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the south side of the river pointing the reservations of Pahs and patehes of cultivations with which all the natives seemed satisfied and relinquish their claim to one built in the vicinity of the Town that proves an annoyance to the settlers. All our work thank God is going on smoothly at present and Mr. Taylor takes a more disinterested view of the Wangahu claims. Wrote to Uncle McCroll a short letter informing him I was at present engaged here with Mr. Symonds in settling the Land question visited Mr. Taylors hospital and infant school. Attended evening service with the Natives and arranged for starting up the river in the morning wind and weather permitting. Dr. Wilson Nixon and Mr. King dined with me a difference in words between Wills and Symonds none of consequence tho these things are better avoided both are right in part I must say of Willis as a young man he is zealous for his employers and a very pleasing and promising youth with a great deal of shrewdness and good sense. Our party on the whole are good fellows as far as I have yet seen and wish for our undivided comfort they may continue so. Land question progressing and days proceedings satisfactory.