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themselves on their present reserves,- say a period of not exceeding three years be allowed them to tatally abandon all claims within the present purchase, excepting their reserves. Any assistance or information required in the meantime, by such of the settlers as are desirous of choosing either by myself or the surveyors engaged by the Government, will be rendered if necessary; and I have reason to hope they may obtain and continue in undisturbed possession of all the lands that are now acquired; and where the survey of additional districts those already surveyed, are required, immediate attention will be given to facilitate the occupation of intending settlers. (unsigned copy.) June 3rd. 1847. Memo. of Agreement between Dr. Miller, of New Plymouth, on the one part; and Samuel Matthews, as Agent of Wm. Edgecombe, of Auckland, on the other,- agreeth that the said Samuel Matthews lets or leases for 6 months certain, a cottage with 2 acres of land, situated near the new Hospital, for a sum of two shillings and sixpence per week,- the rent to commence from the 7th. day of June 1847; and the said Dr. Miller agrees to pay half a year's rent, in the event of his leaving before the term expires. Witness, (Signed) Don. McLean.