. Maney, Chairman. H. Williams, Clerk.

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COUNTY COUNCILS' BALANCE-SHEETS, 31ST MARCH, 1879., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1879 Session I, B-02

Word Count

COUNTY COUNCILS' BALANCE-SHEETS, 31ST MARCH, 1879. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1879 Session I, B-02

COUNTY COUNCILS' BALANCE-SHEETS, 31ST MARCH, 1879. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1879 Session I, B-02