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B.—No. 1



<K. AGO UNT CUEEENT OF TH RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. tl. £ s. d. Brought forward ..... 2,413,855 16 11 IX.—INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS. 4,000 0 0 Intestate Estates — Union Bank Australia, Deposit withdrawn Land Purchase Funds — Hawke's Bay— Bank of New Zealand, Deposit withdrawn . . . ' 3,895 10 0 7,895 10 0 . X.—DEBENTUEE DEBT ACCOUNT. " Neio Zealand Loan Act, 1856" — Debentures issued for Balance of Loan .... 50,000 0 0 XL—DEBT APPOETIONMENT ACCOUNT. The Colony— Temporary charge for sums raised under " New Zealand Loan Act, 1856," now transferred to debit of Province of Auckland. Land Claims Ordinance Debenture No. 6, redeemed 22,000 0 0 45 0 0 22,045 0 0 XII.—EEVENUE SUSPENSE ACCOUNT. For September Quarters, 1863 and 1864 .... 246,818 11 7 XIII.—LAND EEVENUE ACCOUNT. Receipts ........ 678,098 12 9 Balance on 30th September, 1863— 1. In the hands of Treasurers and Sub-Accountants 2. Balance of Remittances ..... 52,866 5 3 7,089 10 6i 3,448,740 11 3 In the hands of Receivers of Land Revenue 59,955 15 9. 5,288 9 9 65,244 5 6. 3,513,987 16 9. Treasury, Aucklarn-1, 16th January, 18G">.