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FAGS. Account Current ........ 1 Civil List ......... _> Revenue and Expenditure, 1863-4 . . . . . . 8-20-22 Supplementary Expenditure ..... 10 Keserved Fund ..... . . ia Surplus Revenue ... . . . 12-26 Loan ..... s. Under Special Acts of General Assembly ..... 16 Advances ......... 16-27 Deposits ........ 16--»9 Investments ...... IN Debenture Debt .... . . .o Debt Apportionment . . .^ Revenue Suspense ....... 18---"l Land Revenue ....... 18-30 Provinces Separate ...... .>N Particulars op Balances ... . j, ..., Balance Sueet ....... T s


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RECEIPTS. £ s. d. s. d. s. d. I.—OEDINAEY EEVENTTE ACCOUNT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAE 1863-4. C.STOMS. Auckland, — Auckland . . ... .30 June, 1864 Wang—roi ...... Russell ...... Mongonui ...... Hokianga ...... Kaipara . . . . .31 March, 1864 Port Waikato . . . .30 June, 1864 124,627 4 4 202 8 3 1,361 4 4 945 7 9 152 8 9 54 17 8 10 13 4 Taranaki, — New Plymouth . . . . „ Wellington,— Wellington . . . . „ Wanganui . . . . „ 127,354 4 5 10,790 16 3 41,353 4 11 5,975 3 1 47,328 8 0 Hawke's Bay,— Napier ...... Nelson, — Nelson ...... Collingwood . . . . „ 12,671 13 7 25,348 2 1 412 11 10 25,760 13 11 Marlborough,— Picton ...... Wairau .....,, Havelock ...... 2,408 7 5 2,132 4 7 0 4 0 Canterbury,— Lyttelton ...... Akaroa .....,, Christchurch . . . . „ Timaru ...... 4,540 16 0 69,643 6 5 746 14 11 8,063 19 10 5,354 14 8 83,808 15 10 Otago,— Dunedin ...... Molyneux ...... Taieri ...... Oaraaru ...... 242,964 12 10 51 11 0 632 6 0 243,648 3 10 Southland, —• Invercargill ...... Bluff Harbor . Riverton ...... 53,727 5 4 1,766 13 5 5,459 0 5 60,952 19 2 156 4 3 Cliatliam Islands „ Total Customs Revenue . . „ 617,012 15 3 Fines, Seizures, Sent, S[c. Auckland, — Auckland ...... Bussell ...... Mongonui ...... 151 8 7 10 15 0 3 12 3 165 15 10 Taranaki, — New Plymouth . . . . „ 109 14 10 Nelson, — Nelson ...... Marlborough,— Picton ...... Wairau ...... 79 5 9 6 14 9 27 17 8 34 12 5 Canterbury, — lsyttelton ...... Otago,— Dunedin ...... Southland, — Bluff Harbor . 4 0 10 136 10 10 9 7 10 Total Fines, Seizures, Rent, &c. 539 8 4 Carried forward .... 617,552 3 7

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iEALAND, FltOM THE 1st OCTOBEE, 1863, TO T: E 30th SE 'TEMBER, 11 164. Cb. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 6. d. I.—OEDINAEY REVENUE ACCOUNT FOE THE FINANCIAL TEAE 1863-4. Civil List. 1st Division. Governor Sir George Grey, K.C.B., to 30 June, 1864 . Chief Justice Sir G. Arney, Auckland, „ Puisne Judges,— A. Johnston, Wellington ,, H. B. Gresson, Canterbury „ C. W. Richmond, Otago „ R. Chapman, Southland, 16 April to 30 June, 1864 . 1,700 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,500 0 0 312 10 0 4,500 0 0 6,512 10 0 Establishment of the General Government, — ColonialJJSecretarv, — A. Domett, to 29 October, 18G3 .... W. Fox, 30 October, 1863, to 30 June, 1864 Colonial Treasurer, R. G. Wood „ Native Minister, F. D. Bell, to 29 October, 1803. Minister for Colonial Defence, T. Russell, from 21 July, 1863, to 30 June, 1864, Postmaster-General, — C. Ward, half salary to 31 October, 1863 . T. B. Gillies, 30 October, 1863, to 30 June, 1864 . Attorney-General, F. Whitakcr, to „ Under-Secretary, W. Gisborne „ Assistant-Treasurer, R. F. Porter „ Assistant Law Officer, F. D. Fenton „ TJnder-Secrctary for Defence, W. Seed, February, 1864, to 30 June, 1864 . General Expenses, Copying Despatches .... 327 19 1 672 0 11 1,000 0 0 327 19 1 946 4 8 16G 13 4 672 0 10 1,000 0 0 600 0 0 600 0 0 600 0 0 222 8 3 7 3 0 7,142 9 2 Savings^retumed to Revenue Account .... 18,154 19 2 2,345 0 10 2nd Division. 4,566 2 7 190 5 11 20,500 0 0 Native Purposes, — Native Minister's Department, Salaries to 30 June, 1864. Native Minister's Department, Contingencies „ 4,756 8 6 Inspector of Native Schools and Messenger, Salaries, 1 July to 31 December, 1863 ...... Native Hostelry at Auckland, to 30 June, 1864 . Maori Newspaper, to 31 January, 1864 .... Presents to and entertainment of Natives to 30 June, 1864 515 14 0 163 10 7 292 5 0 1,272 1 11 27,500 0 0 Permanent Chabges. Interest and Sinking Fund, — " New Ulster Land Claims Ordinance, 1846, on 5 per cent. Debentures, No. 6, for £41, 10 Oct., 1858, to 10 Feb., 1859 . C " New Zealand Loan Act, 1856," second division, — * < On £120,000 at 6 per cent, one year to 30 June, 1864 . (. On £4,000 taken up for Land purchases, Taranaki 0 16 4 7,200 0 0 210 0 0 Carried forward ..... 27,500 0 0 7,440 16 4 * Note.—" New Zealand Loan Act, 1856,"— Interest and Sinking Fund, On £450,000 at 6 per cent, for one year On £50,000 at 6 per cent, for 21 days £ s. d. . 27,000 0 0 115 1 4 £ s. d. Les9 —Reimbursements by Provinces,— Auckland ..... Wellington and Hawke's Bay Suspense Account Nelson and Marlborough Canterbury ..... Otago ..... Southland ..... . 4,435 1 4 3,240 0 0 . 2,700 0 0 . 4.140 0 0 3,780 0 0 1,080 0 0 27,115 1 4 19,675 1 4 £7,440 0 0

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>R. ACC 'TJNT CUEEEXT OF TH: RECEIPTS. _ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .... 617,552 3 7 Postal. Auckland, — Auckland . . . . .30 June, 1864 Taranaki, — New Plymouth .... „ Wellington,— Wellington .... „ Wanganui .... „ 7,714 3 6 663 9 2 1,898 17 6 350 2 4 2,248 19 10 llavske's Bay,— Napier ..... „ Nelson, — Nelson ..... „ Marlborough,— Picton ..... „ Canterbury,— Lyttelton 31 March, 1864 Christchurch . . . .30 June, 1864 Akaroa ..... „ 811 4 6 1,323 18 5 515 15 5 3,439 1 0 3,366 6 9 1 10 8 6,806 18 5 Otago,— Dunedin ..... „ Southland, — Invercargill .... ,, Campbelltown .... „ Riverton ..... „ 2,950 2 4 137 3 5 164 0 9 15,713 6 7 3,251 6 6 6 3 2 Chatham Islands . . . . „ Total Postal Revenue .... 39,055 5 6 Judicial.—Fees and Fines. Supreme Court, — Auckland . . . . .30 June, 1864 Taranaki ..... „ Wellington ..... „ Nelson...... „ Canterbury ..... „ Otago ...... Southland ..... „ 349 8 6 22 6 0 389 0 9 165 10 0 1,232 12 4 2,102 6 0 437 9 0 Sheriffs' Offices,— Auckland ..... „ Taranaki . . . . .31 March, 1864 Wellington ..... 31 December, 1863 Nelson. . . . . .31 March, 1864 Marlbovough ..... 31 December, 1863 Canterbury . . . . .30 June, 1864 Otago ...... „ Southland ..... „ 4,698 12 7 280 10 11 6 10 6 121 5 6 17 5 8 3 7 0 543 10 0 1,182 3 11 92 15 0 District Courts, — Auckland . . . . .31 October, 1863 Napier. ..... 31 December, 1863 Marlborough . . . . .30 April, 1864 2,247 8 6 87 17 0 5 2 6 26 1 1 119 0 7 Resident Magistrates' Courts, — Auckland,— „ _. d. Auckland, 30 June, 1864 . . 1,369 8 2 Onelmnga „ . . . 80 5 8 Howick „ . . 24 18 10 Maungakaramea „ . . 0 12 0 Papakura „ . . . 43 0 4 Waiu_. „ . . . 16 10 6 Ilokianga „ . . . 21 15 6 Wangarei „ . . . 9 14 4 Coromandel „ . . . 37 9 4 Russell „ . . . 30 0 10 -Iniigouui „ . . . 17 4 6 Raglan „ . . . 42 12 6 East Cape, 30" Jime, 1863 . . 0 17 0 Taranaki, — New Plymouth, 30 June, 1864 .... Wellington,— Wellington „ . . 662 1 4 Wanganui ,, . . 342 5 10 Wanganui, central, 30 September, 1863 . 41 12 4 1,694 9 6 225 19 0 Carried forward . . 1,045 19 6 1,920 8 6 7,065 1 8 656,607 9 1

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OLONIAL TEEASUEEE, &c—continued. il. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward ..... 7,440 16 4 27,500 0 0 " New Zealand Loan Aet, I860" — On £150,000 at 8 per cent., one year to 30 June, 1864 12,000 0 0 Interest, — " New Zealand Loan Aet, 1862,"— On Treasury Bills for £100,000 at 6 per cent., one year to 30 June, 1864 ...... 5,689 6 5 Total charge for Interest and Sinking Fund 25,130 2 9 " Pensions Act, 1856,"— \V. Swainson, to 30 June, 1864 ..... 400 0 0 " Martin's Annuity Act, 1858," — Sir W. Martin ....... 333 6 8 " Civil Service Superannuation Act, 1858," — J. G. Johnson, late District Land Purchase Commissioner W. L. Howard, late Postmaster, Lyttelton B. Woods, lato Bailiff Resident Magistrate's Court, Auckland . J. Byron, late Coxswain Customs Boat, Russell . T. Sanders, late Clerk Resident Magistrate's Court, Auckland H. G. Gouland, late Resident Magistrate, Lyttelton Widow of late P. Wilson, Colonial Surgeon, _Tcw Plymouth Widow of late R. C. Jeffries, Registrar of Deeds, Dunedin 75 0 0 HI 9 0 73 9 0 22 17 6 50 0 0 85 8 8 100 0 0 339 19 10 808 4 0 " Militia Act Amendment Act, 1862," — Pensions for Injuries,— F. G. Rawson, to 30 June, 1864 . . . . W. H. Skinner „ .... Pensions to Relatives, — E. M. King „ .... J. Shaw ' „ .... T. R. Coad, 31 March, 1864 ..... H. Hawken, 30 June, 1804 ..... S. S. Passmore „ ..... L. Sarten, 4 May, 1860, to 30 June, 1864 . Compassionate allowances for children, — J. Shaw, 30 June, 1864 ... T. R. Coad „ ..... L. Sarten, 4 May, 1860, to 30 June, 1864 . 45 15 0 45 15 0 80 0 0 46 0 0 46 0 0 46 0 0 61 6 8 153 0 0 14 0 0 30 0 0 184 5 0 " Audit Act, 1858,"— Auditor, 30 June, 1864 ...... Audit Committee (amount reserved) . . . . 752 1 8 500 0 0 150 0 0 650 0 0 " Public Debt Apportionment Act, 1858,"— Taranaki Guarantee ...... 2,200 0 0 " Native Schools Act, 1858,"— Grants in aid —Northern Division, — Church of England, to 31 December, 1863 . „ Waiapu, 30 June, 1864. „ Waimate, 31 March, 1864 Wesleyan Church, 30 June, 1864 . Roman Catholic Church „ .... 425 7 0 1,000 0 0 55 3 3 •1,473 7 8 410 13 2 Grants in aid —Southern Division, — £ s. d. Church of England, Wellington, 30 June . 211 14 6 Nelson „ . 51 11 9 RomanCatholicChui'ch, Wellington „ . 137 16 5 3,364 11 1 401 2 8 Balance Reserved ....... 3,765 13 9 3,234 6 3 " Land Claims Settlement Act, 1856," — Allowance for completing transactions .... 7,000 0 0 50 0 0 " Waste Lands Act, 1858,"— A. Domett, salary. .... 30 June 312 18 0 "Auckland Immigration Certificate Act Amendment Act, 1861," — Advertising ..... 30 June 0 12 0 " Pensioner Claims Act, 1861,"— Advertising ..... 6 19 6 Carried forward . . . . . 37,644 4 7 27,500 0 0

