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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Mr. Charles Heaphy to Under Secretary Native Department, August, 22nd, 1878. Memo. —My Report as Commissioner of Native Reserves of the North Island is herewith forwarded. The Under Secretary, Native Department, Charles Heaphy. Wellington. AUCKLAND. The long standing difficulty at Waiuku, caused by the hastily created and erroneous trusts may now beconsidered at an end. Twenty out of 23 of the necessary Crown grants in partial individualization of the land, having been issued, the Natives have, mostly, let the land on 21 years' leases, to the neighbouring settlers, and gone to new land, more fitting for their mode of cultivation. I have inquired into the claim of Wirimu Waikare, who petitioned the Legislature last year, alleging that he had been unjustly depiived of land, while living in Victoria, by the operation of the New Zealand Settlements Acts, and reported that it is desirable he should receive 50 acres of good land.. The detail and evidence in this case has already been furnished. The Under Secretary Native Department, Wellington. WELLINGTON. At Wellington, a Royal Commission has been issued to the Commissioner of Native Reserves,, directing him to enquire into and report upon the claims of certain Natives who profess to own, or be beneficially interested in the reserves called the New Zealand Company's " tenths," and into the proper application of their rents and profits. The investigation is now taking place. As in the Waiuku case Legislation will probably be required to give final effect to the Report that will be made. I have arranged a lease between Hohaii Pokaitara, of Porirua, and Mr. James Floyd, for the Reserve called Onepoto, containing 64 acres, and belonging to Hohaia, for 14 years' from Ist April, 1876, at £20 a year. Mr. Floyd had a previous lease of this land at £10 a year. I have also arranged a lease between the Hon. Wi Tako and other natives of Te Aro, and Mr. John Fitchett, for one rood and thirty-two perches, in section No. 43, Wordsworth Street, at £14 a year for ten years, and £19 a year for remainder of a term of 21 years. Dr. Johnston, the lessee of Nos. 972 to 989 Adelaide Road, Te Aro, having represented that by " The Native Reserves Act, 1873," not having been brought into operation, he was debarred from the possibility of obtaining an extension for building purposes of the term of 21 years, of which had the Act been in operation, he would have had a reasonable expectation, and there appearing to be grounds for his. complaint, he was allowed to surrender his lease, which had run six years, and to receive a new one for 21 years' from Ist January, 1878, paying an average of £19 more, per annum, for the 12 years' at the end of the term —a rate fixed by a professional valuator, mutually appointed. In the same mannei' Dr. Johnston and the executors of the late Mr. Adam Burns, were allowed to surrender their lease, which had run three and a half years, of sections Nos. 995 to 1005, Rintoul Street, Te Aro, and to receive a new lease for 21 yeais' from Ist January, 1878, paying in same manner £10 per annum, more for the last three years of the term. The accounts of the Native Reserve Fund are now kept as follows : — In the North Island, all monies derived from Reserves in which any particular native is interested, are payable into the " Wellington," "Taranaki," or "Auckland," account, respectively, and the account can be operated on for payment to the Natives interested. All monies derived from Reserves of a more general character, such as Hostelry maintenance, Reserves and Native Reserves, not appropriated to any particular person or Hapu, are paid over the ■ whole Island into a " General purposes Account," which can be operated on for expenses of Hostehies, surveys of reserves, commissioner's salary, and other similar expenses The accounts appended have been drawn out in a manner to show the receipts and expenditure in each of the above accounts, and the balances now remaining to their credit. Charles Heaphy, Wellington, 19th August, 1878. Commissioner Native Reserves.




