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- Jubilee : Te Tiupiri
The Jubilee: I whakaritea Te Tiupiri (1898-1900) e tētahi komiti 24 o ōna mema, kia whitu hei koarama. I kōwhiria e te komiti a H T Whatahoro Jury hei ētita, a R Riweti hei hekeretari, ā, ko Hori Pukehika rāua ko Ru Reweti hei kaitiaki moni. Ko ngā moni mai i ngā utunga a te hunga hoko niupepa, me ngā pānui, i hoatu ki te pēke o Aotearoa.
Ko ētahi o ngā mema o te komiti he mema nō Te Kotahitanga engari kei te tautoko te katoa i ngā huarahi e puta ai he hua ki te tangata me te whenua (4 Hanuere 1898: 5): ‘Na ko matau he mema etahi no te kotahitanga, ko etahi kaore ano i tuhi noa kite kirihipi a te kotahitanga, e ngari e tautoko katoa ana matau i nga whakahaere pai e ora ai te tangata me te whenua’ (11 Hānuere 1898: 2).
Mō ētahi atu mōhiotanga mō te niupepa tirohia P Parkinson rāua ko P Griffith, Books in Maori (Auckland: Reed, 2004), S40, wh. 811–813.
E hiahia ana te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa ki te mihi ki a Gail Dallimore mōna i tuku kōrero mai i whakamahia i roto i ngā tuhinga roa mō ngā niupepa Māori.
The Jubilee: Te Tiupiri (1898-1900) was organised by a 24-member committee, with seven required to form a quorum. The committee selected H T Whatahoro Jury as editor, R Riweti as secretary, and Hori Pukehika and Ru Reweti as treasurers. Money from subscriptions and advertisements was deposited in the Bank of New Zealand.
Some of the committee were also members of Te Kotahitanga but all support any means whereby the man and the land may benefit (4 January 1898: 5): ‘Na ko matau he mema etahi no te kotahitanga, ko etahi kaore ano i tuhi noa kite kirihipi a te kotahitanga, e ngari e tautoko katoa ana matau i nga whakahaere pai e ora ai te tangata me te whenua’ (11 January 1898: 2).
For further information about the newspaper, see P Parkinson and P Griffith, Books in Maori (Auckland: Reed, 2004), S40, pp. 811–813.
The National Library would like to thank Gail Dallimore for providing information used in essays about Maori newspapers.
Te whakamahi anō: E whakaae ana Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa The National Library of New Zealand he mauri tō ēnei momo taonga, he wairua ora tōna e honoa ai te taonga kikokiko ki te iwi nāna taua taonga i tārei i te tuatahi. He kaipupuri noa mātou i ēnei taonga, ā, ko te inoia kia tika tō pupuri me tō kawe i te taonga nei, kia hāngai katoa hoki tō whakamahinga anō i ngā matū o roto ki ngā mātāpono e kīa nei Principles for the Care and Preservation of Māori Materials – Te Mauri o te Mātauranga : Purihia, Tiakina! (i whakahoutia i te tau 2018) – e wātea mai ana i te pae tukutuku o Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa National Library of New Zealand.
The National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa acknowledges that taonga (treasures) such as this have mauri, a living spirit, that connects a physical object to the kinship group involved in its creation. As kaipupuri (holders) of this taonga, we ask that you treat it with respect and ensure that any reuse of the material is in line with the Library’s Principles for the Care and Preservation of Māori Materials – Te Mauri o te Mātauranga: Purihia, Tiakina! (revised 2018) – available on the National Library of New Zealand’s website.
E hiahia ana Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa ki te whakamoemiti ki te Department of Computer Science, University of Waikato, mō rātou i āwhina i te whakamamatitanga o tēnei taitara.
The National Library would like to thank the Department of Computer Science, University of Waikato for their assistance in the digitisation of this title.