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H. ACC UNT cue: :ent of th RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ e. d. £ 8. d. _ b. d. Brought forward . . 1,045 19 6 Manawatu, 30 September, 1863 . . 137 8 6 Wairarapa „ . . 193 2 11 Petty Sessions, 30 April, 1864 . . 11 16 0 1,920 8 6 7,065 1 8 656,607 9 1 1,388 6 11 llawke's Bay,— Napier, 30 June, 1864 ..... Nelson, — Nelson ,. ... 563 14 10 Richmond „ . . . 81 9 2 Collingwood „ . . . 13 16 6 Motueka, 30 April, 1864 . . . 21 15 0 Waimea East, 31 Deaember, 1863 . 32 19 6 Buller, 31 January, 1864. . . 166 8 6 196 16 5 Marlborough,— Blenheim, 30 June, 1864 . . . 134 17 6 Picton Petty Sessions, 31 March, 1864 . 11 13 0 880 3 6 Canterbury,— Chris-church, 30 June, 1864 . . 4,827 6 2 Lyttelton „ . . 264 14 9 Kaiapoi „ . . 191 7 2 Timaru „ . 102 1 2 A1"-1,01- „ . . 79 19 6 146 10 6 5,465 8 9 Otago,— Dunedin „ . . 5,169 5 0 Port Chi-mer- „ . . 913 13 4 Oamaru „ . . 137 18 2 Taieri&Tokomairiro,, . . 399 3 6 Hawkesbury „ . . 195 3 9 West Taieri „ . . 2 4 6 Molyneux „ . . 257 2 0 Gold-fields „ . . 3,222 17 10 10,297 8 1 Southland, — Invercargill „ . . 1,656 8 0 Campbelltown „ . . 348 18 6 Riverton „ . . 5 12 0 2,010 18 6 17 19 .4 Chatham Islands ...... 22,324 0 6 Total Judicial ..... 29,389 2 2 Reoistkatio.. Fees, — Registration of Land, — Auckland . . . . .30 June, 1864 26 0 6 Fees, — Registration of Deeds, — Auckland ..... Taranaki . . . . . Wellington ..... ,, Hawke's Bay ..... ,, Nelson...... Marlborough ..... Camterbury ..... „ Otago ...... Southland ..... „ 2,35. 7 10 291 14 2 478 4 6 2s30 5 6 1,186 18 0 251 1 0 2,476 17 6 3,522 14 0 1,251 1 0 Fees, — Registration of Births, Marriages, <j-.,— Auckland ..... Taranaki ..... Wellington ..... ,, Ihnske's Bay ..... „ Nelson ...... Marlborough ..... Canterbury ..... ,, Otago ....... Southland . . . . , Stewart's Island .... 31 December, 1863 12,073 3 6 392 2 0 27 16 6 156 14 0 41 17 6 109 9 6 55 4 0 548 17 0 984 19 6 237 2 6 12 6 Total Registration .... 2,555 5 0 14,654 9 0 Issue of Obowx Grahts. Fees, — Auckland . . . . .30 June, 1864 Taranaki ..... „ 268 0 0 62 0 0 Carried forward .... 330 0 0 700,651 0 3

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OLONIAL TEEASUKEK, Ac— continued. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward ..... 37,644 4 7 27,500 0 0 " Customs Regulation Act, 1858," — Awards to Seizing Officers, — Auckland ..... 30 June Nelson ..... „ Wairau ..... „ Lyttelton ..... „ Dunedin ..... „ Blutf Harbor..... „ 5 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 2 0 5 40 17 5 8 18 11 71 16 9 " Native Purposes Appropriation Act, 1862," — £ s. d. General Charges ..... 5,327 2 3 Local Charges,— £ s. d. Auckland . . . 17,229 18 11 Taranaki . . 1,809 4 8 Welling! on . . . 7,182 10 7 Hawke's Bay . . . 2,955 0 2 Nelson . . 2,026 17 1 Marlborough . . . 107 10 0 Canterbury . . . 256 11 2 Otago . . 210 0 0 Southland . . . 50 0 0 Chatham Islands . . 334 16 2 32,162 8 9 £37,489 11 0 Grant in addition to £7,000 on Civil List Against contribution to Troops, at £5 per head . 19,000 0 0 18,489 11 0 Balance of vote reserved to cover outstanding engagements 37,489 11 0 21,510 9 0 59,000 0 0 APPROPRIATIONS. 96,716 1 4 Ge-Ebal Expenditure. Executive, — The Governor's Establishment ..... The Colonial Secretary's Department .... The Secretary for Crown Lands „ .... The Attorney-General's „ .... The Colonial Treasurer's „ . . £786 8 8 „ „ reserved . 90 0 0 1,300 0 0 951 18 6 765 0 0 442 1 0 876 8 8 550 14 9 The Department of Minister for Colonial Defence Legislative, — Establishment of the Legislative Council.... „ House of Representatives . Expenses of both Houses ...... The Auditor's Department ..... 847 5 0 2,187 11 9 7,589 8 11 1,471 17 1 4,886 2 11 Judicial, — Supreme Court, — Travelling Expenses of Judges on Circuit Clerk to the Chief Justice ..... Judge and Sta_ for Gold-fields .... Criminal Prosecutions ..... 12,096 2 9 666 8 0 150 0 0 66 13 4 1,706 16 8 2,589 18 0 Registration, — Registrar of Land and Deeds Department District Registrars' „ ... Registrar-General's Department ..... District Registrar of Births, &c., Stewart's Island 990 8 5 230 0 0 915 10 6 12 6 2,167 1 5 Customs, — Commissioner of Customs Department .... Preventive Service, Chatham Islands .... 171 2 11 1,035 5 0 Postal ........ 1,206 7 11 87,302 0 9 Militia, — Militia and Volunteers ...... 25,000 0 0 Miscellaneous Services ...... 16,731 4 6 Total General Expenditure.... 151,978 18 3 Carried forward ..... 276,194 19 7

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hi. ACC >unt cue: _NT OF TH RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward Fees, —(continued) Wellington .... Hawke's Bay .... Nelson ..... Marlborough .... Canterbury .... Otago ..... Southland .... . 30 June, 1864 • II J) . 31T)eeeniber,1863 . 30 June, 1864, 330 0 0 77 0 0 99 0 0 395 0 0 90 0 0 152 0 0 792 0 0 170 0 0 700,651 0 3 Total Crown Grant Fees 2,105 0 0 Miscellaneous. Fees, — Arms and Ammunition Licenses, — Auckland and Coromandel Taranaki .... Wanganui .... Wellington .... Hawke's Bay .... Nelson .... Havelock .... Picton .... Wairau .... Lyttelton .... Timaru .... Akaroa .... Dunedin .... Invercargill .... . 30 June, 1864 i. . 30 June, 1864 . 31 March, 1864 . 30 June, 1864 214 3 0 23 1 0 14 8 0 80 4 0 33 11 0 112 0 0 4 7 11 21 2 0 28 14 0 138 1 0 20 9 0 1 11 0 153 3 0 132 17 0 Fees, — Merchant Shipping, — Auckland .... )» 977 11 11 „ outports New Plymouth Wellington and Wanganui Napier .... Nelson .... Wairau and Picton Lyttelton .... Duxled—ii .... Invercargill and Bluff Harbor • >» ' )) • » • J) 177 8 0 4 2 0 14 0 39 6 0 1 12 0 18 13 0 0 5 0 77 0 0 240 10 O 36 18 0 Fees, — "Joint Stock Companies Act, 1860," — Auckland .... Wellington .... Canterbury .... Otago .... J) H 596 18 0 50 2 0 51 0 0 12 5 0 23 15 0 Fees, — " Patents Act, 1860" " Land Claims Settlement Act, 1856" " Marine Board Act, 1863" . 137 2 0 130 0 0 194 14 6 71 8 0 396 2 6 Total Miscellaneous 2,107 14 5 Incidental Receipts, — Sales of Ammunition . Sundries .... 325 2 5 584 16 5 909 18 10 909 7 6 Interest on Public Moneys Savings on Civil List returned to Revenue 2,345 0 10 Carried forward 709,028 1 10

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COLONIAL TEEASTTEEE, &c—continued. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 276,194 19 7 Brought forward P-OVINCIAL EXPE-DITTJHE. Province of Auckland, — Judicial ..... Registration .... Electoral ..... Customs ..... Postal ..... Total, Province of Auckland 5,508 14 0 1,481 6 9 561 17 10 7,564 1 1 5,710 0 0 20,825 19 8 Province of Taranaki, — Judicial ..... Registration .... Electoral ..... Customs ..... Postal . Total, Province of Taranaki 720 o o 392 2 6 103 17 9 746 7 0 348 4 0 2,310 11 3 Province of Wellington, — Judicial ..... Registration .... Electoral ..... Customs ..... Postal ..... Total, Province of Wellington 3,369 10 0 717 12 7 350 0 0 3,914 5 3 2,362 6 0 10,713 13 10 Province of Saioke's Rag, — Judicial ..... Registration .... Electoral ..... Customs ..... Postal ..... Total, Province of llawke's Bay 722 11 0 344 11 9 133 4 6 1,091 7 11 1,403 13 4 3,695 8 6 Province of Nelson, — Judicial ..... Registration .... Electoral ..... Customs ..... Postal ..... Total, Province of Nelson . 1,383 10 2 1,270 0 0 291 1 10 2,282 8 7 1,722 0 0 6,949 0 7 Province of Marlborough, — Judicial ..... Registration .... Electoral ..... Customs ..... Postal . ... Total, Province of Marlborough 660 18 0 293 19 10 166 17 3 1,081 15 2 1,309 0 0 Province of Canterbury, — Judicial ..... Registration .... Electoral ..... Customs ..... Postal . . . . . Total, Province of Canterbury 3,512 10 3 4,344 4 4 1,632 14 0 725 0 0 7,550 3 1 7,407 0 0 21,659 1 5 Province of Otago, — Judicial ..... Registration .... Electoral ..... Customs ..... Postal . Total, Province of Otago . 10,395 0 0 2,325 18 0 1,085 0 0 9,599 11 5 31,370 10 0 54,775 19 5 Province of Southland, — Judicial ..... Registration .... Electoral ..... Customs ..... Postal . . . . . Public Buildings—New Custom House . Total, Province of Southland 1,522 12 2 700 0 0 75 0 0 3,891 0 2 7,695 0 0 3,200 0 0 17,083 12 4 Total Provincial Expenditure 141,525 17 3 Carried forward 417,720 16 10

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_. ACC iunt cue: _NT OF TH RECEIPTS. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 709,028 1 10 Total Ordinary Revenue Aeaount, 1863-4 709,028 1 10 . Can-ied forward 709,028 1 10

