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' 4M» . W 74"; {II/U I KN/‘fi $513 I 4'2"” «_J. ‘ “(i/’1‘?” “, l ‘_r‘ '45 fig}? /' . Kn"? ‘ 7d a ’43“ )flz’,fll;l\“il;l—?£3;l fl ”lg; #2411! ‘.-. m2::;.z'-::li\ez~z \\\\\\_/c, f? AMCUSI CSETU IN RE INCERTA . \ 5 announced at the Annual Meeting of Members on ist A May, the Society grows from strength to strength. Its assets and the number of members increase from day to clay. Last year the number of new policiesissued reached ' 135,200, or 433 new policies every working day. 43 3 N P l ° e W O C a $ every working day Such'figures indicate the public’s faith in the Society's strength and in its capacity to husband“ and develop that strength in its members’ interests. The extraordinary growth in the Society's assets is further evidence. In 1922 the Society’s assets were worth $50,000,000. To-day, I 4 years later, they are worth £101,869,000. \ Assets new “01,869,000 At the Annual Meeting the Members approved of the Principal Board's recommendation that £5, I 00,000 be allotted as Reversionary Bonuses for the year, and Bonus Certificates will be issued in due course to participating policy holders. , E 5,100 , 0 O 0 in bonus additions Membership in the A.M.P. is open to men and women in good health. The wise citizen will ask the nearest office of the Society to send an experienced adviser to talk the matter over with him or her. Write to-day. Even to-morrow may be too late. ‘ ‘ iv iiA'M .’. C U Largest Mutual Life Office In the Empire ' Established in Australia in 1849. ' Head Office for New Zealand: Customhouse Quay, Wellington. W. T. IKIN, Manager. Christchurch District Manager: A, O. RUSSELL. JAMES M. MURISON, Local New Business Representative, 19 Oak Grove. , ‘7

ml FOR 14 'DAYs WE OFFERV‘ A GREAT BARGAIN IN , CUPS and , SAUCERS WILLOW PATTERN; ALSO PLATES. CUPS AND SAUCERS, ‘ ‘ Only 3/9 per %-dozen. PLATES, ‘2/3 per -§~-dozen. These are very strong. and ser-‘ viceable for ereryday use. Get in early and secure your . %—dozen. ’_i L , , Kerr Eros” STOREKEEPERS, I“ ’Phone 96. Burnett Street. I __——_——————_ ’ FARMERS! . DID YOU KNOW THAT—— OUR HORSE covms,’ ' FENCING MATERIALS, LE ROY COATS and LEGGING-S, Eta, ‘ ~ ' ARE 0F OUTSTAND--Ipc VALUE ! ! ! I It will pay you to write or call - ’CUDDON ‘ STEWART, ‘ Limited. Direct Importers, 179 Hereford st., Christchurch. '— (Opp. N.Z. Express Co.) ‘ ll" 'Phone 33'054. ) TPLUM-BER . iffffiiNG-‘R'E? srncsv ‘ . “Phones I4'3’ignd 547.“

