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Wellington 15th. Nov. 1865. Dear Maclean, I hear from Ormond that Mr. Munro was with you for a short time. Commissions have been signed as Judges for Fenton - Rogan - Smith - Bertram White, Munro and Manning - six in all - I think you ought to have one for Hawkesbay specially - let me know your own wishes. Fenton seems to want all those men in the North. They had all held commissions under the Act of 1862 and it was he said necessary to recommission them or there would have been a hitch in their work. Do you know Puckey of this office and would your like to have him. He is an applicant and strongly recommended - I have no wish one way or the other. Yours truly in great haste, A.h. Russell. Haultain has sent the "Storm bird" (left on Monday evening 13th. instant) for Opotiki to bring back the Wanganui Natives at their urgent request - they go direct to Wanganui not touching here - but I suppose you have all this from the Defence Office. A.H.R. Featherstone starts on Friday to try and complete the purchase of the Manawatu block -- I am not without hopes of his succeeding, at any rate he will meet with all facilities I can give him as it is very desirable it should be settled. Its present state is crippling us here sadly. The Natives in this Province are very anxious for the Lands Court.