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OLONIAL TREASUKEK, &c— continued. Cr. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. Brought forward ..... 417,720 16 10 Refunds op Revenue. 5,014 5 4 463 8 5 1,978 12 7 10 0 0 307 0 0 Customs—Drawbacks and Refunds .... Postal ........ Judicial—Sheriff's Fees ...... Deposit under " Patents Act" ..... Remission of Fines and Penalties..... Total Refunds ..... 7,773 6 4 Surplus Revenue carried to credit of Provinces, — Auckland ........ Taranaki ........ Wellington. ....... Hawke's Bay ....... Nelson ....... Canterbury ....... Otago ........ Southland ........ 425,494 3 2 62,387 7 11 4,823 15 9 21,064 1 6 4,813 12 3 11,476 14 0 39,820 9 6 114,235 5 2 24,931 6 5 Marlborough—Amount to debit ..... 283,552 12 6 18 13 10 283,533 18 8 j Total Ordinary Revenue Account, 1863-4 . 709,028 1 10 II—SUPPLEMENTARY EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT. Financial Year 1863-4. General Expenditure, — Governor's Establishment ..... Crown Lands Department ..... 34 4 7 144 14 3 Miscellaneous, — Office Rent ....... Printing and Stationery ..... Wharfage on Military Stores ..... Interest on Temporary Advances .... 178 18 10 91 10 4 2,120 3 3 581 9 1 5,832 15 9 8,625 18 5 Provincial Expenditure, — Auckland —Postal....... Taranaki —Judicial ...... Postal ....... 41 6 6 56 16 7 382 0 3 Wellington—Judicial ...... „ Electoral ...... 98 3 1 210 10 1 136 6 10 346 16 11 Nelson —Registration ...... „ Postal ....... 275 12 1 7 11 7 Marlborough—Postal ...... Canterbury—Electoral ...... Postal ....... 283 3 8 161 7 11 48 12 8 835 10 5 Otago—Judicial ....... „ Electoi.l ...... 884 3 1 3,254 18 3 10 7 6 3,265 5 9 Southland —Registration ...... „ Electoral ...... „ Postal ....... „ Public Buildings, — New Custom House .... 4.9 4 2 166 4 6 2,348 7 1 42 13 3 2,996 9 0 " Enquiry into Wrecks Act"—Expenses .... " Arms Act, 1860" —Rewards ..... Customs, Chatham Islands —Collector's Salary Temporary Allowances on Salaries, — £ s. d. Auckland, to 30 June. . . . 896 13 1 Nelson —Customs . . . . 35 15 0 6 0 0 300 0 0 117 14 10 Government Printing Establishment . . 79 16 8 „ by Colonial Agent . . 844 2 2 Manukau Harbor, — Buoying South Channel . . . 375 19 5 Life Boat, Maintenance of Buoys, _c. . . 362 3 1 932 8 1 923 18 10 738 2 6 Carried forward ..... 17,222 6 11 709,028 1 10 3,018 4 3

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11(. ACC iUNT CURRENT OP TH RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. _ 6. d. Brought forward 709,028 1 10 III.—RESERVED FUND ACCOUNT. Financial Year 1863 _. Reserved from the Revenue to meet outstanding liabilities, — Permanent Charges, — " Audit Act, 1858"—Audit Committee " Native Schools Act, 1858" . " Native Purposes Appropriation Act" 150 0 0 3,234 6 3 21,510 9 0 Appropriations, — Executive —Colonial Treasurer's Department. Legislative—Auditor's Department Postal —Subsidy for Main Line (arrears) Manual of New Zealand Botany " Picton Railway Act," expenses on account of New Post Office, Invercargill .... 24,894 15 3 90 0 0 34 7 6 13,000 0 0 100 0 0 487 11 6 1,000 0 0 14,711 19 0 39,606 14 3 IV.—SURPLUS REVENUE ACCOUNT. Auckland—Share of Surplus Revenue, 1863-4 Taranaki „ , . Wellington „ nawke's Bay „ Nelson „ Canterbury „ Otago „ Southland „ 62,387 7 11 4,823 15 9 21,064 1 6 4,813 12 3 11,476 14 0 39,820 9 6 114,235 5 2 24,931 6 5 283,552 12 6 Carried forward .... 1,032,187 8 7

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OLONIAL TREASURER, &_.— continued. Cb. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. Brought forward ..... 3,018 4 3 17,222 6 11 709,028 1 10 Provincial Expenditure (continued) Salvage Schooner Heron —share distributed Repair of Flagstaff, Russell ..... Entertainment of His Excellency the Governor and suite on board Her Majesty's Ships ..... Burial of bodies of men lost in H.M.S. " Orpheus" Contribution to Soldiers' Families' Relief Fund . Discount on Drafts by Colonial Agent .... Copying Presses . . . . . Public Buildings —Crown Lands Office, Plans, _c. Registrar Deeds, Southland —Creagh's defalcation Customs —Otago in excess of previous votes, new Custom House, and Furniture for do. ...... 96 17 0 18 19 8 283 15 6 131 0 0 500 0 0 659 19 9 54 16 6 448 8 6 1,130 1 6 3,000 9 8 9,342 12 4 Marine Board —Purchase of S.S. " St. Kilda," and Insurance Expenses Mr. Wood's mission to England Purchase of land at Ararimu Kaipara (property of J. Thompson) Expenses Seat of Government Commission „ Exploration Waikato ..... 26,564 19 3 5,830 0 0 676 1 8 1,050 0 0 2,401 2 0 69 15 8 36,591 18 7 III.—RESERVED FUND ACCOUNT. Aeeeaes op former Years. Permanent Charges, — " Audit Act, 1858"—Audit Committee .... " Native Schools Act, 1858" ..... " Native Purposes Appropriation Act" . . £3,375 19 4 Less —Erroneous charge . . . 120 0 0 150 0 0 760 0 0 3,255 19 4 4,165 19 4 Appropriations, — General, — Legislative—House of Representatives Customs—Preventive Service, Chatham Islands Postal —Main Line Subsidy remitted. Mails by Land, — Balance returned to Revenue Militia ..... £452 9 0 Balance returned to Revenue . 227 17 6 20"16 8 150" 0 0 1,250 0 0 3 6 0 680 6 6 Miscellaneous, — Buoys, South Channel, Manukau.... Capture of Deserters . . . £50 0 0 Balance returned to Revenue . 39 6 3 555 0 0 Interest on advances in London for Interest on New Zealand Guaranteed Loan, — Balance returned to Revenue Account Handbook for Justices, — Balance returned to Revenue Account 89 6 3 15 8 2 178 7 6 Provincial. Auckland —Postal, — Balance returned to Revenue Account . . Otago —Judicial ..... £141 3 2 Payments on account New Custom House . 1,272 0 0 2,942 11 1 1 15 0 1,413 3 2 1,414 18 2 8,523 8 7 IV.—SURPLUS REVENUE ACCOUNT. Auckland — On account of Surplus Revenue, 1862-3 . f-ths Customs Revenue, 1863-4 ..... 9,689 0 4 47,768 16 0 Taranaki — |-ths Customs Revenue, 1863-4 ..... Wellington — % -ths Customs Revenue, 1863-4 ..... Hawke's Bay — f-ths Customs Revenue, 1863-4 ..... 57,457 16 4 4,088 5 5 17,766 16 8 4,752 9 8 Carried forward ..... 84,065 8 1 754,143 9 0

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ia. ACC iUNT CURRENT OF TH RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .... 1,032,187 8 7 V—LOAN ACCOUNTS. " Loan Act, 1856," £500,000 Guaranteed. Amount paid by Union Bank of Australia to credit of the Colonial Treasury Account with the Bank_of New Zealand, Auckland. Balance of Loan ..... 50,000 0 0 Land Purchases: Province of Auckland — Amount received under award of Land Claims Commissioner for purchase of land in Waikiekie Block .... 92 16 8 Province of Wellington — D. McLean—Balance refunded ..... 200 9 3 293 5 11 50,293 5 11 " Loan Act, 1860." Receipts, nil ...... . "Loan Acts, 1862 and 1863." Receipts, nil ..... . Temporary Receipts in aid, — Advances from Imperial Treasury Chest on account of War Expenditure ..... Advances by Bank of New Zealand, Auckland Less —Repayments ...... 162,000 0 0 773,246 10 3 50,764 16 9 Advances by Bank of New Zealand, London Less —Repayments .... 722,481 13 6 16,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 Drafts on Agents in London for negotiation of Loan £720,000. 11,000 0 0 895,481 13 6 Carried forward .... 1,977,962 8 0

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COLONIAL TREASUEEE, &c—continued. Cb. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. Brought forward ..... 84,065 8 1 754,143 9 0 Nelson — On account of Surplus Revenue ..... f-ths Customs Revenue ...... Marlborough — On account of Surplus Revenue ..... Canterbury — On account of Surplus Revenue, 1862-3 .... l-ths Customs Revenue ...... Otago — On account of Surplus Revenue ..... |-ths Customs Revenue ...... Southland — On account of Surplus Revenue, 1862-3 .... f-ths Customs Revenue ...... 5,721 12 1 31,429 16 4 1,627 10 5 9,731 17 10 11,359 8 3 18 13 10 37,151 8 5 30,049 1 9 91,190 2 0 121,239 3 9 6,284 15 10 22,860 17 0 29,145 12 10 282,979 15 2 V.—LOAN ACCOUNTS. " Loan Act, 1856," £500,000 G tj abanteed. 2nd Division, £120,000. Expenditure by late Captain Smith on account of New Zealand Pensioners ....... H. Storey, Compensation for land at Marlborough improperly ceded to New Zealand Company .... Land Claims Debenture, No. 6, redeemed. 39 0 0 300 0 0 45 0 0 3rd Division, £180,000. Land Purchases: Province of Auckland — District Land Purchase Commissioners, salaries to 31 August Surveyors and Draftsmen, salaries to 31 January . Surveys, Travelling Expenses, and Contingencies . 384 0 0 670 16 8 599 16 8 630 18 1 Payments on account Land ..... Ten per cent, on Sales of Land guaranteed to Natives to 30 June Advances for Land Purchases ..... 1,901 11 5 470 0 0 242 15 2 15,294 14 7 Province of Wellington — District LandPurchaseCommissioner Cooper, Passage from Napier 17,909 1 2 4 0 0 17,913 1 2 "Loan Act, 1860." 18,297 1 2 3rd Division. Captain Norman, H.M.C.S. " Victoria," for loss sustained while on service in New Zealand, 1861 .... Removal, Lodging, and Rationing of Settlers at Nelson . 100 0 0 915 0 10 Deduct proceeds of sale of a House, erected for convenience of Natives attending Conference ..... 1,015 0 10 20 0 0 " Loan Acts, 1862 and 1863," £3000,000. 995 0 10 I. Suppression^ Rebellion. Colonial Forces,— Pay Forage •-..... Clothing and Equipments ..... Arms, Ammunition, and AccoutrementRations ....... Allowances to Families ..... Transport ....... Horses ....... Hospitals ....... Miscellaneous. ...... 428,806 8 1 5,001 19 8 46,382 14 10 39,018 10 8 25,192 18 7 4,928 5 7 9,048 11 4 13,423 6 11 11,443 7 0 11,628 10 8 Less —Balance Militia Vote . . £16,204 16 1 Fees Militia Substitutes . 1,710 0 0 594,874 13 4 17,914 16 1 Total Colonial Forces .... 576,959 17 3 Carried forward ..... 576,959 17 3 1,056.415 (i 2

