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The wireless programmes to be broadcast to~lllght are:—

IYA, A'UIC-‘KLAND (6501;)

7.0: News and reports. 7.30: Talk, The Gardening Expert, “The Develop—ment of the Garden”. 8.0: Concert programme, featuring the. Auckland Croral Society. Conductor, Colin Muston, I;.R-.A.M., (:1) “Bridal. Chorus” from “Rose Maiden” (Cowen); (h) “Australian Up—Country Song” (Grainger). 8.10: Recording. Jospeh Szigeti (violin) (a) Caprice No. 24—Variation _in A Minor (Paganini), (b) “Serenade” (T‘llgar); (e) “Adieu” (Elgar). 8.22: The Choir “ReminiSCences of Verdi” (Fletcher). 8.2: Recordings: Vladimir Horowitz (pianist), (a) Mazurka in F Minor, ()1). 7, NO. 3 (Chopin); (h) Mazurka in C Sharp Minor (Chopin); (e) Etude in F hfajor, 01'). 10, No. 8 (Chopin); ((1) Variations on Themes from “Carmen” (Bizet). 8.44: The Choir (a) “O Glad—some Light” (Sullivan); (1)) “The Heavens are Telling” from “Creation” (Haydn). 9.0: \Veather.’ Station notices. 9.5: Recorded Feature “The Radio Night Club,” a, programme of eaharet vaudeville. 9.43: C. Bruce (piano-accor-dion). “li‘ox—trot and Waltz Modleys.” introducing (a) “Red Sails in the ‘Sunset” (\Vayne); (h) “I’m Falling for Someone” (Hlorbert). 9.48: Recording: Fifteen Minutes of Humour, featuring “Darby and Joan” in “Horaee’s First Shave.” Presented by George Edwards and Nell Stirling. 10.0: Sports summary. Dance music. 11.15: Close down. ,

21%., XVELLINGTON (526111437010. 7.0: News and reports. 7.30: Time signals. 8.0: Chimes. “The: Eight O’Clocl: Revue.” A grown-11p children’s hour, constructed and conducted by Will Bishop. 9.02-11’eather. Station notices. 9.5: Old—time dance programme. (recording 3). Slydney Baynes and his Orchestra: Lancers, “Hearts of Oak” (Figs. L 5) (arr Pecorini); Valso “Sep—temln'e” (Godwin). 9.21.: Ella Rotford (comedy vocal), Ella Retford Songs Medley. 9.27: Regal Old-Time Dance Orchestra: Two-Step. “The Policeman’s Holiday” (Ewing); Barn Dance (Henry); Sohottisehe. “Little Toy Soldier” (l’laekie). Ne wMayfair Orchestra "The Veleta” (Morris) 9.39: Columbia Light Opera. Company, “Comedyland.” 9.47 : Paterson’s Dance Orchestra, Irish Ouadriile. 10.0: Shorts summary. 10.10: Continuation of dance programme. Deln'oy Qomors’ Band: “A Jolly Nliller” (arr Somors). Rex. Shaw’s; QUE Old'Finio Dance Band, “A Gipsy Tap Dance” (Show); Ron ’l'on , “Frog Puddles” (TVhitney) ; Sehottiseho “Ring: the Bell.” 10.27: Layton and Johnstono (American dnettists), “Leslie Stuart Memories” (Stuart). 10.35: The Ballroom Danee Orchestra (with 11.0.1. Round Dance. “Paul Jones.” Deln‘oy 'Soniers’ Band “Polka” (arr. Solomon Eastlmrn). Eddie Thomas’s (‘olleqianx “The Missouri” ‘Waltz (Logan and Eppell. 10.49: Ada Reeve (comedy yoeal‘), “IVhen Richard the First Sat on the Throne.” 10.52: Regal Old—Time Dance Orchestra “Tia. Rinka” (Cramer); “Maxina,” (Hurndall). 11.0: Gus lillon (comedy vocal). “1‘1“ Dunno \Vhere ’1“; Are” (Enlett). 11.3: The Ballroom Orchestra, Laneers. “Finek-a-Tiineke” (Figs. Ito 5); “The Costume BMW—«Medley Valh‘e “Cotillion” (ll'intor). 11.19: Ray ”Wallace, in imv pressions of Miss Marie Lloyd. with Chorus and Orchestra. Selection of Marie Lloyd Songs. 11.25: Eddie ’l‘homas’s Collegians. “Till “To Meet Again” “’altz- (Egan‘). 11.30: Ciose down.

