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[1844] E koro, e Makarini, Kia rongo mai koe ki taku korero atu ki a koe. Na, i to maua ko taku hoa taenga mai ki konei, i pai tana ahua ki ahau, kahore he riri, kahore he kanga, kahore he aha, pai tonu ia ki ahau, ara, taku hoa wahine. No muri nei ka kino ki ahau. Na, ka whakahaerea mai e ahau taku mohiotanga ki enei, ki te tahuri ke i ahau, ki te riri, ki te aha, ki te aha, a, taea noatia taku koreronga tuatahitanga atu ki a koe. Otia, kihai enei i ata kitea, he mohio kau noku. Na, no muri nei, katahi ka hopuria putia e puremu ana, ko Peneta te tane; ko Ngata te wahine, ko Te Whakarato te kaiwhakamoe i a raua. I te awateatanga ko matou tahi i haere atu, waiho e ahau kia hoko i nga kiekie, haere ahau ki Te Henui. Ka tae ahau ki reira, ka haere mai a Akera, a Kataraina ki te whare a Peneta, rokohanga mai e moe ana raua i runga i te peti. Ka karanga raua kihai i o mai, ka tirohia atu e moe ana i roto i te rumu, ka korerotia atu ki te wahine, ka whakaae mai e tika ana. Eoi ano. Naku, na Epiha, te hoa a te wahine kua puremutia [1844] Sir, McLean, Listen to what I have to tell you. Now when I and my friend came here, she seemed good to me, neither cross or cursing, easy, and very good to me, that is, my wife. But recently she has wronged me. Now, I had been through and understood these things - the turning away from me, anger and so forth - up to the time of my first talk with you. However, I did not see these things clearly, I took them for granted. Now, recently, she was properly caught out, for she committed adultery with the man Spencer; there was the woman, Ngata, and Te Whakarato was the one who encouraged them. In the early morning we had set out together. I left [someone else] to sell the kiekie plants and went on to Te Henui. When I got there Akera and Kataraina went to Spencer's house and came on them sleeping in the bed. They had called out but no one replied and they looked in on them sleeping in the room. They spoke to the woman and she said it was right. That's all. From me, from Epiha, the husband of the woman who committed adultery [Note following] '1844. Epiha native complaining his wife committed adultery with Spencer. Not referred to Auckland for want of evidence and the loose character of complainant's wife.'