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IB. ACC UNT CURRENT OF TH RECEIPTS. £ s. J. £ s. d. £ 8. d. Brought forsvard .... 1,977,962 8 0 VI— .UNDER SPECIAL ACTS OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY. " Bank of Issue Winding-up Act, 1856" . " Bav of Islands Settlement Act, 1858" . " Gold Fields Act, 1858," Auckland " Gold Duty Act," Auckland .... „ Nelson. .... „ Marlborough .... „ Canterbury .... „ Otago ..... 476 3 4 1,485 6 6 2,272 0 1 2 18 9 61,446 18 11 216 3 0 65,683 7 7 296 17 6 3,351 10 0 69,5.7 18 1 " Native Circuit Courts Aet, 1858" " New Zealand Settlements Act, 1863" . VII.—ADVANCE ACCOUNTS. Miscellaneous, accounted for .... Public Buildings Commission .... Provinces (separate accounts, credited) — Auckland ...... Taranaki ...... Wellington ...... Hawke's Bay ...... Nelson ...... Marlborough ...... Canterbury ...... Otago ...... Southland ...... Wellington and Hawke's Bay Suspense Account 86 7 6 317 3 6 18 15 0 2,508 4 6 52 12 6 1,316 5 4 19 15 0 172 18 10 33,286 11 0 255,587 10 5 Imperial Government Steam Subsidy Hawke's Bay Land Purchase Account „ Loan Account .... 37,808 13 2 13,000 0 0 241 4 4 8,0(X) 0 0 314,637 7 11 VIII.—DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS. 1. Deposits. — Miscellaneous ..... 2. Sinking Funds — " Loan Act, 1856," on £450,000, at 2 per cent. . ,i Interest .... 9,000 0 0 084 1G 10 68,521 0 7 " Loan Act, 1860," on £150,000, at 2 per cent. . ,, Interest .... 9,684 16 10 3,000 0 0 307 10 0 3. Land Purchase Funds — Hawke's Bay —Interest ..... 3,307 10 0 194 15 6 81,708 2 11 Carried^forward .... 2,443,855 16 11

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COLONIAL TEEASUEEE, &c— continued. Cr. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward ..... 576,959 17 3 1,056,415 6 2 I. Suppression of Rebellion (continued). Blockhouses, Defences, and Buildings Sea and River Service ..... Maori Prisoners ....<.. Miscellaneous. . . ... Total, Division I. . II. Introduction of Settlers . . . . . III. Survevs ....... IV. Public Works . V. Location of Settlers ...... VI. Compensation . VII. Lighthouses ....... VIII. Telegraphs ... IX. Purposes specified in " Loan Act, 1862," — Reinstatement of Taranaki ..... 22,467 15 10 75,239 16 6 5,747 17 1 9,739 15 8 690,155 2 4 36,230 19 7 6,149 12 11 48,398 18 2 4,964 11 6 2,565 2 0 16,790 10 8 9,506 1 4 11,937 13 11 Bank of New Zealand. 826,698 12 5 Drafts on London .... £720,000 0 0 VI.—UNDEE SPECIAL ACTS OF GENEEAL ASSEMBLY. " Bank of Issue Winding-up Act, 1856" . " Bav of Islands Settlement Act, 1858" .... " Gold Fields Act, 1858," Auckland .... " Gold Duty Act," Kelson. ..... ,, Marlborough . . . . . „ Canterbury . . . . . „ Otago . ' . 1,485 6 6 1,404 5 0 2 18 9 61,465 12 9 102 0 0 343 17 4 90 11 1 64,358 3 0 83 18 0 " Native Circuit Courts Act" ..... 64,978 9 5 VII.—ADVANCE ACCOUNTS. Miscellaneous ....... Public Buildings" Commission . . . . . Provinces (separate)— Auckland ....... Taranaki ....... Wellington ....... Hawke's Bay,. ...... Nelson ....... Marlborough ....... Canterbury ....... Otago ....... Southland ....... Wellington and Hawke's Bay Suspense Account 858 16 6 2,-00 0 0 307,774 5 11 238 4 5 1,317 10 4 57,087 0 8 3,240 0 0 Imperial Government Steam Subsidy .... Hawke's Bay Land Purchase Account -. „ Loan Account ..... 65,003 7 6 13,000 0 0 241 4 4 386,257 2 2 VIIL—DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS. 1. Deposits. — Miscellaneous ..... 58,754 19 6 3. Land Purchase Funds — Hawke's Bay r Transfer from Temporary Loan Account Provincial Treasurer .... Expenses Land Purchases ..... 8,000 0 0 4,090 5 6 241 4 4 12,331 9 10 Carried forward .... 71,086 9 4 2,405,435 19 6

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<K. AGO UNT CUEEENT OF TH RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. tl. £ s. d. Brought forward ..... 2,413,855 16 11 IX.—INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS. 4,000 0 0 Intestate Estates — Union Bank Australia, Deposit withdrawn Land Purchase Funds — Hawke's Bay— Bank of New Zealand, Deposit withdrawn . . . ' 3,895 10 0 7,895 10 0 . X.—DEBENTUEE DEBT ACCOUNT. " Neio Zealand Loan Act, 1856" — Debentures issued for Balance of Loan .... 50,000 0 0 XL—DEBT APPOETIONMENT ACCOUNT. The Colony— Temporary charge for sums raised under " New Zealand Loan Act, 1856," now transferred to debit of Province of Auckland. Land Claims Ordinance Debenture No. 6, redeemed 22,000 0 0 45 0 0 22,045 0 0 XII.—EEVENUE SUSPENSE ACCOUNT. For September Quarters, 1863 and 1864 .... 246,818 11 7 XIII.—LAND EEVENUE ACCOUNT. Receipts ........ 678,098 12 9 Balance on 30th September, 1863— 1. In the hands of Treasurers and Sub-Accountants 2. Balance of Remittances ..... 52,866 5 3 7,089 10 6i 3,448,740 11 3 In the hands of Receivers of Land Revenue 59,955 15 9. 5,288 9 9 65,244 5 6. 3,513,987 16 9. Treasury, Aucklarn-1, 16th January, 18G">.

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COLONIAL TREASURER, &c—continued. Cb, DISBURSKMEXTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. il. Drought forward . . . . . 2,405,435 19 6 IX.—INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS. Sinking Funds — " Loan Aet, 1850"— Remittances for Investment in 3 per cent. Consols . Interest ....... 13.314 7 8 687 16 10 " Loan Act, I860"— Invested by Trustees in Bin— of New Zealand 5 per cent. Deposits ....... Interest ....... 11,002 4 6 3,000 0 0 307 10 0 3,307 10 0 17,309 14 6 X.—DEBENTURE DEBT ACCOUNT. Old Debenture Debt —- Land Claims Ordinance Debenture No. 6, redeemed 45 0 0 XL—DEBT APPORTIONMENT ACCOUNT. Auckland — Debited with amount raised for Land Purchases . The Colony — Debentures issued for Balance of the New Zealand Loan, 1856 . 22,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 72,000 0 0 XII.—REVENUE SUSPENSE ACCOUNT. For September Quarters, 1863 and 1804 . 283,587 0 7 XIII.—LAND REVENUE ACCOUNT. Disbursements bv Receivers Land Revenue 679,262 1 8 Balance on 30th September, 1864— 1. In the hands of Treasurers and Sub-Accountants Less —Balance of Remittance Account.... 59,619 15 7 7,39G 15 10. 3,457,639 16 3 In the hands of Receivers of Land Revenue 52,222 19 8. 4,125 0 10 56,348 0 6_ 3,513,987 16 9_ !. F. PoKTEB, Assistant 1 reasurer.

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rEMENT of the EEC 1EIPTS and EXPENDITUEE of the OEDINAR 30th June, 1864, and o: " the DISTRIBUTION of the SURPLUS REVENU LOCAL. REVENUE. General. Auckland. Taranaki. Wellington. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs Duties . „ Fines, Seizures, Rents, <tc. . Postal ....... Judicial —Fees and Fines, Supreme Court „ „ Sheriff's Offices „ „ District Courts ,, „ Resident Magistrates' Courts Fees—Registration of Land .... „ „ Deeds . . . . ,, „ Births, Marriages, and Deaths. „ On Issue of Crown Grants „ ,, Arms and Ammunition Licenses . „ Under " Merchant Shipping Act, 1854" „ „ " Joint Stock Companies Act, 1860" . „ " Patents Act, 1860" . „ „ " Land Claims Settlement Act, 1856" . „ „ " Marine Board Act, 1863" Incidental Receipts ..... Interest ouTPublic^Moneys .... Savings on Civil List Fund .... 156 4 3 6 3 2 17 19 4 1 2 6 127,354 4 5 165 15 10 7,714 3 6 349 8 (i 280 10 11 87 17 0 1,694 9 6 26 0 6 2,354 7 10 392 2 0 268 0 0 214 3 0 181 10 0 50 2 0 10,790 16 3 109 14 10 663 9 2 22 6 0 6 10 6 225 19 0 291 14 2 27 16 6 62 0 0 23 1 0 14 0 47,328 8 0 2,248 19 10 389 0 9 121 5 6 1,388 "6 11 478 4 6 156 14 0 77 0 0 94 12 0 39 6 0 51 0 0 130 0 0 194 14 6 71 8 0 909 18 10 909 7 6 2,345 0 10 Total .... 4,741 18 11 141,132 15 0 12,224 11 5 52,372 17 6 EXPENDITURE. 27,500 0 0 24,548 14 1 71,506 10 4 Civil List ...... Permanent Charges, Interost and Sinking Fund „ under Acts of General Assembly. 12 11 C 12 12 G 54 1 8 Appropriations.—General. Executive ...... Legislative ...... Judicial ...... Registration ...... Customs ...... Portal ...... Militia ...... Miscellaneous ...... 4,886 2 11 12,096 2 9 2,589 18 0 1,967 1 5 1,206 7 11 87,302 0 9 25,000 0 0 16,731 4 6 200 0 0 Appropriations.—Provincial. Judicial ...... Registration ...... Electoral ...... Customs ...... Portal Public Buildings ..... Refunds of Revenue ..... 5,508 14 0 1,481 6 9 561 17 10 7,564 1 1 5,710 0 0 720 0 0 392 2 6 103 17 9 746 7 0 348 4 0 3,369 10 0 717 12 7 350 0 0 3,914 5 3 2,362 6 0 463 8 5 3,389 10 7 372 19 10 384 9 1 Total Expenditure . 275,797 11 1 24,428 1 9 2,696 3 7 11,152 4 7 Amount of Genera! Charges (less amount of General Receipts) distributed proportionately amongst the Provinces ...... 54,317 5 4 4,704 12 1 20,156 11 5 Totals of Local Charges 78,745 7 1 7,400 15 8 31,308 16 0 Surplus Revenue carried to credit of Provinces 62.3S7 7 11 4,823 15 9 21,064 1 6 Totals .... 4,7U 18 11 141,132 15 0 12,224 11 5 52,372 17 6