Commissioner of Native Reserves in aa iount with Public Date. Name. Estate. When Due. Period. Amount. 1877. July 2 „ 3 E. Amer J. Collins 91, Ohariu (in advance) I 37, and part 39, Polhill's Gully ... J 1st, 39 and 41, Polhill's Gully 43, Polhill's Gully Uruokakite, Reserve ... J 1, Takapuwahia Takapuwahia, cutting timber on ... 45, Wordsworth Street... J Paikakariki, N.R. 12 and part 13, Ohariu... 2, Takapu Wahia ... A 1878. Dec. 31 1877. June 30 Dec. 3 1877. fune 3( „ 3( „ 3i July ! » 1: » 1; lune „ 31 „ 31 lug. % 11 10 10 to 1 3 .3 1 !0 10 13 Months. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 6 7 10 7 10 5 0 5 10 5 0 30 0 5 0 6 10 6 10 3 13 6 0 £ s. 7 10 d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 J. Collins 6 7 10 0 „ 3 „ 30 » 30 July 1 „ 13 6 6 6 6 5 0 5 10 5 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 „ 11 „ 30 „ 30 „ 30 J. Fitchett E. J. King E. J. King E. J. King n 30 „ 31 Aug. 6 „ 22 J. Dransfield F. Smith W. France E. J. King „ 13 June 1 „ 30 „ 30 Aug. 23 6 6 6 3 6 5 0 6 10 6 10 3 13 6 0 0 0 0 6 0 Sept. 6 „ 8 W. Cornor Cook, Brothers Nairn Street, N.R. 37 and 39, Makara (in advance) ... S 203 to 214, 228, 237, 2.3'J, Palmerston North ... J 41, Polhill's Gully ... S 19 and 22, Ohiro ... C 12 and part 13, Ohariu... S 11, PipiteaPa ... IS 22 and 24, Makara 7 and 8, Johusonville ... J „ 28 1878. Sept. 1 1877. June 30 Sept. 25 Oct. 18 Sept. 30 Nov. 1 „ 9 July 1 1878. „ 21 1878. Sept. ] 1877. rune 3( •tept. 2: Jet. If iept. 3( s Tov. : „ < ruiy : 1878. 18 1 10 15 8 10 1 9 1 12 12 12 6 6 6 3 6 12 6 12 0 5 0 13 10 - 6 0 20 0 3 13 10 0 30 0 43 11 12 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 (> 12 5 0 0 27 H. S. Palmerson 6 6 6 3 6 12 6 13 10 6 0 20 0 3 13 10 0 30 0 43 11 4 0 0 6 0 0 6 Oct. 4 22 „ 31 Nov. 1 „ 1 „ 13 J. Fitchett J. Smith W. France Mrs. Salmon P. Trotter R. Bould Dec. 31 1878. J. Whitehouse Komanga, N.R. ... J Jan. 1 LOIO. Fan. 1 1 12 12 100 0 100 0 0 0 Jan. 2 „ .8 8 Father McGuiness R. Lyon E. Amer Makara, School Site 23, Polhill's Gully ... Ji 91, Ohariu „ 1 June 30 „ 30 1877. Dec. 31 „ ] rune 3( » 3( 1877. 1 0 0 12 6 6 12 6 6 1 0 7 10 7 10 1 0 7 10 7 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 „ 9 „ 11 W. France J. Collins 12 and part 13, Ohariu... E 37 and part 39, Polhill's Gully Part 39 and 41, Polhill's Gully Paikakariki, N.R. Takapuwahia (3 Reserves) J Timber money 13 Sections, Palmerston North ... J 101 I. 3ec. 3] „ 3: „ 31 „ 3: ran. i; „ i; 1878. ran. ] 1 il 1 1 3 3 1 3 3 6 G G 6 3 13 7 10 3 0 6 10 41 0 5 0 13 10 3 13 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 4 J. Collins „ 31 6 7 10 0 „ 11 G G 3 0 6 10 41 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 „ 18 F,b. 6 6 Mar. 16 F. Smith E. J. King E. J. King H. S. Palmerson „ 31 „ 31 Jan. 13 „ 13 1878. April 5 „ 12 A. Mackay W. France Ramaroa, N.R. 12 and part 13, Ohariu, 3 monthsto Apl. 1,1878 A Wairoa, flax lease 19 and 21, Ohiro 41 and pait 43, Polhill's Gully (on account) .. Pipitea, N.R. ... 1 7 and 8, Johnsonville ... J 86, Pahautanui ... A 5, Porirua ... D Jan. 1 1 1 Ipril ] 1 „ 1* Hay : fan. : Ipril 3( Dec. 3: 1877 1 1 1 8 1 1 10 II 12 3 3 6 6 6 12 12 6 12 15 0 3 13 36 0 20 0 15 0 10 0 43 11 5 0 40 0 13 10 15 0 4 0 0 6 0 D 0 0 6 0 0 „ 18 24 May 7 G. Beaven J. Smith J. Fitchett April 1 „ 1 „ 18 3 3 6 3 13 36 0 20 0 6 0 0 h 20 June 3 „ 10 „ 18 Ahs. Salmon R. Bould G. Goldfinch J. McGrath May 1 Jan. 1 April 30 Dec. 31 1877. June 30 6 6 12 12 15 0 10 0 43 11 5 0 40 0 0 0 6 0 0 „ 29 F. Smith Paikakariki, N.R. ... J June 31 10 G G 6 10 6 10 0 0 Total £624 17 8



