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occasion - It appears that Sutton has not paid some money which I gave him for a particular purpose altho he gave me his recpt. as having done so - I have asked you to procure me the payment of the Lien I hold on Mohaka and also the Uawa survey. The Mohaka affair was clearly understood and Mr Ormond authorised me to deal - I have been out of this money 4 years altho the survey was cheaply done, the natives themselves employed and paid by me, the amt. of lien standing on the Records of the Native Lands Court is £230 If this were paid me with the amts I paid for settling the Uawa (particulars of which have been already laid before you) and the settlement of Hapuku's reserves at Te Aute It would be sufficient for the purposes required and enable me also to remove my family here - I hear from my Father that he would very much like to come - I wish it might be