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H.—No. 11



SSSffiS!?^ Sh°Uld * under the consideration of the all el**^*^^ E-P T ' Sh°Uld ' P the s ßf^ m

4. T-. . ? J^f n °f Sata md °th6r mive° >' meni f°r ™Uary services. Sanfmo^ *" h°n°r to "*«* the «^ solution, . That J our Committee after careful consideration of the claim made by the petitioners and the StpTembe?l& mon *" Pray6r Sh°Uld b° C°mplied witL

5. - '. ' • _°1 Petitim °f Semre Pukuatua and 135 others, on various subjects Youe Committee have the honor to report that they have agreed to the following resolution — That inasmuch as questions are raised in this petition which affert tbn IVrf™ TT ' thro Ug h out Islands „as th petitionerB) Jj J*J^ j£*£» been taken under existing laws, the Committee recommend that the Government Sid cause full Slould LTuthoriz°ed U tLe ClrCUmStanCeS b6fore "* diBt-b— °f Courts JH^ 24th September, 1872.

6. G» P«»feJM of Kelce {Mrs. Cornell), for restoration of Confiscated Land. Youe Committee have the honor to report the following resolution — m£mE22*^immmm^^ _ X tmrnftEZSZT" ** *-^S&TS 24th September, 1872.

7. On Petition of Pehimana Tahua and 32 others, for restoration of Confiscated Land TiS ™"r '$" Wrt fta* the foll™mg resolution was agreed to :- the ommeQd tlae IW to iLrfere *the >»*- °f Tile Committee are of opinion, nevertheless, that, where it is found to be the case that tribes have Itl V IV6IIl V6lI *W„ m Y arfare against the Queen- or ha™g been engaged have returned to their IhStive odrs VG " * from thCm 'if IWt othe™Se °f ' be restoredto 25th September, 1872.

Q On i__o« "/^lw 2. %«_«. _«_ 21 others,':relative to the shooting of Pahu by McAskill Toee Committee have the honor to report to the House that the following resolution was agreed That the letters addressed to Wi Parata, bearing date 19th July, 1872, and Bth July 1872 which mht°ee do n not LT UT *$***** ™$ •»** » the f°rm of Prions to rte House your Com suttee do not feel justified m taking any action upon them, but have nevertheless advised Mr Parat. tothf^ZblrXS-' t0 g matt6r bef°re *he H°USe in the form o-^resolftlon a '

9. On Petition, of 513 Natives of Hawke's Bay, for inquiring into working of Native Land Laws. Thnt^rt f Ye t .r° r t0 rCp°rt that the follovvin S was agreed to, namely — That with reference to the grievances complained of in this petition, and which affect the Native people generally throughout the Islands, as well as the petitioners, as aso .the matte relating to proceedings which have been taken under existing laws, your Committee recommendthat the Government should cause full inquiry to be made by a duly appointed Commission into a]thedrcum stances before any disturbance ofthe Land Courts or grants of land should be author zed

10. On Petition of Tikawenga and 171 other Natives of Wairarapa and Hawke's Bag, that the Native Lands Court be abolished. lZlj:- m[itee haVG th<3 h°nol'to reP °rt t0 the HOUS° that thG followin S resolution was agreed to,