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now an outline of what we propose, you must fill up details and give the expedition your able co-operation. Ormond is on the alert and acting from his side. Ropata leaves in full fig to do his part and may good luck attend the expedition. As each of these several tribes will take an equally active part in apprehending te Kooti, Evenif only one of them succeed, yet in justice all who take part must share in the reward to be given and it is hoped they will cooperate and work in concert. I am inclined if te Kooti and Kereopa are caught or killed to give each of the four tribes engaged £5000 each, but no pay if work not done, this will have to be worked with care. The Government finding certain supply of Biscuit, and sugar and the necessary ammunition. Hawkes Bay people offer services without pay and are ready for work. With respect to the Tauranga Hauhaus my idea is to write to Manuhiri to ask him to cause these Natives to remain quiet. Tupare or Enoka should also write to them. If they remain quiet nothing should