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H.-No. IL





H.—No. 11,


On the Petition of— Pa Se 1. 554 Natives of Hawke's Bay, for inquiry into land transactions ... ... ... 3 2. 100 Maoris residing in the District of Wanganui, for alteration of the Native Land Laws... 3 3. Hone Nahe and others, that lawyers and European agents may not practise in Native Lands Court ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 4. Te Hata and others, for payment for military service ... ... ... ... 4 5. Henare Pukuatua and 135 others, on various subjects ... ... ... ... 4 6. Keke (Mrs. Cowell), for restoration of Confiscated Land ... ... ... ... 4 7. Pehimana Tahua and 32 others, for restoration of Confiscated Land ... ... ... 4 8. Eruru te Ngahu and 21 others, relative to the shooting of Pahu by McAskill ... ... 4 9. 513 Natives of Hawke's Bay, for inquiring into working of Native Land Laws ... ... 4 10. Tikawenga and 171 other Natives of Wairarapa and Hawke's Bay, that the Native Lands Court be abolished ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 11. 18 Natives of the Ngatiraukawa Tribe, for liberty to deal with their own lands ... ... 5 12. 5 Natives of the Thames District for repeal of section 33 of " The Native Lands Act, 1867 " 5 13. Mokena Kohere and Mohi Ture, that the firearms in the hands of Natives in Waipu District may be collected ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... 5 14. 28 Natives of Wanganui, for restoration of Confiscated Land ... ... ... ... 5 15. Ranohe Rangaika, for restoration of his land formerly sold at Poverty Bay ... ... 5 16. Manihera Rangiakaiwaho, for restoration of land in Castle Point District ... ... 5 17. Henare Tomoana and Renata, for compensation for military service ... ... ... 5

1. On Petition of 554 Natives of Hawke's Bay, for inquiry into land transactions. Your Committee have the honor to report to the House that, after a careful examination of the allegations contained in the above petition, the following resolution was adopted:— That, after examining certified copies of some of the grants referred to in the petition, and hearing the statements of Mr. Takamoana with regard to the allegations therein, the Committee are of opinion that no satisfactory inquiry can be made except at Napier or in the neighbourhood, where alone the greater portion of the necessary evidence, whether documentary or oral, can be obtained ; and therefore recommend to the House that a Commission shall be appointed, composed of some Europeans and some Natives, none of whom shall be in any way interested in the question to be investigated. 16th August, 1872.

2. On Betition of 100 Maoris residing in the District of Wanganui, for alteration of the Native Land Laws. Youe Committee have the honor to report that, on consideration of the above petition, the following resolution was agreed to : — That, with regard to all lands which are tied up under the provisions of " The Immigration and Public Works Act, 1871," the Natives should in the first instance offer the land to the Governor; and in the event of the Governor not requiring the same, a notification should be inserted in the Government Gazette offering tho land for sale, which should be by auction. 19th September, 1872.

3. On the Betition of Hone Nahe and others, that Lawyers and European Agents may not practise in Native Lands Court. Youe Committee have the honor to report that, after careful consideration of the above petition, the following resolutions were agreed to : — 1. That it should be enacted in the Native Lands Act, that no legal practitioner, advocate, or other agent of the European race, should be permitted to take any part in the proceedings of Land Courts, in &nj cause in which such lawyer or agent is directly or indirectly interested, and that a penalty be provided for in such cases. 2. That it is highly desirable that a notification should be forwarded to the Natives, printed in the Maori language, explaining the nature of the Highway Boards Act; also, to inform them that the cause of their having to pay such rates was principally in consequence of their ignorance of the present existing laws in connection with such Act. 3. Your Committee respectfully recommend to the favourable consideration of the House, the advisability of increased Maori representation in the House of Representatives ; and that the subject of


H.—No. 11



SSSffiS!?^ Sh°Uld * under the consideration of the all el**^*^^ E-P T ' Sh°Uld ' P the s ßf^ m

4. T-. . ? J^f n °f Sata md °th6r mive° >' meni f°r ™Uary services. Sanfmo^ *" h°n°r to "*«* the «^ solution, . That J our Committee after careful consideration of the claim made by the petitioners and the StpTembe?l& mon *" Pray6r Sh°Uld b° C°mplied witL

5. - '. ' • _°1 Petitim °f Semre Pukuatua and 135 others, on various subjects Youe Committee have the honor to report that they have agreed to the following resolution — That inasmuch as questions are raised in this petition which affert tbn IVrf™ TT ' thro Ug h out Islands „as th petitionerB) Jj J*J^ j£*£» been taken under existing laws, the Committee recommend that the Government Sid cause full Slould LTuthoriz°ed U tLe ClrCUmStanCeS b6fore "* diBt-b— °f Courts JH^ 24th September, 1872.

6. G» P«»feJM of Kelce {Mrs. Cornell), for restoration of Confiscated Land. Youe Committee have the honor to report the following resolution — m£mE22*^immmm^^ _ X tmrnftEZSZT" ** *-^S&TS 24th September, 1872.

