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Letter from P. Wilson to Donald McLean dated 11th. September 1856. Henui Thursday, 11th, September 1856 My dear Mac, Should I see Turton before the steamer goes --- but she has not arrived yet --- this will go by him; and is merely to say that I have paid to him which I owe to you for the bit. We have had a constant rain all day, and no likelihood of its soon ceasing. I have therefore been confined to the house, and overhauling a lot of old letters and papers, --- among them, an old journal of my own, of my first trip to New Plymouth and back to Wanganui, in September 1847; and in which honourable mention, of course, is made of your leading me to the top of the old Omata Pa, that I might give an opinion as to its fitness for the landless Wanganui settlers. Also I found a letter from your old worthless valet Willis, the orthography of which is about the most recherche phonetic I have ever seen. I would have sent you it as a presentation offering to any museum of natural ouriosities you have at the Capital. But my wife has laid her hands on it, as far too good to be parted with. By the way, talking of Willis reminds me to say that your other Blackey, William, is close on the verge of bankruptcy. He is a sadly drunken dog, and no one can otherwise account for his back-going in the world; for his wife is a very industrious woman. In my last, I stated to you that we are all sick of our Provincial form of Government, in so far as appliant to the existing circumstances of this place. No doubt it is sadly disproportioned thereto, in the ratio, I should say, of putting the machinery of a three thousand ton steamer into such a pitiful craft as the "Zingari". But most of those who thus think with me, are of opinion that the time has not yet come to declare our sentiments. So, as with all good intentions in New Plymouth, it is postponed sine die. I have just this moment been down the garden, and see the steamer coming in. With our united kind regards, I am ever faithfully yours (Signed) P. Wilson To:- Donald McLean,