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Out of this block, a portion of which is subdivided into 50 acres sections, there are 970 acres reserved for the natives, in situations where they are least likely to interfere with the European inhabitants; and are at the same time, well-adapted for the natives' own purposes; one of them being situated near a large lagoon abounding with eels and other fish; another has a good sea frontage; and the third is on the banks of the Waiwakaio river;- all of them removed as far as practicable, from lands chosen by settlers. A section of 50 acres previously intended as a Reserve, I have still continued as such,- partly from its being occupied by the natives; and from a wish to provide for absentee claimants returning from the South; who might not be induced to go on the general Reserves; and should this contingency not arise, it would be convenient as a planting ground for natives visiting the settlement, on trading or other expeditions; remaining, of course as all other land arrangements, in abeyance till Your Excellency has directed, as to its disposal. That the claims of the original native owners of the lands comprised in these reserves should be entirely extinguished, so as to prevent their exercising an exclusive right over them, I have informed the natives that they should be considered part of the present purchase; that