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fEAR 1863-4. tEVENUE of NEW ZEALAND for the FINANCIAL TEAR ended mder the provisions of the STJEPLUS EEVENUE ACT, 1858. iCAL. Totals. Ha.wke'8 Bay. Nelson. Marlborough. Canterbury. Otago. Southland. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ e. d. £ s. d. 12,671 13 7 811 4 6 25,760 13 11 79 5 9 1,323 18 5 165 10 0 17 5 8 4,540 16 0 34 12 5 515 15 5 83,808 15 10 4 0 10 6,806 18 5 1,232 12 4 543 10 0 243,648 3 10 136 10 10 15,713 6 7 2,102 6 0 1,182 3 11 60,952 19 2 9 7 10 3,251 6 6 437 9 0 92 15 0 617,012 15 3 539 8 4 39,055 5 6 4,698 12 7 2,247 8 6 119 0 7 22,324 0 6 26 0 6 12,073 3 6 2,555 5 0 2,105 0 0 977 11 11 596 18 0 137 2 0 130 0 0 194 14 6 71 8 0 909 18 10 909 7 6 2,345 0 10 5 2 6 196 16 5 880 3 6 3 7 0 26 1 1 146 10 6 5,465 8 9 10,297 8 1 2,010 18 6 260 5 6 41 17 6 99 0 0 33 11 0 1 12 0 1,186 18 0 109 9 6 395 0 0 112 0 0 18 13 0 251 1 0 55 4 0 90 0 0 54 3 11 0 5 0 2,476 17 6 548 17 0 152 0 0 160 1 0 77 0 0 12 5 0 3,522 14 0 984 19 6 792 0 0 153 3 0 240 10 0 23 15 0 1,251 1 0 237 2 6 170 0 0 132 17 0 36 18 0 14,121 3 0 30,048 17 9 5,717 16 4 101,288 6 8 278,797 0 9 68,582 14 6 709,028 1 10 14 11 8 31 0 9 10 0 0 5 18 2 5 0 0 104 12 0 2 0 5 287 15 2 40 17 5 70 16 9 8 18 11 27,500 0 0 25,130 2 9 71,585 18 7 4,886 2 11 12,096 2 9 2,589 18 0 2,167 1 5 1,206 7 11 87,302 0 9 25,000 0 0 16,731 4 6 722 11 0 344 11 9 133 4 6 1,091 7 11 1,403 13 4 1,383 10 2 1,270 0 0 291 1 10 2,282 8 7 1,722 0 0 660 18 0 293 19 10 166 17 3 1,081 15 2 1,309 0 0 4,344 4 4 1,632 14 0 725 0 0 7,550 3 1 7,407 0 0 10,395 0 0 2,325 18 0 1,085 0 0 9,599 11 5 31,370 10 0 1,522 12 2 700 0 0 75 0 0 3,891 0 2 7,695 0 0 3,200 0 0 92 15 0 28,626 19 8 9,158 5 5 3,491 19 2 37,720 19 8 59,327 13 4 3,200 0 0 7,773 6 4 162 16 10 "l7 5 8 12 8 5 719 17 7 2,157 14 11 3,872 17 0 7,007 7 0 3,535 16 10 22,485 11 5 57,262 6 11 17,256 3 0 425,494 3 2 5,434 13 9 11,564 16 9 2,200 13 4 38,982 5 9 107,299 8 8 26,395 5 1 9,307 10 9 18,572 3 9 5,736 10 2 61,467 17 2 164,561 15 7 43,651 8 1 4,813 12 3 11,476 14 0 Debit— 18 13 10 39,820 9 6 114,235 5 2 24,931 6 5 283,533 18 8 14,121 3 0 30,048 17 9 5,717 16 4 101,288 6 8 278,797 0 9 68,582 14 6 709,028 1 10

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STATEMENT of EXPENDITUE: under the 1 ended lPPEOPEIA 30th JUNE TION ACT. , 1864. 1863, for the EINANCI L TEAE Salaries. Contingencies and Services. Totals under Appropriation Act. Votes. Savings. Additional Expenditure to be provided for. £ s. A. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. GENERAL EXPENDITURE. Executive. 200 0 0 1,300 0 0 1,020 0 0 765 0 0 600 0 0 The Deputy-Governor The Governor's Establishment The Colonial Secretary's Department The Secretary for Crown Lands Department. The Attorney-General's Department. The Colonial Treasurer's Dept. £763 17 9 Reserved . 90 0 0 970 0 0 908 10 0 765 0 0 428 0 0 330 0 0 43 8 6 1,300 0 0 951 18 6 765 0 0 442 1 0 200 0 0 34 i' 7 68 1 6 14 1 0 157 ii" 0 144 14," 3 The Department of Minister for Defence 853 17 9 550 14 9 22 10 11 876 8 8 550 14 9 940 0 0 702 0 0 63 11 4 151 5 3 4,476 2 6 410 0 5 4,886 2 11 5,527 0 0 610 17 1 178 18 10 LEGISLATIVE. Establishment of the Legislative Council „ House of Representatives. Expenses of both Houses The Auditor's Department . £1388 11 3 Reserved . 34 7 6 847 5 0 2,187 11 9 7,589 8 11 847 5 0 2,187 11 9 7,589 8 11 1,140 0 0 2,325 0 0 7,600 0 0 292 15 0 137 8 3 10 11 1 1,422 18 9 48 18 4 1,471 17 1 1,495 0 0 23 2 11 4,457 15 6 7,638 7 3 12,096 2 9 12,560 0 0 463 17 3 Judicial. Supreme Court — Travelling Expenses of Judges on Circuit . Clerk to the Chief Justice . Judge and Staff for Gold-fields Criminal Prosecutions 150 0 0 66 13 4 666 8 0 666 8 0 150 0 0 66 13 4 1,706 16 8 > 4,050 0 0 1,460 2 0 1,706 16 8 216 13 4 2,373 4 8 2,589 18 0 4,050 0 0 1,460 2 0 Registration. Registrar of Land and Deeds Department District Registrars .... Registrar-General's Department District Registrar, Stewart's Island . 891 5 0 200 0 0 931 0 0 12 6 99 3 5 30 0 0 14 10 6 990 8 5 230 0 0 945 10 6 12 6 } 5,050 0 0 1,030 0 0 3,829 11 7 83 7 0 2,023 7 6 143 13 11 2,167 1 5 6,080 0 0 3,912 18 7 Customs. Commissioner of Customs Department Preventive Service, Chatham Islands. 168 6 8 361 5 11 2 16 3 673 19 1 171 2 11 1,035 5 0 225 0 0 1,050 0 0 53 17 1 14 15 0 529 12 7 676 15 4 1,206 7 11 1,275 0 0 68 12 1 Postal. Postmaster-Gene—il's Department Conveyance of Mails by Sea — Contribution to Main Line, £14,000 0 0 Reserved . 13,000 0 0 Inter-Colonial and Inter-Provincial Contingencies. .... Charge made by Imperial Government for letters from New Zealand to Australia . Inspector of Post Offices and Expenses Marine Board—Inspector of Steamers, Engineer, Surveyors, and Telegraphic Engineer ..... 950 4 4 176 7 11 27,000 0 0 53,909 15 10 1,418 8 3 1,126 12 3 27,000 0 0 53,909 15 10 1,418 8 3 95,330 0 0 8,027 19 3 244 12 5 300 0 0 182 11 6 300 0 0 427 3 11 2,016 18 9 1,103 1 9 3,120 0 6 3,211 15 6 84,090 5 3 87,302 0 9 95,330 0 0 8,027 19 3 Militia. 3,487 0 3 j 21,512 19 9 25,000 0 0 Militia ..... 25,000 0 0

B.—No. 1



c.— con. 'lllliei Salaries. Contingencies and Services. Totals under Appropriation Act. Votes. Savings. Additional Expenditure to be provided for. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Miscellaneous. • Government House, Auckland— Insurance ..... Wages, Repairs, and Contingencies Government House, Wellington Pensions —E. Powell.... Office Rent ..... Printing and Stationery General Contingencies Wharfage on Military Stores. Contribution to Taranaki Boat Service Colonial Agent .... Manual of New Zealand Botany — Vote Reserved . . . . Expenses Mr. Ward's Mission to England . " Orpheus" Relief Fund—Contribution to . Interest on Temporary Advances New Zealand Exhibition —Contribution to . „ Patriotic Fund— „ Member of the Government in Wellington . Expenses of Passing " Picton Railway Act" Vote Reserved .... Purchase of wreck s.s. " Lord Worsley," and Expenses . Capture of Deserters, Rewards, &c. . 310 14 0 140 0 0 46 12 6 120 0 0 271 0 11 20 13 4 120 0 0 581 14 11 160 13 4 46 12 6 650 0 0 2,000 0 0 954 13 10 200 0 0 300 0 0 600 0 0 120 0 0 628 0 0 500 0 0 82 5 0 650 0 0 2,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 600 0 0 46 5 1 339 6 8 35 12 6 650 0 0 2,000 0 0 954 13 10 200 0 0 300 0 0 600 0 0 45 6 2 91 10' 4 2,120 3 3 581 9 1 100 0 0 417 6 8 2,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 4,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 100 0 0 417 6 8 2,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 4,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 2,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 4,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 500 0 0 82 13 4 5,832 li" 9 500 0 0 487 11 6 487 11 6 487 11 6 347 3 6 265 8 3 347 3 6 265 8 3 347 3 6 600 0 0 334 11 9 997 6 6 15,733 18 0 16,731 4 6 17,615 0 0 883 15 6 8,625 18 5 PROVINCIAL EXPENDITURE. Province op Auckland. Judicial —Supreme Court Resident Magistrate's Court— Auckland . . . . Onehunga . Howick . Papakura . . . . Waiuku . . . . Wangarei . . . . Maungakaramea Russell . . . . Mongonui . Raglan . Coromandel . Coroners . . . . . " Lunatic Ordinance Amendment Act" Registration —Regis trarof DeedsDepartment Registrar of Births, Marriages, aud Deaths. Registrar Joint Stock Companies . Electoral ..... Customs —Auckland . . . . Onehnnga ..... Russell ..... Mongonui ..... Hokianga ..... Wangarei ..... Kaipara ..... Raglan ..... Licensing Officers under " Arms Act" Postal . . . . . 1,050 0 0 1,562 10 0 162 10 0 150 0 0 155 0 10 75 0 0 162 10 0 150 0 0 250 0 0 425 0 0 691 5 0 1,223 0 0 150 19 0 50 0 0 382 10 0 5,336 4 6 192 10 0 563 0 0 325 0 0 50 0 0 295 10 0 120 0 0 85 0 0 50 8 0 3,067 19 0 101 14 11 55 1 5 5 7 0 35 8 0 10 0 0 27 10 0 5 8 10 10 0 374 12 0 58 16 0 57 7 9 1,151 14 11 1,617 11 5 167 17 0 185 8 0 165 0 10 75 0 0 190 0 0 150 0 0 255 8 10 425 0 0 692 5 0 374 12 0 58 16 0 1,280 7 9 150 19 0 50 0 0 561 17 10 5,741 2 5 211 5 0 564 18 10 351 12 0 61 2 0 308 2 10 165 10 0 110 0 0 50 8 0 5,710 0 0 5,972 0 0 463 6 0 1,800 0 0 318 13 3 179 7 10 404 17 11 18 15 0 1 18 10 26 12 0 11 2 0 12 12 10 45 10 0 25 0 0 782 10 0 220 12 2 7,599 4 6 35 3 5 2,642 1 0 5,710 0 0 382 0 3 16,725 16 4 4,100 3 4 20,825 19 8 21,863 14 6 1,037 14 10 382 0 3 Province oe Taranaki. Judicial —Supreme Court Resident Magistrate's Court " Coroners and Lunatic Ordinance Amendment Act" .... Registration —Registrar of Deeds Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths. Electoral ..... Customs ..... Postal ..... 100 0 0 559 11 6 323 7 0 27 16 6 75 0 0 662 10 0 270 0 0 2 12 6 12 13 0 45 3 0 40 19 0 102 12 6 572 4 6 45 3 0 364 6 0 27 16 6 103 17 9 746 7 0 348 4 0 ] 720 0 0 430 0 0 37 17 6 41 6 6 28 17 9 83 17 0 78 4 0 175 0 0 826 0 0 348- 4 0 71 2 3 79 13 0 56 16 7 2,018 5 0 292 6 3 2,310 11 3 2,499 4 0 188 12 9 9S 3 1

B.—No. 1.



