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Waiapu February 23rd. 1869. Sir, The accompanying letter from some of the Natives of Waiapu which I have the honor to forward will shew you that there is a desire that you should as soon as possible take possession on behalf of the Government of all the Hau Hau lands on this part of the Coast. I would strongly recommend that while this disposition exists no time should be lost in finally disposing of this matter. I would also recommend that to facilitate as much as possible the satisfactory arrangement of this question a certain number of the leading chiefs he requested to cooperate with you in marking out and settling the various boundaries (an idea which I have ascertained that they themselves are in favor of). Out of these Lands I would advise that after providing for the future maintenance of the former Hau Hau owners who still continue to reside here, a liberal present should be made to each of those chiefs who gave shewn themselves zealous supporters of the Government. I am very sure that such a measure would be productive of the best results. A desire has also been expressed by many of those who are the real owners of the remainder of the Land, that, as soon as possession has been taken by the Govt. of the the confiscated land, a Land's Court should sit for the purpose of securing to each claimant his own property. This would I am convinced be a great boon inasmuch as great uncertainty and hindrance to progress is caused by the want of some legally constituted authority to decide the question of real ownership. I consider that the settlement of these too long delayed measures will tend very materially to further the progress of this valuable portion of the East Coast. I have the honor to be Sir, Your obedient servant, J.H. Campbell R.M.