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as escort, as cavalry to cut off foraging parties that may slip out or to keep a redoubt near the front they would be of the utmost use. I have read Whitmores letter to Tanner in which I agree. I would not press the men but should be delighted if they agreed to come. About the land question. I am sorry you write as you do. The time is one of emergency and the thing has to be done. Three small settlements of fighting men on the Southern side of the plain would make it almost impossible for anyone to come marauding in that quarter, and we should effectually and economically protect the place by removing the main object for raids, the hope of plunder. Wyllie has been to see me on the land question and promises to help me to satisfy the friendlies. You know if he is at all reasonable I shall meet him. But at all events the land must be had or the place will have to be evacuated before long. You must face the alternative. I do not agree with you about the feelings of the natives. A few held out when I last saw them, instigated by the respectable men who call my attempts to secure the