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Auckland 16 July 1844 Friends, I am greatly saddened at the bad news from there over the land which has already been bought by the Pakeha, and which you are fighting over. I have read your letter and I understand the reasons for the real pain you are experiencing. If my land had been sold by another person, and I had not agreed to the sale, I would be as aggrieved. You said in your letter that you would not pursue a solution too soon, until I had replied with some solution for you. This is the proper thing to do, to hold back. But there is this, that I have heard that you are annoying the Pakeha. They have said that you have felled their trees, and said you will take the land. Stop it, that's the cause of the trouble. Wait patiently. Don't overturn the Governor's ruling. Is the land to be sorted out through the blood [At end of page] To all the people of Taranaki
Akarana 16 Hurae 1844 E hoa ma, Nui rawa te pouritanga o toku ngakau ki nga rongo kino o kona, mo te whenua kua oti te hoko e te Pakeha, e tatauria nei e koutou. Kua oti ta koutou pukapuka te titiro, a, e matau ana ahau ki nga ritenga o roto e mamae pu ana koutou. Mehemea naku te whenua i hokoa e te tangata ke, a, kahore ahau i whakaae kia hokoa, e pena ano te mamae o toku ngakau. I mea ta koutou pukapuka e kore koutou e whai tikanga wawe, kia whakahokia atu ra ano e ahau he ritenga ma koutou. He mea tika tenei, me purutia. Tena ko tenei, kua rongo ahau kua tutu koutou ki nga Pakeha. Kua mea mai ratou kua huakina a ratou rakau, kua mea koutou kia tangohia te whenua. Kati, koia pea te porangi. Taria marire. Ma te tikanga a te Kawana e whakangaromia e koutou? E rite ana koia te whenua ki te toto [Note at end of page] Ki nga tangata katoa o Taranaki