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I have just come down from the front. Everyone is behaving to admiration; scarcely a skulk in the whole party. The place is as nearly as possible invested. Fraser and Hotene have taken a small work in the rear. Ropata and Roberts, with poor Brown, (who I am grieved to say is killed), and the Arawas, under Grindley, have run up entrenchments to within 50 yards along the front. Whitmore is working well with the natives, and shown better in action than anywhere. Towgood is a capital fellow; brave every time, and modest. We have lost 3 killed, - 1 Arawa, 1 Ngatiporou, and Captain Brown. The latter, this morning, at daylight, at the head of our sap, shot through the chest. There have been two attempts to escape. Fraser arrived in the rear just in time to stop one. A native fired impatiently, and disturbed the fugitives, so that four only of twenty were killed. The rest were driven back. This morning, a kokiri was made on the trench in front, but repulsed without a scratch on our side, The fog on the hill was too thick for us to see what loss they suffered, but they got a volley from 250 men. The place is all that has been said of it. A more romantic affair cannot be conceived. I could hardly tear myself away,