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BALANCE-SHEET of the HOKIANGA COUNTY COUNCIL, for the Year ending 31st March, 1879.

ACCOUNT of RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS of the COUNTY of TARANAKI, for the Year ended 31st March, 1879.

ABSTRACT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of the MANIOTOTO COUNTY COUNCIL, for the Year ending 31st March, 1879.

Assets and Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. Liabilitibs. £ s. d. lank balance ... ... ... ... 191 4 0 Liabilities ... ... ... ... Nil. leal estate ... ... ... ... Nil. Public debt of County ... ... ... Nil. .eserves ... ... ... ... Nil. James Wells, Treasurer, Waipa County Council. I hereby certify that I have examined the accounts and vouchers of the Waipa County Council rom their commencement to the 31st March, 1S79, and that I find the same to be correct. 9th May, 1879. L. A. Durrieu, Auditor. Passed, 14th May, 1879. T. C. G-ermann, Chairman, "Waipa County Council.

General Account. Receipts. £ s. d. j Expenditure. £ s. d. balance from last year ... ... ... 120 9 4 Ordinary expenditure ... ... ... 53 8 4 Eighteenth part ofvote of £40,000 to Counties 2,222 4 5 Salaries ... ... ... ... 42 15 O License fees ... ... ... ... 112 2 0 Charities ... ... ... ... 1 10 0 bounty rates ... ... ... ... 83 7 1 Public works ... ... ... ... 463 3 11 Fines'.. ... ... ... ... 0 5 0 Surveys ... ... ... ... 187 19 O log licenses ... ... ... ... 8 12 0 Election expenses ... ... ... 9 15 0 Government subsidy ... ... ... 70 10 6 Inspection expenses ... ... ... 31 19 6 Government, Taheke Bridge contract ... 100 0 0 Balance ... ... ... ... 2,179 5 0 Government, Matawera Road ... ... 150 0 0 Refund for surveys ... ... ... 18 19 0 interest on daily balance ... ... 83 1 5 £2,969 10 9 £2,969 10 9 Assets and Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. I Liabilitiis. balance in Bank ... ... ... 2,179 5 0| Nil. True copy of balance-sheet as signed by Chairman. H. N. Bishop, County Treasurer. Hokianga, 28th June, 1879.

Receipts. £ s. d. Jalance in Bank on 1st April, 1878 ... 534 15 5 .ash in hand ... ... ... ... 0 5 0 Irant of £1 for £1 on rates collected under provisions of the Financial Arrangements Act ... ... ... ... 1,030 4 2 )n account of Land Fund ... ... 2,390 17 1 Ipecial grant for Mountain Road ... ... 648 1 0 horn loans, deposit and interest ... ... 1,215 0 0 __m miscellaneous sources — Licenses ... ... ... ... 430 15 8 Dox-tax ... ... ... ... 49 3 5 Tolls ... ... ... ... 368 11 11 Reserves ... ... ... ... 77 6 0 Expenditure. £ s. d. Existing roads ... ... ... ... 3,148 8 0 Bridges ... ... ... ... 330 4 5 Salaries ... ... ... ... 338 9 9 Deposit ... ... ... ... 1,200 0 0 Rent, ic. ... ... ... ... 16 16 4 Sundries ... ... ... ... 229 16 9 Petty cash ... ... ... ... 10 17 3 Balance iu hand on 1st April, 1879 ... 1,470 7 2 £6,744 19 8 £6,744 19 8 J. B. Lawson, Clerk, County Council, Taranaki.

Receipts. £ s. d. Balance in Bank on 30th March, 1878 ... 218 12 10 Balance, Sub-Treasurer's advance... ... 2 19 1 Gold Revenue ... ... ... ... 1,032 16 10 told Duty ... ... ... ... 1,837 14 0 :,and Revenue ... ... ... ... 2,994 3 11 £ e. d. Subsidy on rates collected ... 1,525 11 0 Less over-issue of Land Revenue deducted by Government ... ... ... 125 1 5 Expenditure. £ s. d. Main Roads— Shag River to Lauder Creek ... ... 4,590 17 0 Rock and Pillar to Vincent County ... 80 10 0 Main Branch Roads — Boundaries of Waikouaiti and Taieri Counties to Kyeburn Ford ... ... 1,107 4 5 Douglas to Eden Creek ... ... 990 6 9 Main Road, Blackstone Hill, to Main Road near White Horse ... ... ... 2,077 2 4 Nasebv to Kyeburn Diggings ... ... 633 0 0 Tracks " ... ... ... ... 1,600 9 9 Bridges ... ... ... ... 1,035 15 2 Taieri River Bridge, Hyde ... ... 900 4 11 County office building ... ... ... 796 2 5 Office furniture and fittings ... ... 206 12 9 1,400 9 7 Assembly votes ... ... ... 1,500 0 0 tates ... ... ... ... 1,538 1 0 Billiard licenses ... ... ... 15 0 0 Bagatelle licenses ... ... ... 0 10 0 Carried forward ... ... £10,540 7 3 Carried forward ... ... £14,018 5 6 8—B. 2.