3YA. CHRISTCHURCH (4-1.61n—-720k). 7.0: Ncws and reports. 7.30: Timc signals. 8.0: Svdncy B’lnclllwan (tenor) and Duncan Morison (niano‘r‘m‘to), in half an hour of Scottish and Gaclic mnsic. 8.30: Reginald Foort (organ), “By the Blue Hawaiian VVntors” (Kctolhcx‘). 8.331: Recording. Grace Moore (sonrnno), (a) “01m Night of Love” (Schertzinger) “Ciriliiriliin” (Postalozm). 9.40: 337 A) Orchestra, (conductor. Harold Rec), (:1) “Irish Patrol” (Pnernor); (h) “Lntspiol” (Kelor Bola) 8.52: Recording. “'innie Melville and Derek Oldlmm (vocal duets). (a) “Tho Chocolate Soldier” (Strauss); (h) “Sympathy” (Strauss). 9.0: \Veather. Station notices. 9.5: SYA Orchestra», “llcd'zi” Intermezzo (Calndi). 9.9: “Abroad with the Lockharts,” No. 2: An American lmsincss man and his wti on tour. 9.23: Recording, George Rnk‘cr (baritone), (:1) “Soldiers in the Park” (l’lonclcton): (h) “A Bachelor Gav” ('l'tote). 9.29: 3YA Orchestrn‘ “The Cinema Star” Selection (Gilbert) 9.41: Recording, C'olnmhia Light Opera (,'mnmmv, “The Belle of New York” (Kcrkcr). 9‘49: Recording. Clarkson RO9O (comedian). “A Homo-Made :\.8.C.” (Rose). 9.55: RYA Orchestra, “Mvstic Bounty” Veil Dnnco (Finch). 10.0: ‘.Qnorts summary. 1.0.10: Dance music. 11.15: Close down.

JYA, DUNEDIN (790Ki100yclos). 7.0: News and reports. 8.0: AYA 01'-r-hostrn. mnduoted 11v Gil Dec-h. Soloetinn from “anow Through” (Hender—son). 8.12- James Maofm'lano (tenor), “Annn‘wno T 100.” (Tmine‘); “Do Not Go. Mv Love” (H'a‘gomnn). 8.18: The Orchestrh. “Rel-muse” (87.1110). 8.21: Rina Adflv. Indian mozm—oonfiraltor “C‘nHor Hmwin’ ” (Smfh Trad): “Yo Banks and Bram” (Son’mh ’l‘mm; “anskrit Ponce Chant” (Zimmrf‘v: “(:nnm‘ Bhitm' Diov” (’l‘nqorrfl. 52.36: 'l‘ho Orchestra. “Pnsfio’novols” SUMO (W “Unvfln’ rm Hm Gwen”; (9) “.U: Ougflitv (‘nnrt”: (3) “AH Hm Fun 0’ Hm Fair” {Fletcher}. 9.49: Jnmos Mne—fm'lnnr‘ (honor). “Lindon Tma” (“rilHnms): “M'ofhm' n’ Minn” (Thurs); 9.51 : T‘lm Orchestra. “TllO Magic Song” 1 (Mover—HMmund). Hymhhonin m'rnngoment; on Hm 9mm. “How Am T to Know?” (T{illr’\r. 90: “Mai-1101‘. gin—

tion nniims. 0.5: Rinqgidn flowrintirm n!“ rn'nfnminnnl \x'rmflinr: mnfoh (rolnv from Town Wan). 10.0 (:‘xpm'nfl: Lan'fs snmmm-v. 10.10: Dam-0 musiv. 11.1."): (‘lnsv flown.

