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can dispense with your services - that you should return to your district about the 20th. of next month. Confiding very much in your own judgement and skill, of which you have recently given such decided..... (N.B. This letter leaves off abruptly, and is unsigned.) (This copy was made from a copy in one of Sir Donald McLean's Letter Books.) Native Secretary's Office. Auckland. 8th. November 1860. Sir, As the changes recently proposed and assented to by your Excellency, with reference to the management of Native Affairs, involve practically a surrender of their administration to your responsible advisors, I feel it my duty to record my opinion against such a transfer, especially in the present circumstances of the Colony. 1. I consider that such a transfer should not take place at any time without the free and inrtelligeni cansent of the natives themselves, who will be most affected by it; and who, in ceding the sovereignty of the country to Great Britain, relied upon the assurances then given, and which have been since repeated