xi.wv^vy v; J' x. Trustee, from 1st July, 1877, to 30th June, 1878. Cr. 1877. July 2. Paid to Public Account ,j •-*• jj jj >> ••• jj "• jj j> » "• ?» A 1. || )j jj ...... ,i «>«. >) » >> jj 'JW. jj JJ JJ "* 3D j) >"-'• >> » » "if) "... ,j OV. tt jj JJ '" jj "-1. » J> >» "* Aug. 6. „ „ „ 99 „ --. ,, ,, »< Sept. 6. „ „ „ )( "• I) >! » 97 ... jj «!• jj >> J> *'* '** Oct. 4. ,, „ „ 99 jj jj JJ J> jj 31. jj jj jj ... ••• Nov. 1. „ „ „ jj !• jj jj » •■* 11 „ lo. „ u jj ,j 31. „ jj jj 1878. Jan. 2. „ „ jj jj °. u >' " „ 8. „ jj jj jj 9- >j » >» „ 11. Paid to Public Trustee jj 11- jj " » ,,18. „ ,j jj Feb. (i. ,, ,, j> ,, 6. ., ,, ,j Mar. 16. ,, >j » April 5. „ „ j, ,, 12. ,, ,j jj „ 18. ,j j, jj „ 24. j, jj j» M^' 7. ,j u jj jj -^U. j; )' » Juno 3. „ ,, u n 10. j, j) jj „ 10. ,j ,j jj jj 29. jj j) jj ■• ••• ."* Feb. 6. Balance, paid to General Purposes Account in adjustment ... • ••> £ s. 7 10 7 10 5 0 5 10 5 0 30 0 5 0 6 10 6 10 3 13 6 0 12 0 5 0 13 10 6 0 20 0 3 13 10 0 30 0 43 11 100 0 1 0 7 10 7 10 3 13 7 10 5 0 6 10 3i> 19 4 17 13 10 15 0 3 13 36 0 20 0 15 0 10 0 43 11 5 0 40 0 6 10 1 3 d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 4 0 0 60 0 & 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 & 6 4 0 6 00 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 ■ Total £624 17 8 £624 17 8




Receipts in account with Expenditure, Dr. 'otal receipts as shewn in Account jSTo. 1 £ s. d 624 17 8 I » I Total ... 17 I 17 8