'v I .--.'--."..:.... c x x ' a . ‘ _ .x ”q”- “it":tha'é‘: ..x.‘ 1 {Eli '.‘sv‘g.\.- 5.1“»: [31:33 _ .._-mum". . _... .. 4 ' .-' ;:-.:.:;.:-$\a..i- 2332,, r xf‘ u A i '' 1' _,._~.-.;\ t ....xx-z-i. f 3%“ ‘ fix’ii‘? "3 ‘3‘ . «v, :.. r,i ”xxg‘i ' ~ _.x . \"-.-,-...-' .1-,.,-.'-:.;-,-._-, i 9 xxx xx” xx‘ x‘xfl‘fii 1\ = “V" xix-3.x xx x " -i--g.»x:x-:i=:-1:-'-3;1'1'-.*.‘i:c-:-'x ‘o‘ “fig 1?- ‘-. "alix ‘ - Hs‘ix‘w - ~ ‘.2 -.=‘ '- -;'.“.:=',.'-:::~ ;‘;"x;,‘- ‘25 xv ‘ -‘.'--.‘.‘-.'.'-.'v".'..'.".5.‘.'-.‘.‘:'.'--, -.'.-‘ -:.- .x '.-3.'-‘.'- -'. _-. - \lupfi. ‘-~.,-¢._:};--'._ u, “Nd“ ,;, xxx“ §-:-‘~ ‘in 3%“ 1A”; ‘g‘i-Efix " $93?“ » - * \ -.:;-. ~’ -x.- an . -.:-.-:-. . \ ism;- xiii; txix 039 i ~ 2’21"“ ii” '.. 44.1.2551.“ . .'.'-.'.'-'.'--.‘- :.r ‘. - '{-::-:.\-.'-r :--:(-}.'- --'-.§x‘~"~'~:- .‘fii-‘f angst-.‘. fx-Bs‘fu‘lx-I‘fiif- :.'~,-. ‘3‘ ' '1 " maxi .2; 9195-2323 i_i: o" xixii- M 1“ ~ a if“ ‘v-‘x‘iifii'i‘ifi‘: ' “'s‘?" x'i v IJ'Jf'i: u ' ‘ -x x x xxx“ ¢s\\\\p\x‘3\-‘y ' xii r x x xxx-2. __ H 1 'xi‘ixkan i‘xxx . v\ . -'.».- un~ 3::-2"-.--.--:.-:.-'."~-. (r; ’‘- -.'.-‘l'-‘.‘--. ‘43-." M" - .'.’-M 2‘2.\‘.‘-x.\'-I\,'l.Ys'--¥'-'.‘~-.'-- .-':5:--‘ :..,I.’-,..... alga-. 3 9‘?an ~,-.;.;.:-,-.:.;.:.;.x-.--'- ~ . f“x.. ' . - \‘(z‘h‘fi ~.:-.-.;-.~.;l'~.-.;-.-.\-.-_-g;-..3:-~' .-."~.-._-:' . ~A' .--‘.\"-. ‘ Thy-g "‘ -:.;'-. 9"“. r-r' "7‘ ZZx-.:~‘:.:.:.:-.‘\'-‘-,:._-=‘.. ' any-:1 -.-.«_-..x .x-..- .a; :4. ‘.‘-21‘:- » .' ‘ - 7' » ' .-_-,-.-:..-,-,_-,'.--‘ -‘ -'fi " . i '.2 i-. .. ‘ ' . l ' ‘ ‘ .‘V 'g'l’x- ‘..f‘" ‘ ' ' ‘ “X'n 6 I I /‘ 5“ ' ' ' -~s'-.‘--. "‘5 '.'-'t"' ' . ...-.qu-xxx... - . ii .. - x ‘l'“ .. . . ‘ \ .xiii-3E?;~I1':-I'3:{i=3iii-2'1}??? ' .- ._f“,;_-___ 1:12.} 3. -‘-.._:_‘.-‘.V;_;>>A',V_ :1. ' . '“" I ~:-‘;‘:. g»; :31. ..--=':>Z.~i:,,: “li, ': 1 .x I‘ ~ A ,3 .‘.‘f‘. ;_'j;,..‘- M: " ,3 Q J" "my",-..',x.-‘.>.f‘;,;,f:i}"* .5. 1: ~55 .' i ' "1 '-)~"‘v' -x " "‘.' i . ‘ 1’ _ \§;.. v; _ r wx- FULI. SWING ‘ A .-- 3',“ x v ‘I r 0 0 ‘ V x i, Hurry along. Each day 18 a sensation . 4 .: O O I . : dunng this huge commemorahon . ',‘ he a ' ' ~ clearance -- the smas mg ckmax to 7 . ; three years progress under the pro‘ll 4 O . ' v pnetorshlp of Archie Todd and Sons. "- - ‘ I * I . I All Departments are offering f' ' - ‘ . a full complement of _ . -' ' speclals. -_ _i. V V ~ '““ .- - 1~- - COME NOW ! . A ' 22:12-13: " 7:1: H I . 2.3%.. “V. ‘l \ “:33. _‘ :.‘; I: .1 ”‘1: 7 ' ~ EAST STREET, DRAPERS, ASHBURTON. ,7_ 7 ,

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume 56, Issue 206, 13 June 1936, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Ashburton Guardian, Volume 56, Issue 206, 13 June 1936, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Ashburton Guardian, Volume 56, Issue 206, 13 June 1936, Page 7