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Friday morning 21st Novr I think there is nothing on earth my dearest Douglas that gives us so much tranquility and ease of mind as putting our trust in Providence. It is wonderful how it brightens our path and removes our saddest apprehensions. Last night I was perplexed with grief and sorrow on your own and Mama's account. Today I feel wonderfully relieved from all my anxiety. First I prayed to Him who can alone alleviate the affliction and distress of our affectionate mother and the 121st Psalm for the 27th morning of the month opened up to me I will lift up my eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help My help even cometh from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth Read the Psalm through dearest. It is a most beautiful one and particularly applicable to you at present. It is to that God who shall preserve they going out and thy coming in, from this time forth for ever more that I now commend you. How weak are all the efforts of mortal man when compared to those of our heavenly Father and guide under whose protection