state: ,-ENT OF IXPENDIT RE, &c— m mtinued. Salaries. Contingencies and Services. Totals under Appropriation Act. Votes. Savings. Additional Expenditure to be provided for. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Province of Wellington. 932 0 8 120 0 0 1,052 0 8 Judicial —Supreme Court Resident Magistrate's Court — Wellington . . . . Wanganui . . . . Wairarapa . . . . " Coroners and Lunatic Ordinance Amendment Aet" .... Registration —Registrarof Deeds Department Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths. Registrar of Joint Stock Companies Electoral ..... Customs —Wellington Wanganui ..... Licensing Officers under " Anns Act" Postal ..... 1,150 0 0 556 0 8 238 7 2 517 16 0 113 6 6 50 0 0 224 19 11 3,074 0 9 445 1 0 64 3 0 1,299 15 0 169 15 0 83 6 6 120 0 0 6 10 1 1,319 15 0 639 7 2 238 7 2 120 0 0 524 6 1 143 6 6 50 0 0 350 0 0 3,31 I 18 2 535 4 1 64 3 0 2,362 6 O j- 3,369 10 0 I 995 0 0 277 7 5 210 10 1 125 0 1 240 17 5 90 3 1 350 0 0 i 3,912 5 0 136 6 10 27 19 9 1,062 li 0 143 14 0 2.500 0 0 8,695 10 8 2,018 3 2 10,713 13 10 11,162 15 0 419 1 2 346 16 11 Province of Hawke's Bat. Judicial —Supreme Court Resident Magistrate's Court " Coroners and Lunatic Ordinance Amendment Act" .... Registration —Registrarof Deeds Department Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths. Electoral ..... Cu.y/oms ..... Licensing Officer under " Amis Act" Postal ..... 146 0 0 505 0 0 300 0 0 41 17 6 75 0 0 991 0 0 33 11 0 501 12 0 11 18 0 38 1 0 21 12 0 2 14 3 58 4 6 66 16 II 157 18 0 543 1 0 21 12 0 302 14 3 41 17 6 133 4 6 1,057 16 11 33 11 0 1,403 13 4 > 755 0 0 | 650 0 0 32 9 0 305 8 3 175 0 0 41 15 6 | 1,105 0 0 13 12 1 902 i 4 448 6 8 1,852 0 0 2,594 0 6 1,101 8 0 3,695 8 6 4,537 0 0 841 11 6 Province of Nelson. Judicial —Supreme Court Resident Magistrate's Court— Nelson .... Collingwood .... Amuri .... " Coroners and Lunatic Ordinance Amendment Act" .... Registration —Registrarof Deeds Department Registrar of Births, Marriage! and Deal lis. Registrar of Joint Stock Companies Electoral ..... Customs —Nelson .... Collingwood .... Buller River .... Licensing Officers under " Arms Act" Postal ..... 100 0 0 883 7 0 258 6 8 1,077 _ 2 109 9 6 9 1 11 68 1 7 64 13 0 83 8 4 109 1 11 951 8 7 258 6 8 61 13 0 1,160 10 6 109 9 6 1 J> 1,750 0 0 i 1,270 0 0 366 9 10 275 12 1 189 11 8 2,018 13 7 60 0 0 101 10 2 110 13 3 3 15 9 291 1 10 2,159 6 10 63 15 9 600 0 0 S 2,315 0 0 308 18 2 59 6 0 1,035 3 2 32 11 5 686 16 10 59 6 0 1,722 0 0 7 11 7 1,722 0 0 5,820 19 9 1,128 0 10 6,949 0 7 7,657 0 0 707 19 5 283 3 8 Province of Marlborough. Judicial —Supreme Court District and Resident Magistrate's Court — Wairau .... Havelock .... " Coroners and Lunatic Ordinance Amendment Act" .... Regis/ration —Registrarof Deeds Department Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths. Electoral ..... Customs —Picton .... Blenheim ..... Havelock ..... Licensing Officers under " Arms Aet" New Custom House Postal ..... 50 0 0 532 10 8 216 10 10 55 4 0 100 0 0 317 10 0 400 0 0 50 19 5 50 9 11 32 19 10 45 7 6 22 5 0 50 0 0 565 10 6 45 7 6 238 15 10 55 4 0 166 17 3 471 12 5 406 14 1 152 18 9 50 9 11 725 0 0 525 0 0 64 2 0 231 0 2 66 17 3 154 2 5 6 14 I 101 19 4 200 0 0 33 2 9 1,230 0 0 148 4 10 464 0 0 845 0 0 1,309 0 0 1,309 0 0 161 7 11 2,237 4 10 1,275 5 5 3,512 10 3 3,989 0 0 476 9 9 161 7 11

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state: ENT OF 1XPENDIT RE, &c.—ci mtinued. Salaries. Contingencies and Services. Totals under Appropriation Act. Votes. Savings. Additional Expenditure to bo provided for. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ L s. d. Province of Canterbury. Judicial —Supreme Court Resident Magistrate's Court— Christchurch and Kaiapoi Lyttelton .... Akaroa .... Tilnaru . . . . North Country District " Coroners and Lunatic Ordinance Amendment Act" .... Registration —Registrarof Deeds Department Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths. Registrar of Joint Stock Companies Electoral . Customs —Christchurch . . ~> Lyttelton .... J Akaroa ..... Timaru ..... Sub-Treasury, Cln-istchurch Licensing Officers under " Arms Act" Postal ..... 973 11 1 66 18 0 1,040 9 1 1,414 5 0 570 0 0 319 14 8 254 7 8 92 14 10 374 5 1 34 13 0 8 6 0 42 6 6 1,788 10 1 604 13 0 328 0 8 296 14 2 92 14 10 4,734 15 0 390 10 8 1,209 12 0 326 18 0 12 5 0 275 0 0 193 2 6 83 19 0 193 2 6 1,293 11 0 326 1.8 0 12 5 0 725 0 0 1,730 0 0 97 6 0 450 0 0 725 0 0 48 12 8 5,533 18 8 979 9 10 6,513 8 6 235 0 0 266 17 0 104 15 0 76 11 0 2,535 0 0 76 4 0 247 4 3 30 3 4 311 4 0 514 1 3 134 18 4 76 11 0 7,407 0 0 8,303 12 6 763 9 5 4,872 0 0 7,407 0 0 835 10 5 14,200 9 11 7,458 11 6 21,659 1 5 22,900 7 6 1,251 6 1 884 3 1 Province of Otago. Judicial —Supreme Court Resident Magistrate's Court — Dunedin .... Port Chalmers. Oamaru .... Taieri and Tokomairiro Hawkesbury .... West Taieri .... Molyneux .... Gold Fields .... " Coroners and Lunatic Ordinance Amendment Act" .... Registration —Registrarof Deeds Department Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths. Registrar of Joint Stock Companies Electoral Customs —Dunedin .... Port Chalmers .... Waikouiti ..... Oamaru ..... Taieri ..... Molyneux ..... Licensing Officers under " Arms Act" Postal ..... Mail Agent. .... 1,436 9 7 2,020 0 0 925 0 0 150 0 0 709 5 7 250 0 0 175 0 0 350 0 0 3,000 0 0 1,508 5 7 633 11 9 20 16 8 485 0 0 6,414 10 9 1,841 7 4 472 4 11 264 0 2 117 13 11 31 11 I 25 17 3 17 12 0 15 8 5 34 17 1 400 0 0 152 3 6 2 8 0 8 12 6 600 0 0 438 1 3 103 4 9 1,908 14 6 2,284 0 2 1,042 13 11 181 11 1 735 2 10 267 12 0 190 8 5 384 17 1 3,000 0 0 400 0 0 1,660 9 1 635 19 9 29 9 2 1,085 0 0 6,852 12 0 1,944 12 1 > 2,625 0 0 10,395 0 0 3,254 18 3 299 2 0 1,085 0 0 10 7 6 254 3 4 212 10 0 275 0 0 57 14 0 9,340 10 9 203 8 10 3 0 0 254 3 4 215 10 0 275 0 0 57 14 0 31,167 1 2 203 8 10 - 12,095 0 0 2,495 8 7 21,826 10 5 ] 32,107 0 0 736 10 0 30,262 14 2 24,513 5 3 54,775 19 5 58,307 0 0 3,531 0 7 3,265 5 9 Province of Southland. Judicial —Supreme Court Resident Magistrate's Court— Invercargill and Riverton C ampbelltown. " Coroners and Lunatic Ordinance Amendment Act" .... Registration —Registrarof Deeds Department Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths. Electoral ..... Customs —Invercargill Bluff Riverton ..... Licensing Officer under " Arms Act" Postal ..... Post Office, Invercargill (reserved). Public Buildings —New Custom Houso 104 3 4 98 1 3 202 4 7 1 739 10 0 349 8 6 112 19 1 4 17 6 113 12 6 852 9 1 354 6 0 113 12 6 600 0 0 100 0 0 75 0 0 2,906 3 2 489 15 7 457 11 5 37 10 0 6,695 0 0 1,000 0 0 3,200 0 0 j- 1,845 0 0 | 700 0 0 322 7 10 600 0 0 100 0 0 25 0 0 2,671 0 4 380 2 7 420 0 0 37 10 0 1,761 8 8 50 0 0 235 2 10 109 13 0 37 11 5 75 0 0 > 5,000 0 0 j- 7,695 0 0 439 4 2 166 4 6 1,108 19 10 4,933 11 4 1,000 0 0 3,200 0 0 2,348 7 1 3,200 0 0 42 13 3 7,188 3 5 9,895 8 11 17,083 12 4 18,515 0 0 1,431, 7 8 2,996 9 0

B.—No. 1.



STATEMENT OF EXPENDIT RE, &c.—c< mtinued. Salaries. Contingencies and Services. Totals under Appropriation Act. Votes. Savings. Additional Expenditure to be provided for. £ a. A. £ a. A. - s. d. £ 8. d. _ s. d. £ s. d. RECAPITULATION. General Expenditure. 178 IS 10 Executive Legislative Judicial Registration . Customs Postal Militia Miscellaneous 4,476 2 6 4,457 15 6 216 13 4 2,023 7 6 529 12 7 3,211 15 6 3,487 0 3 997 6 6 410 0 5 7,638 7 3 2,373 4 8 143 13 11 676 15 4 84,090 5 3 21,512 19 9 15,733 18 0 4,886 2 11 12,096 2 9 2,589 18 0 2,167 1 5 1,206 7 11 87,302 0 9 25,000 0 0 16,731 4 6 5,527 0 0 12,560 0 0 4,050 0 0 6,080 0 0 1,275 0 0 95,330 0 0 25,000 0 0 17,615 0 0 640 17 1 463 17 3 1,460 2 0 3,912 18 7 68 12 1 8,027 19 3 883 15 6 8,625 18 5 19,399 13 8 132,579 4 7 151,978 18 3 167,437 0 0 15,458 1 9 8,804 17 3 Provincial Expenditure. 4.100 3 4 292 6 3 2,018 3 2 1.101 8 0 1,128 0 10 1,275 5 5 7,458 11 6 24,513 5 3 9,895 8 11 20,825 19 8 2,310 11 3 10,713 13 10 3,695 8 6 6,949 0 7 3,512 10 3 21,659 1 5 54,775 19 5 17.0S3 12 4 Pi-oviiiee of Auckland ,, Taranaki ,, Wellington „ Hawke's Bay „ Nelson „ Marlborough ,, Canterbury „ Otago „ Southland 16,725 16 4 2,018 5 0 8,695 10 8 2,594 0 6 5,820 19 9 2,237 4 10 14,200 9 11 30,262 14 2 7,188 3 5 21,863 14 6 2,499 4 0 11,162 15 0 4,537 0 0 7,657 0 0 3,989 0 0 22,900 7 6 58,307 0 0 18,515 0 0 1,037 14 10 188 12 9 449 1 2 841 11 6 707 19 5 476 9 9 1,241 6 1 3,531 0 7 1,431 7 8 382 0 3 98 3 1 346 16 11 283 3 8 161 7 11 884 3 1 3,265 5 9 2,996 9 0 109,142 18 3 181,361 17 3 293,504 15 6 318,868 1 0 25,363 5 6 17,222 6 11 IV. PROVINCES SURPLUS REVENUE ACCOUNT for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 30th JUNE, 18G4. Balances oi 30 June, 1863. Province! Debited. Balances oi 30 June, 1864. Provinces credited. Payments in September Quarter, on account of 1864-5. PROVINCES. Due from. Due to. Surplus Revenue, 1864. Arrears. Advances of f-ths on account of 1863-4. Due from. Due to. £ s. d. £ s. cl. £ 8. cl. £ s. d. £ a. A. £ a. A. £ a. A. £ a. d. Auckland 9,689 0 4 62,387 7 11 9,689 0 4 47,768 16 0 14,618 11 11 10,178 7 1 Taranaki 53 14 3. 4,823 15 9 4,088 5 5 681 16 0. 1,078 19 8 Wellington . 6,482 15 9 21,064 1 6 17,766 16 8 9,780 0 7 3,743 0 9 Hawke's Bay 441 18 10 4,813 12 3 4,752 9 8 503 1 5 1,388 18 9 Xelson 1,627 10 5. 11,476 14 0 1,627 10 5 9,731 17 10 1,744 16 2. 1,998 6 9 Marlborough 107 9 1 18 13 10 326 2 11 Canterbury . 5,721 12 li 39,820 9 6 5,721 12 1 31,429 16 4 8,390 13 2. 6,020 10 11 Otago 30,049 1 94 114,235 5 2 30,049 1 9 91,190 2 0 23,045 3 2i 17,515 13 5 Southland 6,284 15 10 24,931 6 5 6,284 15 10 22,860 17 0 2,070 9 5 1,982 18 6 Totals. |36l 3 4_ 60,296 15 1 283,552 12 6 53,372 0 5 229,607 14 9 326 2 11 60,834 11 11. 43,906 15 10

