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to prepare us all for a future and happier existence; where we hope to meet in joy, those for whom we are now lamenting; and may that same Almighty, who has deprived you of your greatest source of worldly comfort, strengthen you under your bereavement and distress; and bless, and continue to you the precious gift he has been pleased to bestow upon you; this is my earnest prayer on your behalf. I have only now, my dear Mrs. Bolland, to entreat that you will not hesitate to send to me, at any season, morning, noon, or night, to do whatever possibly lies in my power, to further your comfort; by availing yourself of any assistance or advice I may render; you will be conferring a great favour on me; as I shall be afforded some opportunities certifying, that with the death of your husband, does not die the feeling of friendship that existed between us, and towards him and his. Believe me, my dear Mrs. Bolland, to remain your very sincere and affectionate friend, (Signed) Donald McLean.