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to 30th June, 1878. Expenditure. 1877. £ a. Aug. 24. T. White, road rates oii section 16 and part 180, 1876-77 ... ... ... 2 19 „ 1. 0. Heaphy, salary, July ... ... ... ... ... ... iS ,j „ 29. C. Heaphy, salary A-Ugust ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 (5 „ 31. J. G-raig, coal for Native hostelry ... ... ... ... ... 2 0 „ 31. J. L. Hastwell, provisions Native hostelry ... ... ... ... 6 14 Sept. 3. J. Craig, brooms and .scrubbers Native hostelry ... ... ... ... 3 1 „ 3. J. Graig, two tons fire wood Native hostelry ... .. .. ... 10 „ 13. J. Craig, two tons fire wood ... ... ... ... ... ... 1' 0 „ 25. C. Heaphy, salary, September ... • ... ... ... ... 8 6 Oct. 23. C. Heaphy, salary, October ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 6 Nov. 8. 0. Heaphy, cabs, ifec, removing records ... ... ... ... ... 013 „ 20. C. Heaphy, salary, November ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 6 „ 21. F. H. and G. W. Gane, refund half-year's rent of 503 Patea, over payment ... .86 Dec. 21. C. Heaphy, salary, December ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 6 1878. i Jan. 17. G-. Hand, wagos at hostelry ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 0 „ 17. T. Coffee, wages at hostelry ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 4 Feb. 2. G. Hand, wages at hostelry ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 10 „ 2. E. Cbigwedden, washing for hostelry ... ... .. ... ... ■ 3 14 „ 9. C. Heaphy, salary, January. ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 6 „ 27. G. Hand, wages, hostelry ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 10 Mar. 5. C. Heaphy, salary, February ... ... ... ... ... ... 86 „ 5. G. Hand, wages, hostelry ... ... ... ... ... ... 210 ,, 28. C. Heaphy, salary, March ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 (5 April30. C. Heaphy, salary, April ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 6 May 16. S. Surman, repairs, hostelry ... ... ... ... ... ... 15 0 .„ 31. R. Burrett, stationery ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 9 June 29. Heaphy, C, salary, May and June ... ... ... ... ... 16 13 „ 29. Expenses of survey, Native reserves, Pakuratahi ... ... ... ... 65 13 d. 2 8 8 0 2 6 0 0 8 8 6 8 3 8 0 0 0 0 8 0 8 0 8 8 0 0 4 9 Total Expenditure ... ... ... ... 229 5 Balance, excess of receipts over expenditivre for the year ... ... 170 11 229 5 170 11 4 2 4 2 Total ... ... £399 16 6 Note.—Balance to Cr. of general purpdfes account on 30th June, 1878, was £351 16s. lid. ACCOUNT. Auckland Account, from 1st July, 1377, to 30th Juue, 1878. Cr. Primary Disposal. Ultimate Disposal. uly 7, 1877. Paid to Public Account £5 0 0 March 12, 1877. Paid Kaiha Puaha £5 0 0 Total" ... ... ... ... £5 0 0 JorE.—There was on the 30th June, 1878 a balance to Credit of £6. i Printed by E. Bcekett, at his Steam Printing Office, Molesworth Street, Wellington.