FOR SUNDAY. ' IYA, AFFKTIAND ((3301:). THY: SPIN-11M rovm‘dings. 11.0: Morn?na sorvivn x-olnvm] from Mount T'l'dvn Rnnfist err‘h. T’ronr‘hm': Rev. J. D. .meon. Olmrnnist: Mr R. \V. ‘Woofl. 10.15' (‘lnxo flmvn. 1.0: Uimmr musio. ‘?,(\’ gm’qonfnd rorrmflinrm. 3.30: Tight rm-i't‘nl ‘.n'nal'nmmo. 1.30: (‘lnsn down. {1.0; (“hiHrnn’H L'mm‘ ROPViN‘, 7.0: FVNL ing: sm'vir’o l'f‘h‘T‘fl from Pnnsmflw PnnJ (“hum-1| 0" (“wish Prmohrw VimMr R. Wmnhir‘fl. Ormnisf: Vim: Olivo Tnimr. 9.3“: RDPm'anojstz Qx-mn‘hmfip mIIFio hv "PHHH' Wigs. “Thing? in '(‘nmr‘f’ by H. (L Wong; plnvod 1w Hm Londnn S'vmuhmfin Orrnhmfm. fC'nndnofnfl 1w Hm onmnmofl. 1. Ballot Pm“ rJufldrmu. E 7 Molnflvmnn: (M Pesfilmwo (M Attack 3. The 'World in Ruins. 8.45: Rohez't Simmers, baritone. (a)

“Prelude,” (b) “And so I Made a. Vil-l anelle,” (0) “My Captain” (Cyril Scott). 8.55: Recording, Boston SymT‘ phony Orchestra, conducted by Serge Konssesvitsky, “Dense” (Debussy);s).(}: Weather report and station no; ticcs. 9.5: Pmcordings: Serge I’roko—f lcfi‘ and the London Symphony Orches: tra, conducted by Piero Coppola, pre: sent “Concerto No. 3in C Major,.”. ()p. 26 (piano and orchestra), Proko—l Hoff). 9.80: Beatrice Pugh, soprano; (3) “Ave Maria” (Gounod); (h): "Eltm'ncllatrica” '(Respighi); (c) “La. 'Girometta” (Siliella); ((1) “Fur Diccs~ ti” (Lotti). 9.414: Recordings: London Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Al-é bert Coates. Ballet Suite—“Le Pas D’Acier” (I’rokofieif). 10.0: Close down. 2m, WELLINGTON- (526m—-«570k).:‘ 9.0: Chimes.- Selcctcd recordings. 11.0: Relay of the morning service from St. Peter’s Anglican Church, \Villis (Street. Preacher: V-en. Ai‘clié deacon Bullock. Organist and choir-ii master. Mr S. B. Short. 12.15 Close down. 1.0“: Dinner music. 2.0: Selected recordings. 3.30: Time signals. 4.30: Close down. 6.0: Children’s song ser-+ vice, conducted by Uncle ‘.Villimn, ns4 sistcd by the children’ s choir from the Island Bay \Veslcy Church children’s: choir. 7 .0: Relay of evening service from the Vivian Street Baptist Chm-elf Preacher: Rev. L. J. Bonlton Smith." Organist: Mr Chas. Collins. Choir-e master: Mr H. E. XVilson. 8.15: Selecw‘ ted recordings. 8.30: A complete rc-f' corded presentation of the Grand opera; “Don Pasquale.” An opera in three acts, by Donizctti. 10.40: Close down)

