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and the time passes pleasantly. I feel thankful she came with me. Her health is so much improved indeed her appearance quite shocked me when I went to Edinburgh to take leave of her. I told her then I had nothing to offer but if she went with me she would share my fate whatever it would be. I feel somewhat anxious regarding poor Anabella for this reason. She never received that attention from her uncle that could enable her to feel at home at the manse. By the last English mail I had letters from home with more cheering accounts of my dear father & mother's health but at their advanced time of life there is not much to be expected. My father is eighty two and my mother over seventy. I trust they may be spared for you to see them when you return to Scotland. How delighted my poor mother would be to see you. Give my warmest love to Douglas in which Catherine joins and believe me to be your afft sister Catherine I McLean