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doubt Sir if the Government ever expressed its intention in the matter, the arrangement was one of Mr. Coopers which as well as I can remember you were not pleased with at the time, however the Natives can acquire ''Crown Grants'' under the Native Reserves Act as well as though it was free of the Act, for it is provided by the 15 clause that the Commissioners may convey to any aboriginal without valuable consideration. I shall wait for your opinion in this matterm and if you agree-with me I shall them forward them to be Gazetted in order to bring them into profitable occupancy, by leasing them in accordance with the wish of the different owners. Another matter I was anxious to talk with you personally upon is that of the Asst. Nat. Secretaryship and Interpretership to the Court. I have but just been requested by the last Steamer to undertake the duties of Asst. Nat. Sec. but nothing about the Interpreter ship. Halse in a private letter informs me that the Government are prepared to