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>14/7/57 Your letter did not arrive in time to stop the appearance of the 2nd Chapter on The Pitcairn Islanders --- it was in type --- I have however struck out everything objectionable --- The fact is I had twice rejected contributions by Baker and did not like to discourage him by refusing this last effort --- tho' fully agreeing with you in thinking that details of vice and crime are not the most suitable aliment for the Maori mind. We are now issuing fortnightly numbers of the Messenger, the first of the present month will be out to-morrow and will be speedily followed by the second for which we have sufficient matter in hand The leader by the pen of His Excellency. I do not think I mentioned in my last that Mr. Lanfear has written to retract his statement respecting Mr. Grace --- the latter having written to demand this --- charging him on his honor as a man and a Christian to investigate the facts and when he shall have ascertained that he (Mr.G.) was neither present at nor took any part in the Taupo meeting --- to retract his statement made to the Governmt. I hear also that there is some correspondence from home on the subject --- The C.M.S., I believe, decline to remove Mr.G. unless investigation should prove him to have committed himself in the way alleged I am sorry not to be able to give you definite information on the subject but think it well you should be made aware that it is probable you may be called upon to substantiate charges which it is said you have made against Mr. Grace. This of course is purely confidential. Among the enclosures, you will find letters from Arama Karaka, covered by a report of Searancke's on the Waiterimu block --- for which Arama was most urgent to obtain a payment on account --- I have gone into particulars in my former letter and now only say --- let us have a recommendation from you on the subject by return of post, if you are detained, as Arama was promised that immediate reference should be made to you and arrangements made to pay him a portion should you so recommend which promise hardly pacified him. Fenton has returned to the Waikato for a time --- are progressing --- I understand --- having been recast and subjected to careful revision by Richmond and Whitaker --- and then submitted by His Excellency to Judge Stephen --- So it is to be hoped the thing will come forth in unexceptionable character --- Searancke starts tomorrow for Whangaroa --- He was sent out to endeavor to effect an arrangement with reference to the disputed boundary of the Ramarama block which he thinks can only be settled by a payment to the Pokeno natives --- of £200 --- for a strip of land about 1500 acres which he is of opinion has not been included in any Govt. purchase but upon which the selections made by purchasers under the Land regulations encroach.