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August 23, 1847 Auckland. Sir this is the Sakent Letter i have sent to you and naver Got ansur from you yet i am Glade to hare that you ar Geting on so well i am stoping at Mr.Roony this last to yars working at my trade and brother Thomas and Ross is allways in the old plase about tenn months ago wee bought a 1000 Akers of Land from Mr.Stuart up the Auckland river wich cost a dale of mony we bought it from the Natives and now the Governor has don os out of it by puting fiv shillians a Naker on it and this day i had a letter from brother Thomas leting mee know that his to children is bad in the faver and hee thinks the will not live i hop to Good that he will not each it himself and the first Letter i sent to you Mr.K. (?) roght it for mee stating iff you wood be so kind as to send mee the differns of your Account and min hee sene the both yours Dec. 30 -1842 hee seen the both making the balans to mee £4.7.10 this is Gust I shood have roght to you befor this only for Thomas hee told mee to wate til hee wood se you himself as hee intinded to go and spend a week with you but now in his Leter this Day to mee hee tell mee to right to you for it as wee ar hard up at present it is Long time Du hoping that you will not neglect sending it as sune as posable As you are Rich and os poor it is a smal sum but it will b of Greate yous to sos i hare you will sune be getting the wife i hope she will be a good won plase excuse this tribl no more at present yours truly William Gordon. To:-- Donald McLean Esq Taranaki, New Plymouth