Tom 1st uly, 1877, to 30t: une, 1878. o. 1877. July 14. H. Pokaitara and Penekote, McGrath's rent, twelve months „ 14. N. Tungia, King's rent to 30th January, 1877, shave „ 17. W. Neeta,,£iug'B rent to 13th January, 1877, share Aug. 1. H. Pakata, echo >1 site, Makarft, twelve months to 1st January, 1877 ... „ 4. T. Paramatta, Smith's rent T.o 30tli June, 1877 „ 4. Kairangi, King's rent to 13th July, 1877, for No. 3 Sept. 6. M. Taipu, King's rent for No. 2, to 23rd August, 1877 „ 4. Meihakeepa, Waiau flax rent to 31st March, 1877 ... Oct. 30. N. Paratene and others, Francis' rent to 30th September. 1877 Nov. 2. N. Paratene, share of Trotter's rent to 9th "Nov. 1877 „ 3. H. Ngapake, Salmon's rent to 1st Nov., 1877. Dec. 8. Hon Wi Tako, Polhill's Gully, rents to 13th Nov., 1877 1878. Jan. 10. W. Neera and Horomona, Whitehouse, ront to 1st Jan., 1878, share ... „ ,, M. Taipu, share Whitehouse, rent to 1st Jan., 1878... Feb. 25. R. te Wharau, share Trotter's rent to 9th Nov., 1877 „ 27. Paiura and others, Francis' rent to 1st Jan., 1878 ... Mar. 21. R. Puaha, King's rent on No. 2, to 23rd Feb., 1878 „ 21. N. Tungia, King's rent on No. 1 to 13th Jan., 1878 „ 23. M. Taipu for T. Paramatta, Smith's rent to 31st Decemher, 1877 „ 6. W. Tunui share, Mackay's rent to 1st Jan., 1878 ... April 8. Rapihana share, Mackay's rent to 1st Jan., 1878 „ 8. Rapihaua share, Mackay's rent to 1st Jan., 1878 „.* „ 12. Rapata share, Mackay's rent to 1st Jan., 1878 „ 13. Paiura, Francis' rent to 1st April, 1878, share April 12. Krihoma, King's rent on No. 3 Takapuvahia, to 1st Jan., 1877 June 19. H. Pokaitara, share: McGrath's rent to 31st December, 1878 „ 26. H. Pakaka school site, Makara, G months to 1st Jan., 1876 ... „ 20. H. Pakaka school site, Makara, 12 months to 1st Jan., 1878 „ 26. H. Pakaka P. Trotter's rent to 9th Nov., 1877 Balance owing to Natives on the year £ s. i 4') 0 0 3!) 0 0 30 0 0 10 0 G 10 0 f> 0 0 GOO . 36 0 0 3 13 6 10 0 0 10 0 0 , 121 1 6 60 0 0 40 0 0 5 0 0 3 13 6 5 17 0 29 5 0 7 6 3 1 0 0 GOO 1 0 0 7 0 0 1 4 6 4' 17 G 19 10 0 0 10 0 10 0 14 12 0 117 10 11 Total ... £624 17 8