BYA, CHRISTCHURCH (416m—720k); 9.0: Selected recordings. 11.0: Rea; lay of morning service from St. Patel-{s Presbyterian Church. Preacher: Rev.“ \V. \V. French. Organist: Mr Jaclq Salkeld. 12.15: Close down. 1.0: Dinner; music. 2.0: Selected recordings. 3.0: Recording: A'dolph Busch (violin) and Rudolph Serkin (piano). “Violin Son? ata in G major, Op. 78.” (Brahmsfi 3.30: Time signals. 4.30: Close down; 5.30: Children’s song service, conduct“ ed by Canon Norris, assisted by choir from St. Margaret’s College. 6.15: Steal-j ccted'recordings. 7 .0: Relay of evening service from St. John’s Anglican Church. Preacher, Rev. Frank Ault.‘ Organist and choirmaster: Mr Claudd H. Davies. 8.0: Selectedi recordings; 8.30‘: Timaru. Municipal Band. Condupvfi tor: Li-eut. XV. H.'Oshorne (a) “The Flying Eagle” (Blackcnhurg), (b) “Deep Harmony” hymn (Handel—Par; her). (0) “Victory” tono poem (Cyril Jenkins). 8.47: Recording: Lawrence 'Pihhett (baritone: (a) “Thy Beaming Eyes” (MacDowell‘); (1)) “Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes” (Calcot-t); (c) “011 That “'0 Two were Mayiug”; (Nevin). 8.56: Timaru Municipal Band.l “Jamie’s Patrol” Descriptive March (Dacre) 9.0 “leather. Station notices; 9.5: Sydney Mac Ewan. (tenor) and Duncan Morison (pianist in half am} hour of Scottish and Gaelic music;9.35: Timaru Municipal Band, “Light and Shade” \Valtz (Round). Trombone? solo. G. Langridge. soloist. “The AC-i rohat” (Greenwood). 9.47: Recordingfi Elisabeth Schumann (soprano), (a); “Pastorale”; (1)) “My Lovely Celia” (arr \Vilson). 9.53: Tiinaru hillnicipal Band. (:1) “Plain and Gwarry” Hymn| (Parker); (h) “Impremmhle” March (Rimmer). 10.0: Close down. '1

437 A, DUNEDIN (790 Ki'locyclcs). _‘ 0.0: Selected recordings. 11.0: Relay of church service from the '.l‘rinit'y Methodist Church. Preacher: Rev. 0.; H. Olds, ohoirmaster, Mr H. R. ‘Vilson‘, organist. MiSS E. ‘Hlartley. 12.15: Closd down. 1.0": Dinner music. 2.0: Selected recordings. 2.30: “The: Gipsy Prince/ssh (abridged). An opera, by Kalman. 3.5:? Selected recordings. 4.30: Close down.! 5.30: Children’s song service, conducts; ed by Big, Brother Bill. 6.15: Selected recordings. 6.30: Relay of church 5017-; vice from Moray Place Congregational Church. Preacher, Rev. \V. M. .Tsitt,A 8.A.. of Hondon. London; choirmaster; and organist. Mrs H. C. Campbell 7.45:1 Selected recordings. 8.15: Christchurch Harmonie Society and Dunedin Choral Society Combined Chorus present- “The: Crucifixion” (Stainer). Conductor: Mll V. C. Peters. Organist: Dr. V. E. Gal: way. 9.0: “leather report and station notices. 9.35: Bina. Addy, Indian mezf zo-contralto. “The Holy Child” (Mar-f tin): “Shepherd’s Cradle Song” "(Sena-i lervell); “Come Unto Me” (From? “La~rgo”) (Handel); “Badala Baul’" (with Violin obligate) ; “Gram Chara’fl.‘ (with flute ohligato) (Tagore). 9.50}: The British Light Orchestra, conducti ed by Stephen, S. Moore. March from" “Occasional” Oratorio; Minuets fromf “Firework Music.” Grand March from “Alccste”,(Han(lel). 10.0: Close downfi,

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume 56, Issue 206, 13 June 1936, Page 8

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BROADCASTING. Ashburton Guardian, Volume 56, Issue 206, 13 June 1936, Page 8

BROADCASTING. Ashburton Guardian, Volume 56, Issue 206, 13 June 1936, Page 8