B.—No. I



VII. A D V A N ES MISCELLANEOUS. Balances on 30th September, Transactions. Balances on 30th September, 1864. Balance.- on 80 September, 1864. 1863. Dr. Accounted for. Advances. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. 5,073 13 7 660 0 0 15 0 0 78 19 2 50 0 0 400 0 0 69 16 10 494 2 8 0 0 3 14 11 8 5 19 0 90 14 0 30 0 0 73 11 8 10 0 0 20 0 0 200 0 0 20 0 0 £ a. A. 1,210 18 7 £ s. d. 1,218 19 0 £ 8. d. 5,081 14 0 660 0 0 685 0 0 85 0 0 £ 8. d. Native Secretary's Department . . . . Wairarapa Land Purchase, 5 per cents J. Rogan, District Land Purchase Commissioner, Kaipara H. T. Kemp, „ Russell. A. Sinclair, Surveyor, Land Purchase Department Colonel Mould, R. E., Inspector of Public Works H. 'X. Clarke, Circuit Magistrate, Bay of Plenty . F. A. Carrington, Engineering Surveyor, Taranaki C. Brown, Superintendent, New Plymouth Public Works. R. Schultz, late Sub-Collector, Mongonui. A. W. Shand, late Sub-Collector, Chatham Islands W. N. Searancke, District Land Purchase Commissioner. J. Hoggard, Postmaster, Wellington C. Brown, New Plymouth, Militia Pay . Loans to Natives, Wellington . . . . G. F. Ssvaiinson, Surveyor, Wellington J. T. Edwards, Colonial Defence Force, Wellington E. Baker, Interpreter, Wairarapa. G. S. Cooper, District Land Purchase Commissioner, Hawke's Bay...... E. F. Harris, late Clerk to Resident Magistrate's Court, Napier ...... P. Bourke, Postmaster, Hawke's Bay B. Wahnslev, Postmaster, Nelson. F. E. Wright, Postmaster, Lyttleton Board of Trade, London ..... Imperial Government ..... Government of New South Wales J. Naughton, Commissioner of Police, Auckland W. B. White, Civil Commissioner, Mongonui J. Gard, Postmaster, Picton .... Commissariat —Pensions and Half-pay G. Clarke, Civil Commissioner, Northern District W. Gray, Nelson, on account of Taranaki Refugees D. McLean, Land Purchase Commissioner W. B. Baker, Resident Magistrate, East Cape Reverend R. Maunsell, Waikato .... W. C. Daldy, Provincial Treasurer, Auckland Miscellaneous ...... C. Ward, late Postmaster-General J. Fulloon, Native Secretary's Department G. Law, late Civil Commissioner, Taupo . J. Armitage, late Resident Magistrate, Lower Waikato • Reverend C. Volkner, Opotiki .... H. Taylor, Inspector of Native Schools . Sir G. A. Arney, Chief Justice .... A. H. Russell, Civil Commissioner, Hawke's Bay. J. Speedy, Resident Magistrate, Mauku . R. II. McGregor, Resilient Magistrate, Raglan . R. Cliihnan, Militia Pay, New Plymouth. W. Corbett, Postmaster, Auckland H. S. Wardell, Resident Magistrate, Wairarapa . T. II. Smith, Civil Commissioner, Bay of Plenty. E. Shortland, late Native Secretary J. White, Resident Magistrate, Wanganui A. C. P. Macdonald, Chief Clerk, Colonial Secretary's Office G. E. Eliott, Secretary to Postmaster-General R. S. Anderson, Clerk, Postmaster-General's Office G. S. Whitmore, Civil Commissioner, Hawke's Bay G. F. Murray, Lieutenant-Colonel, 65th Regiment Reverend R. Burrows, Russell .... T. Heiupton, New Plvmouth, Militia Pav J. Flight, R. M., * Relief of Settlers . Lieutenant-Colonel G. D. Pitt, Enrolling Military Settlers R. C. Mayne, H.M.S. ■" Eclipse" . F. D. Bell, Enrolling Military Settlers . Store Account ...... R. Graham and W. C. Daldy, Roads in Native Districts, Auckland ...... J. Martyn, Superintendent of Works on Great South Road F. Mace, Enrolling Military Settlers W. Mason, „ , Otago W. J. Willis, Native Purposes, Wellington Wm. Colenso „ Napier . James Mackay, junior, Acting Native Secretary, Nelson . F. J. Catley, to pay Native Assessors, Nelson Surcharges, W. E. Thomas, Collector, Chatham Islands . F. D. Fenton, Assistant Law Officer Provincial Treasurer, Auckland .... 50 0 0 8 17 6 350 0 0 168 14 4 1,927 10 2 28 2 0 43 0 0 18 9 0 254 4 11 247 10, 8 109 19 0 956 1 7 1,150 0 0 840 7 10 35 13 0 35 10 0 20 0 0 400 0 0 391 5 2 97 7 0 20 0 0 659 7 11 203 5 6 260 0 0 5 12 0 300 0 0 11 1 6 387 14 1 1,960 19 4 826 8 2 1,136 7 4 99 3 4 1,691 12 0 92 0 6 451 5 0 4 9 0 8 5 0 21 4 3 599 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 11,985 5 3 464 19 7 1,180 5 1 43 0 0 8,135 0 0 618 6 10 1,201 7 6 167 2 5 82 3 1 941 2 3 1,099 16 10 493 12 8 3,194 15 2 25 19 0 100 0 0 105 0 0 73 11 8 110 0 0 200 0 0 20 0 0 55 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,766 14 3 8,183 14 5 28 2 0 3 0 0 13,905 12 8 254 4 11 1,301 18 10 1,519 0 0 3,483 7 0 4,780 4 6 840 7 10 35 10 0 20 0 0 611 4 6 3,230 4 11 184 0 0 722 0 6 414 0 2 543 13 4 260 0 0 1,871 7 6 173 3 3 32 3 1 541 2 3 1,150 0 0 2,907 18 7 20 0 0 220 0 0 75 0 0 115 0 0 1,550 0 0 1,842 0 5 8,859 1 6 79 4 0 13,914 0 8 1,414 19 3 1,589 1 0 3,472 5 5 4,880 4 6 211 4 6 3,679 7 6 134 0 0 702 0 6 700 16 10 340 7 10 120 0 0 0 10 0 14 11 8 210 14 0 10 0 0 25 0 0 8 17 6 400 0 0 244 0 6 2,602 17 3 119 4 0 26 17 0 360 11 1 180 0 0 945 0 0 1,250 0 0 35 13 0 840 7 9 47 7 0 286 16 4 5' 0 0 946 4 7 917 3 3 3,485 7 2 969 16 5 2,164 7 6 73 11 8 6,505 18 3 326 13 4 4,003 8 4 205 5 6 2,001 6 10 207 11 10 602 12 3 5 12 0 300 0 0 11 1 6 440 7 3 639 19 8 899 19 10 1,950 0 0 10 0 0 3,007 17 5 5,692 5 7 415 16 8 2,687 2 11 317 6 0 987 1 8 211 17 10 444 11 8 21 4 3 2,612 0 6 100 0 0 1,465 10 2 0 3 0 166 5 7 20 00 2,600 0 0 586 19 6 83,020 9 6 102,813 17 11 200 0 0 31,808 13 8 464 19 7 33,347 10 11 32,167 5 10 43 6 0 16,635 0 0 8,500 0 0 618 6 10 2.000 0 0 1,700 0 0 210 0 0 560 0 0 2,000 0 0 18,007 12 2 40 0 0 1,530 5 8 50 0 0 3,000 0 0 16,100 0 0 3,000 0 0 207 12 2 1,175 11 8 50 0 0 60 0 0 612 10 0 45 0 0 7 5 4 150 0 0 270 0 0 170 0 0 205 0 0 60 0 0 612 10 0 45 0 0 7 5 4 150 0 0 145 0 0 125 0 0 Carried forward 50,373 12 8 225,927 14 9 236,335 10 3 61,300 16 8 519 8 6

B.—No. 1.