immissioner o ativi ,eservi is in acci >unt wit Date. Name. Estate. When Due. Period. Amount. 1877. July 10 G. W. Schwartz 867, 893, 1098 to 1100, Te Aro Fee on Pahautanui rents, collected £10 2| per cent, on King's rent, £5 2| per ct. on King's rent, Barry's rent, £5 2J per ct. on King's rent, McGrath's rent, £40 140 and 141, Tauranga... 1877. Months. £ s. d. „ 12 M. Tumuakerangi Dec. 1 6 3 0 0 0 5 0 „ 13 W. Kairangi 0 2 6 „ 13 R. Puaha 0 2 6 „ 18 H. Pokaitara 1 0 2 10 0 0 v 18 Koller's estate June 30 1878. Jan. 11 1877. June 30 6 „ 18 C. F. Luxford 1081 and 1082, Te Aro... 6 1 1 0 „ 30 „ 18 J. E. Smith N. Tungia Pipitea Street, N.R. ... 1\ per cent, on King's rent, of No. i, £30 2-J- per cent, on King's rent, timber money... 21 per cent, on F. Smith's rent, £6 10 132, Mungaroa 14 and 114, Te Papa ... Mechanic's Bay, N.R. ... 2^ per cent, on King's rent, £6 2nd dividend in Wallace's estate, Ohariu rent... Supnena fee Fee 6 3 0 0 6 0 15 0 Aug. 7 N. Nigha 0 2 6 24 T. Paramatta 0 3 5 0 12 10 5 5 3 0 0 0 „ 25 „ 28 Sept, 6 10 » 1-' J. Cruikshank R. C. Jordan R. Kay M. Taipu ... „ 30 Sept. 30 Aug. 7 6 6 6 0 3 0 28 D. Anderson 18G8. 1 11 1 1 0 1 3 0 0 Oct. 1 5 Brandon & Son H. Travel „ 1 „ 3 Napier & Co. F. & G. Gane W. H. Watt 547, Patea 503, Patea 1878. Mar. 31 „ 31 1877Sept. 30 1878. Mar. 31 1877. 12 12 12 8 7 16 12 16 18 6 6 0 1 488 and 489, Patea 8 Nov. 6 C. & E. Symes Dr. Johnston 28, Whenuakura 995 to 1005, Adelaide Road 972 to 989, Te Aro ... 2J per cent, on £7, rent collected, Goldfinches' 24 per cent, on £10, Trotter's rent 72, Tauranga Town 6 10 13 9 6 Dr. Johnston Tumuakirangi Oct. 1 June 30 G 6 10 0 16 0 0 0 0 3 6 „ 19 Neta 0 5 2 10 0 0 „ 14 „ 14 „ 19 J. W. Gray T. Corbett L. M. Grace 3 and 4 Tauranga. Town 604 to 715, Tauranga Town 21 per cent, on Polhill's "Gully, i-ent,£l211s. 6d.' 19 of sec. 9, Mechanic's Bay, arrears on acct. 2^ per cent, on Salmon's rent, £10 July 31 1878. Mar. 31 1877. June 30 6 G 2 10 0 12 3 10 0 Dec. 8 Hon. Wi Tako „ 15 3 0 6 Stone ik Craig 100 0 0 Dec. 12 11. Ngapaki 0 5 0 „ 18 1878. Jan. 11 J. J. Foothead 1098 and 1100, Te Aro 1878. May 31 1877. G 2 0 0 „ 12 „ 18 W. Corbett J. E. Smith W. Neera 1 to 3 of 89, section 1, suburbs of Auckland ... Part of 543, Pipitea St. 2| per cent, on £100, Porirua, rent June 30 Jan. 1 6 6 G 0 3 0 0 0 1878. Dec. 31 Mar. 31 2 10 0 „ 18 Koller's estate „ 28 J. J. Sheehan 140 and 141, Tauranga... 88, Whenuakura 6 6 2 10 22 15 0 0 Carried foi wa trd on page 3 9



ACCOUNT. Public Trustee, from Ist. July, 1877, to 30th June, 1878. Cr. See page 9.

G—6 a,



Commissioner of Native Reserve in ace 'Uiit with Date. Name. Estate. When Due. Period. Amount. 1878. Fel). 15 Mar. 12 „ 19 „ 25 '8. 15 12 19 25 » E. J.'King ! R. Kay I T. Mills > R. Puaha ' Brought forward 2J per cent, on ,£4G, Ta kapu-Wahia, rent ... Lot 4, sec. 12, Auckland Fel 1081 and 1<>Si>, TeAro Jar 2| per ct. on .£o, Barry's rent l Feb. 7 Jan. 11 b. n. : ia^7 7 11 Months. (i 12 £ s. 267 3 1 3 5 5 2 2 0 2 d. 9 0 0 0 6 April 3 „ 8 » 8 „ 8 „ 8 1 1 3 5 W. Freeman 1 Part 543, Pipitea Street Jui 1 1877. June 30 1878. Oct. 1 Sept. 30 Oct. 1 I6i I. ne I L87«. 80 !. 6 9 0 | 0 h 8 „ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 3 6 i Gane, Brothers I W. H. Watt I Napier & Mitchell > Rapihana 1 C. & E. Symes I Kerihoma i W. France 5 M. Sims 5 M. H. Roe 503, Patea ... Oct 448 and 449, Patea ... Ser, 547, Patea ... Oct 2£ per cent on £15, Ramaroa, rent 28, Whenuakuni ... Ser Adjustment of 2.V per ft. on £5 12 and part 13, Ohariu... Ap 11, section 20, Onehunga Ma 125 and 6, lot 11, One- 1 huuga ... Dec 1 Sept. 30 t. pt. i t. pt. ! aril ir. I 1876. :c. : I 878 1 30 1 30 1 31 31 i 6 12 12 G 3 24 12 8 6 16 18 4 3 0 7 10 13 0 2 3 13 7 0 14 0 3 0 9 6 9 6 6 0 0 „ 8 May 3 „ 6 9 „ 15 „ 21 „ 25 „ 29 „ 29 9 15 21 25 29 29 ) J. W. Gray ) J. T. Sheehan L M. H. Roe ) E. J. Foothead ) Alexander Johnston ) Alexander Johnston l 72, section 1, T&uranga Fel 88, Whenuakui-a ... Sei: 6 of lot 11, Onehunga ... Fel 1098 and 1100, Te Aro No 995 to 1005, TeAro ... De< 972 to 989, TeAro ... „ April 1 Mar. 31 1876. Dec. 31 1878. Feb. 1 Sept. 30 Feb. 7 Nov. 30 Dec. :;i „ 31 IOIO. b. pt. : b. >T. : >c. 1 30 7 30 •> 1 31 6 6 12 G G 6 2 10 22 15 1 10 2 0 .3 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total £399 16 6




