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Audit Office Auckland 9th. December 1871. My dear Mr. McLean, I find that instructions have been received by the English mail, for the transfer of the payment of Pensioners, to the Colonial Government. It will be in your recollection that I applied for this appointment in January last, and I think I may add that my application was favourably received. Mr. Charles Taylor, while at Wellington, spoke to Mr. Vogel, and Mr. Gisborne on my behalf, and he expressed to me his regret on his return home, that he had had no opportunity of bringing the matter under your notice also. If the Government would be pleased to appoint me Parmaster of the Auckland District, it would be an amalgamation with my present office, by which a saving might be effected to the Government. I have the honour to remain Yours very faithfully (Signed) P. Maclean. To:- The Hon. Donald Maclean. C.M.G.