vil ADVANCE MISCELLANEOU S.—contiu, wd. Balances on 30th September, 1863. Teans iCTIONS. Balances on 30th September, 1864. Balances on 30 September, 1864. De. Accounted for. Advances. De. ciBrought forward F. W. Mei'riinnii, Crown Prosecutor, Auckland . E. Hesketh, Clerk „ „ Major McGregor, pay 2nd Waikato Regiment S. P. Smith, Surveyor . T. A. White, Interpreter, Native Minister's Department. Lieutenant-Colonel Chesney, Enrolling Military Settlers . St. John Braiinigaii, Commissioner of Police, Duuedin . Insolvent Estates Fund ..... D. Simpson, Superintendent of Dockyard, Port Waikato. R. O. Stewart, Resident Magistrate, Port Waikato W. R. Collett, Chief Superintendent of Roads and Works Wm. Rosve, Inspector of Roads and Mines E. Mayne, „ Horses .... Charles Heaphy, Surveyor .... R. C. Mainwaring, Resident Magistrate, Whata-Whata . I F. Cadell, Superintendent Water Transport J. McLeod, „ Sawing Parts . 11. H. .Turton, Compensation Commissioner, Waiuku .T. Mackay, junior, Resident Magistrate, Coroinandel R. G. Wood, Colonial Treasurer .... I. E. Featherston, Superintendent, Wellington R. C. Barstow, Resilient Magistrate, Russell G. W. D. Hay, Commanding Native Contingent. S. Kempthorne, Secretary, Public Buildings Commission . W. Jim-:-ant, Natins Mcdiciil Officer, Raglan C. G. Knight, Surveyor ..... Captain D. Porter, Wanganui Militia „ H. B. Roberts, „ Volunteers. 3. Booth, Native Commissariat Officer Major D. S. Durie, Wanganui Militia Captain W. Kells „ J. Nixon „ ... „ J. Allison ,, ... „ J. Willcox „ ... „ G. Campion „ ... „ F. Ross „ ... Ensign F. Liddell „ ... Captain Cameron ,, ... A.W.F.Halcombe,, G. Fisk „ ... ,, J. Peake „ ... „ J. C. Crawford, Wellington Militia C. B. Izard, Crown Prosecutor, Wellington Taranaki Relief Fund ..... J. Stewart. ...... W. Turner, Commander S.S. " Koheroa". H. Marks, „ S.S. " Sandfly" . C. Logie, Sub-Treasurer, Dunedin £ s. d. 50,373 12 8 £ s. d. 225,927 14 9 £ s. d. 236,335 10 3 521 15 10 450 0 0 2,000 0 0 230 0 0 6 0 0 1,688 7 5 306 4 6 58 0 6 4,375 1 4 7,450 0 0 12,050 0 0 5,222 6 8 199 8 0 2,684 4 2 685 0 0 12,110 0 0 1,860 0 0 290 0 0 502 5 0 700 0 0 8,500 0 0 20 0 0 153 17 0 90 0 0 3,600 0 0 25 0 0 300 16 0 253 5 6 73 16 0 251 19 0 252 5 6 263 5 6 207 4 6 90 16 0 141 8 0 88 7 6 156 13 6 787 9 6 290 10 0 305 14 6 73 15 0 50 0 0 230 0 0 588 2 4 800 0 0 243 2 11 212 14 0 £ 8. d. 61,300 16 8 521 15 10 300 0 2 998 7 6 230 0 0 6 0 0 £ a. A. 519 8 6 149 19 10 1,001 12 6 1,688 "i 5 3,931 13 2 2,303 13 6 8.171 15 8 3,950 14 5 169 8 0 1,859 13 9 194 0 0 306 4 6 58 0 6 443 8 2 5,146 6 6 3,878 4 4 1,271 12 3 30 0 0 824 10 5 491 0 0 12,110 0 0 1,860 0 0 290 0 0 502 5 0 43 18 4 8,500 0 0 656 i 8 22 7 9 73 17 0 57 6 9 100 0 0 80 0 0 32 13 3 3,500 0 0 25 0 0 176 7 0 81 18 0 73 16 0 2 7 9 124 9 0 171 7 6 251 19 0 252 5 6 263 5 6 207 4 6 90 16 0 141 8 0 88 7 6 156 13 6 787 9 6 290 10 0 305 14 6 | 73 15 0 50 0 0 230 0 0 588 2 4 800 0 0 243 2 11 212 14 0 i o o Deduct — Credit Balance on 30th September, 1863 (C. Logie) Credit Balance on 30th September, 1864. 50,373 12 8 10 0 103,082 4 5 522 16 3 Totals ..... 50,872 12 8 255,587 10 5 J07.774 5 11 102,559 8 2 VII. PRO I N C 8, SE P A ATE A C O UN S. Balances on IOSeptcmber,1863.| Teans. .CTIO-S. Balances on 30 leptember, 1864.1 PROVINCES. Cr. De. Ce. De. Cr. Db. £ s. d. _ s. A. 86 7 6 £ a. d. 86 7 6 347 3 6 18 15 0 2,508 4 6 52 12 6 1,316 5 4 19 15 0 172 18 10 33,286 11 0 £ s. d. 858 16 6 £ s. d. £ a. A. 858 16 6 Auckland . . . . . Taranaki . Wellington ..... Hawke's Bay .... Nelson . . . . . Marlborough .... Canterbury ..... Otago . Southland ..... Wellington & Hawke's Buy Suspense Account 71 7 11 3,691 15 6 18 15 0 52 12 6 54 14 4 19 15 0 172 18 10 141 3 9 13,635 0 0 2,500 0 0 1,317 10 4 418 11 5 3,700 0 0 55 19 4 I 57,087 0 8 3,240 0 0 23,941 13 5 16,875 0 0 Deduct —Credit Balances . 14,181 6 11 3,763 3 5 41,731 9 3 4,118 11 5 . 10,418 3 6 37,808 13 2 65,003 7 6 37,612 17 10

B.—No. 1



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B.—No. 1.



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B.—No. 1



1'ARTTCULARS of BALANCES in the _____ of TREASURER aud SUB-ACCOUNTANTS on 'lOth SEPTEMBER, 1864. ACCOUNTANTS. I)K. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. A. Colonial Treasurer 488 19 7 Sub-Treasurer, Russell . 489 2 0 „ New Plymouth . 1,575 13 0 „ Wellington • . 4.907 2 7 ,, Wanganui 854 19 4 „ Napier . 2,769 9 0 „ Nelson 281 13 3i „ Marlborough 1,275 7 1 „ Lyttelton 970 4 10 ,, Christchurch 621 5 2 „ Otago 17,524 14 Hi „ Southland 25,663 18 1 Military Pay Clerk, Auckland 1,878 15 6 Sub-Collector. Wangarei. 174 1 2 „ Mongonui 59 10 1 „ Hokianga 15 0 0 ,, Collingwood 0 10 2 „ Havelock. 1 15 6 „ Wairau . 76 19 9 „ Picton 435 10 2 ,, Chatham Islands 269 17 10 Postmaster, Auckland 30 0 1 7 15 7 ,, Wellington . 11 4 1 () H ,'s „ Wanganui . „ Napier 64 18 4 ,, Nelson 3 7 8 „ Marlborough 136 14 5 „ Christchurch 28 5 9 „ Akaroa 0 19 9 „ Dunedin 208 6 3 Receiver, Coromandel 0 9 3 Colonial Agent, London . 1,190 17 1 Deducting Credit Balances 60,818 14 7i 1,198 19 1 59,619 15 6f

B.—No. 1



PARTICULARS of the BALANCE of REMITTANCE ACCOUNT on the 30th SEPTEMBER, 1864. ACCOUNTANTS. Dk Cr. - s. d. £ 8. d. Colonial Treasurer 3 4 0 Sub-Treasurer, Russell 134 19 4 „ New Plymouth . 5,823 17 7 „ Wellington 7,000 0 0 „ Nelson 149 1 8 „ Marlborough 250 0 0 „ Lyttelton 1,149 11 3 1,000 0 0 „ Christchurch ,, Dunedin . 25 12 8i ,, Southland 1,280 11 3 Collector, Nelson .... 13 1 8 ,, Dunedin 433 0 5. ,, Chatham Islands 37 17 2 >j j. • • 7 15 7 Colonial Agent. London . 3,000 0 0 # 13,852 14 3£ Deducting Debit Balances 6,455 18 4. Ch. Balance on the 30th September, 1864 7,396 15 11 PARTICULARS of the BALANCE in the hands of RECEIVERS of LAND REVENUE on the 30th SEPTEMBER, 1864. PROVINCES. Db. £ a. A. Auckland 0 8 5 Taranaki Wellington 157 3 0 11 ass lie's Bay . 1,782 4 6 Nelson 625 13 11 ,. Otsltl Fields 20 15 0 Canterbury 305 3 0 Hat——rough . 713 13 0 Otago. 480 0 0 Southland 40 0 0 4.125 0 10

B.—No. 1



BALANCE SHEET of the COLONIAL TREAS RT ACCOU TS on the 3i ;h SEPTEMBER, 1864. Balances on 30th September, 1863. Balances on 30th ieptember, 1864. Receipts and Transfers. Disbursements and Transfers. Cb. De. Cr. Dk. £ a. A. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. A. £ s. d. £ s. d. Revenue Account, Financial Year 1863-4 Supplementary Expenditure Account Reserved Fund Account . Provincial Surplus Revenue Account, 1863-4 Loan Accounts — Loan of £500,000—1856 Loan of £150,000—1860 Loan of £3,000,000—1862-3 . Treasury Bills . Imperial Treasury Bank of New Zealand . Under Special Acts of General Assembly — Bank of Issue Winding-up Act, 1856. Auckland Reserves Act, 1858 . Bay of Islands Settlement Act, 1858 .... QoldFieldsAct,1858, Auckland . Gold Duty Act, 1858, Auckland . „ Nelson „ Marlborough „ Canterbury . „ Otago Native Circuit Courts Aet, 1858 New Zealand Settlements Act, 1863 .... Advance Accounts — Miscellaneous Advances Provinces Imperial Government Steam Subsidy Hawke's Bay Land Purchase Account Hawke's Bay Loan Account Public Buildings Commission . Deposit Accounts — Miscellaneous . Sinking Fund, £500,000 Loan. £150,000 Loan . Land Purchase Fund, Hawke's Bay . Investment Accounts — For Loan of £500,000—3 per Cent. Consols For Loan of £150,000—Bank Deposits Land Purchase Funds — Bank Deposits Hawke's Bay Loan Intestate Estates . Debenture Debt Account. Debt Apportionment Account Revenue Suspense Account, September Quarters 1863 and 1864. Land Revenue Account . Balances on 30th September, 1863 j and 1864 709,028 1 10 709,028 1 10 26,388 3 3 5,287 1 2 39,606 14 3 36,591 18 7 8,523 8 7 57,471 8 11 41,878 19 9 59,935 11 8i 283,552 12 6 282,979 15 2 60,508 9 Oi 6,281 9 5 2,581 10 5 175,486 6 7 50,293 5 11 18,297 1 2 995 0 10 826,698 12 5 38,277 14 2 1,586 9 7 1,002,184 19 0 100,000 0 0 24,000 0 0 162,000 0 0 733,481 13 6 100,000 0 0 186,000 0 0 733,481 13 6 574 12 0 2,101 3 0 102 0 0 472 12 0 2,101 3 0 6,356 0 10 2,124 12 10 216 3 0 476 3 4 1,485 6 6 2,272 0 1 2 18 9 61,446 18 11 296 17 6 848 17 4 90 11 1 6,699 18 2 1,999 0 11 636 19 0 1,113 2 4 I 19 13 9 116 18 0 1,485 6 6 1,404 5 0 2 18 9 61,465 12 9 83 18 0 867 15 1 0 19 11 329 17 6 3,351 10 0 3,351 10 0 50,372 12 8 10,418 3 6 255,587 10 5 37,808 13 2 307,774 5 11 65,003 7 6 102,559 8 2 37,612 17 10 1,000 0 0 13,000 0 0 13,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 241 4 4 8,000 0 0 241 4 4 8,000 0 0 238 4 5 238 4 5 16,711 7 2i 48,069 14 10 6,150 0 0 68,521 0 7 9,684 16 10 3,307 10 0 58,751 19 6 26,477 8 3J 57,754 11 8 9,457. 10 0 15,152 2 7 194 15 6 12,331 9 10 3,015 8 3 48,441 14 10 14,002 4 6 62,443 19 4 6,150 0 0 3,307 10 0 9,457 10 0 3,895 10 0 8,000 0 0 4,000 0 0 3,895 10 0 4,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 22,045 0 0 8,000 0 0 600,361 0 0 45 0 0 72,000 0 0 650,316 0 0 600,361 0 0 650,316 0 0 76,970 19 0 5,288 9 9 246,848 11 7 678,098 12 9 283,587 0 7 679,262 1 8 40,232 10 0 4,125 0 10 65,244 5 6 65,244 5 6_ 56,348 0 6_ 56,348 0 6i 989,238 10 11 989,238 10 11 3,513,987 16 9i 3,513,987 16 9i 1,982,840 1 H '1,982,840 1 li Treasury, Auckland, 16th January, 1865. i. F. POETEB. Assistant Treasurer.

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Bibliographic details

FINANCE ACCOUNTS OF THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT OF NEW ZEALAND, FROM THE 1ST OCTOBER, 1863, TO 30TH SEPTEMBER, 1864; INCLUDING A STATEMENT OF THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE OF THE ORDINARY REVENUE FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1863-4, Commencing 1st July, 1863, and ending 30th June, 1864., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1865 Session I, B-01

Word Count

FINANCE ACCOUNTS OF THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT OF NEW ZEALAND, FROM THE 1ST OCTOBER, 1863, TO 30TH SEPTEMBER, 1864; INCLUDING A STATEMENT OF THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE OF THE ORDINARY REVENUE FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1863-4, Commencing 1st July, 1863, and ending 30th June, 1864. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1865 Session I, B-01

FINANCE ACCOUNTS OF THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT OF NEW ZEALAND, FROM THE 1ST OCTOBER, 1863, TO 30TH SEPTEMBER, 1864; INCLUDING A STATEMENT OF THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE OF THE ORDINARY REVENUE FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1863-4, Commencing 1st July, 1863, and ending 30th June, 1864. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1865 Session I, B-01