Public Trustee, from 1st July, 1877, to 30t: une, 18 Cr. 1877. July 10. „ 12. „ 13. „ 13. „ 18. „ 18. „ 18. „ 30. „ 18. Aug. 7. „ 24. „ 25. „ 28. Sept. 6. „ 12. „ 29. „ 2. „ 6. „ 16. „ 2. Sept. 3. „ 8. „ 7. „ 7. n 7. ., 19. „ 5. „ 5. „ 19. Dec. 8. „ G. „ 13. „ 13. 1878. Jan. 11. „ 12. Jan. 18. „ 18. 22 Feb. 15. „ 12. „ 19. Mar. 25. „ 3April 8. , 4. „ 4. „ 20. „ ♦• ,, 4. „ 12. May 3. „ 6. „ 9-. „ 9. June 22. ■ 95 Paid to Public Account II JJ 11 ))' II II II JJ JJ JJ >J II JJ JJ " II II >I jj jj J) )) )> >' )) )| " II Ji " ji I) II '••• ji )I JJ JI II II II ji II II IJ J> JJ JJ II JJ JI Ii II JI >! JI JI JJ JI JJ Ji JJ JJ JJ jj JJ JJ ij JJ JJ jj JJ JI u JI IJ ij JI II II II II I- JJ JJ II JJ Ji II ii ii II II II II II II Paid to Public Trustee ii ji ii ji jj ■ ii ii ii ji JJ JI !> II ' » II II II II II II " JJ II II JJ II » II II " II J! 'I ii ;j " ji i* ii ji ii ii jj jj ii u jj ji jj jj u jj jj ji ii u 'j jj ij i' u ji ii ij jj ii y Balance (since paid) £ s. d. 3 0 0 0 5 0 0 2 6 0 2 6 10 0 2 10 0 110 3 0 0 0 15 0 0 2 6 0 3 3 5 0 012 10 0 5 5 0 0 3 0 1 11 3 1 1 0 0 1 0 8 7 6 16 16 & 16 12 6 10 13 9 10 0 0 16 0 0 0 3 6 0 5 0 2 10 0 2 10 0 3 10 0 3 0 6 ... 100 0 0 0 5 0 2 0 o 6 0 0 3 0 0 2 10 0 2 10 0 22 15 0 1 ;5 o 5 5 0 2 2 0 '.'. 0 2 6 9 0 0 8 6 3 16 IS 0 4 3 9 0 7 6 10 13 9 0 2 6 3 13 6 7 0 0 14 0 0 2 10 o 22 15 0 1 10 0 2 0 o '.'.'. 21 1 6 9 Total - ... £399 1G 6