7. On Petition of Pehimana Tahua and 32 others, for restoration of Confiscated Land TiS ™"r '$" Wrt fta* the foll™mg resolution was agreed to :- the ommeQd tlae IW to iLrfere *the >»*- °f Tile Committee are of opinion, nevertheless, that, where it is found to be the case that tribes have Itl V IV6IIl V6lI *W„ m Y arfare against the Queen- or ha™g been engaged have returned to their IhStive odrs VG " * from thCm 'if IWt othe™Se °f ' be restoredto 25th September, 1872.

Q On i__o« "/^lw 2. %«_«. _«_ 21 others,':relative to the shooting of Pahu by McAskill Toee Committee have the honor to report to the House that the following resolution was agreed That the letters addressed to Wi Parata, bearing date 19th July, 1872, and Bth July 1872 which mht°ee do n not LT UT *$***** ™$ •»** » the f°rm of Prions to rte House your Com suttee do not feel justified m taking any action upon them, but have nevertheless advised Mr Parat. tothf^ZblrXS-' t0 g matt6r bef°re *he H°USe in the form o-^resolftlon a '

9. On Petition, of 513 Natives of Hawke's Bay, for inquiring into working of Native Land Laws. Thnt^rt f Ye t .r° r t0 rCp°rt that the follovvin S was agreed to, namely — That with reference to the grievances complained of in this petition, and which affect the Native people generally throughout the Islands, as well as the petitioners, as aso .the matte relating to proceedings which have been taken under existing laws, your Committee recommendthat the Government should cause full inquiry to be made by a duly appointed Commission into a]thedrcum stances before any disturbance ofthe Land Courts or grants of land should be author zed

10. On Petition of Tikawenga and 171 other Natives of Wairarapa and Hawke's Bag, that the Native Lands Court be abolished. lZlj:- m[itee haVG th<3 h°nol'to reP °rt t0 the HOUS° that thG followin S resolution was agreed to,



H.-No. 11

That the Committee are of opinion that the petitioners' prayer for the privilege to elect a committee from among themselves shou d be granted. With respect to other questions raised in the petition the Committee do not consider rt expedient for them to make any further recommendation than that all such matters, being questions of policy, should be left to the consideration ofthe Government ot the Colony. 11th October, 1872.

11. On Petition of 18 Natives of the Ngatiraukawa Tribe, for liberty to deal with their own lands Toue Committee have the honor to report to the House, that the following resolution was agreed That as the question raised in the letter has been already considered by the Committee in the matter of the petition of several Natives of the Wanganui district, they have no further recommendation to otter than that which was given in tho before-mentioned case 11th October, 1872.

12. On Petition of Five Natives of the Thames District, for repeal of Section 33 of " The Native Lands Act, 1867." Toue Committee have the honor to report to the House the following resolution adopted, namely — That the Maori owner or owners of land,-desirous to seethe same, should offer such land in the first instance to the Government at a fair and reasonable price ; and should the Government not require the land lor settlement or other public purpose, and refuse to purchase the same, that the Maori owner or owners should be at liberty to sell or dispose of the land to such persons or in such manner as he or they may think fit. 18th October, 1872.

13. On Betition of Mokena Kohere and Mohi Turei, that the Firearms in the hands of Natives in Waipu District may be collected. T0T m>C^, mittee haV° the honor to reP ort t0 the House the following resolution, namely:— lhat the request contained in the petition should receive immediate attention from the Govern18th October, 1872.

14. On Betition of 28 Natives of Wanganui, for restoration of Confiscated Land Youe Committee have the honor to report to the House that the following resolution was agreed to, '. — The Committee are of opinion that the Government should at once take steps to settle the difference existing between themselves and the Natives with regard to the lands referred to in the p6tltlOH. 23rd October, 1872.

15. On Petition of Ranohe Rangaika, for restoration of his land formerly sold at Poverty Bay Jamd C!_. lmittCo haV6 the honor to reP° rt t0 the House that tne following resolution was agreed to, The Committee are of opinion that the Government should take steps to ascertain whether or not the petitioner was the owner of the land referred to in the petition; and, if so, to grant him such rebel as the G-overnmcnt may deem equitable and advisable 23rd October, 1872.

16. On Petition of Manihera Rangiakaiwaho, for restoration of land in Castle Point District Tour Committee have the honor to report the following resolution agreed to, namely — r P mri".,.. tPiT iT° n _e. Dg S° fa. advallced ' J 0" Committee cannot give the attention requisite to the prayer of the petitioner, and therefore recommend the same to the consideration of the Coverninent during the recess. 24th October, 1872.

17. On Petition of Henare Tomoana and Renata, for compensation for military service Toue Committee have the honor to report to tho House the following resolution, adopted, namely — afi! _W .fl, .fi" w_ a bJ Mr- Ormond and Mr. Cooper's evidence that the petitioners received S S™ 7 lllstead °f, £BB8 > as stated m the petition, as payment of the Taupo expedition, in full of all demands ; and that a receipt to that effect was taken when the last instalment of £500 was paid i.,r ?-.. ?? 6 e oi Tni °n that there has been no evidence submitted to show that the petitioners are entitled to any further remuneration 24th October, 1872.

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Bibliographic details

REPORTS OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON NATIVE AFFAIRS., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1872 Session I, H-11

Word Count

REPORTS OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON NATIVE AFFAIRS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1872 Session I, H-11

REPORTS OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON NATIVE AFFAIRS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1872 Session I, H-11