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to suppress them. I can assure you I am glad that we have, in our unprotected state, averted a very real danger with the natives; but I am not certain this will long continue; and a circumstance, in itself trifling, compared to the peace of the community, may soon emerge us in difficulties rather serious to contemplate; and perhaps I am, to some extent to blame for not communicating the case sooner to Auckland; but avoided doing so from its not wearing any serious aspect, and from an expectation that it could have been amicably adjusted between the contending parties. The parties concerned are Mr. Brown, a merchant of this place; and some of the resident natives. Mr. Brown has, for some time, rented and occupied a Station from the natives, to carry on whaling; but, from a series of quarrels that took place between them, they gave him notice at the close of last season, to discontinue the occupation of the land he rented from them. Heon the other hand, wished to renew their agreement on liberal terms; to which they obstinately objected to aceede. The case was referred to me; but the natives, especially Poharama, the principal that district, would not be induced to accept any terms; and he very possibly concluded that as the land he claimed was cultivated and settled on by him since and before the formation of the settlement; that by the Acts of Mr. Spain, and the policy universally adopted by the Government, to ensure their cultivations and Reserves to them, he was so far strengthened in his determination to maintain a right that had never been in any instance disputed;- I therefore, in making the Reserves, did not of course deviate from what had been previously done in such cases; that was,- informing the natives that where no European interest suffered, and where no encroachments or cultivations had been made, that they should have their Reserves secured to them on such places as they were for a term of years established; it may be easily imagined that the relinquishment of such places would be impossible, except by coersion or force. [unsigned copy.]