G—6 a,



'rom 1st July, 1877, Receipts. To receipts as shewn in Account No. 2 £ s. d . 399 16 6 Total .£399 1C 6 AUCKLAND Charles Heaphy, Commisssoner Native Reserves, in account with * Dr. 1877. uly 7. Payment by Garrett Barry, 176, Runuera, six months to 31st December, 1877 £ s. a. 5 0 0 Total 0 0




to 30th June, 1878. Expenditure. 1877. £ a. Aug. 24. T. White, road rates oii section 16 and part 180, 1876-77 ... ... ... 2 19 „ 1. 0. Heaphy, salary, July ... ... ... ... ... ... iS ,j „ 29. C. Heaphy, salary A-Ugust ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 (5 „ 31. J. G-raig, coal for Native hostelry ... ... ... ... ... 2 0 „ 31. J. L. Hastwell, provisions Native hostelry ... ... ... ... 6 14 Sept. 3. J. Craig, brooms and .scrubbers Native hostelry ... ... ... ... 3 1 „ 3. J. Graig, two tons fire wood Native hostelry ... .. .. ... 10 „ 13. J. Craig, two tons fire wood ... ... ... ... ... ... 1' 0 „ 25. C. Heaphy, salary, September ... • ... ... ... ... 8 6 Oct. 23. C. Heaphy, salary, October ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 6 Nov. 8. 0. Heaphy, cabs, ifec, removing records ... ... ... ... ... 013 „ 20. C. Heaphy, salary, November ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 6 „ 21. F. H. and G. W. Gane, refund half-year's rent of 503 Patea, over payment ... .86 Dec. 21. C. Heaphy, salary, December ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 6 1878. i Jan. 17. G-. Hand, wagos at hostelry ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 0 „ 17. T. Coffee, wages at hostelry ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 4 Feb. 2. G. Hand, wages at hostelry ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 10 „ 2. E. Cbigwedden, washing for hostelry ... ... .. ... ... ■ 3 14 „ 9. C. Heaphy, salary, January. ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 6 „ 27. G. Hand, wages, hostelry ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 10 Mar. 5. C. Heaphy, salary, February ... ... ... ... ... ... 86 „ 5. G. Hand, wages, hostelry ... ... ... ... ... ... 210 ,, 28. C. Heaphy, salary, March ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 (5 April30. C. Heaphy, salary, April ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 6 May 16. S. Surman, repairs, hostelry ... ... ... ... ... ... 15 0 .„ 31. R. Burrett, stationery ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 9 June 29. Heaphy, C, salary, May and June ... ... ... ... ... 16 13 „ 29. Expenses of survey, Native reserves, Pakuratahi ... ... ... ... 65 13 d. 2 8 8 0 2 6 0 0 8 8 6 8 3 8 0 0 0 0 8 0 8 0 8 8 0 0 4 9 Total Expenditure ... ... ... ... 229 5 Balance, excess of receipts over expenditivre for the year ... ... 170 11 229 5 170 11 4 2 4 2 Total ... ... £399 16 6 Note.—Balance to Cr. of general purpdfes account on 30th June, 1878, was £351 16s. lid. ACCOUNT. Auckland Account, from 1st July, 1377, to 30th Juue, 1878. Cr. Primary Disposal. Ultimate Disposal. uly 7, 1877. Paid to Public Account £5 0 0 March 12, 1877. Paid Kaiha Puaha £5 0 0 Total" ... ... ... ... £5 0 0 JorE.—There was on the 30th June, 1878 a balance to Credit of £6. i Printed by E. Bcekett, at his Steam Printing Office, Molesworth Street, Wellington.

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REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF NATIVE RESERVES NORTH ISLAND FROM 1ST JULY, 1877, TO 30TH JUNE, 1878., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1878 Session I, G-06a

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REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF NATIVE RESERVES NORTH ISLAND FROM 1ST JULY, 1877, TO 30TH JUNE, 1878. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1878 Session I, G-06a

REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF NATIVE RESERVES NORTH ISLAND FROM 1ST JULY, 1877, TO 30TH JUNE, 1878. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1878 Session I, G-06a