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New Plymouth 5th Jany. 1871 Dear Vogel, I am sorry I did not see you on your way up, as I wished to have some conversation with you upon a few matters connected with this place which must now be deferred sine die as I understand from my brother you are leaving for England by the outgoing mail. My brother tells me that in course of conversation in/this place you mentioned to him the deter-mination of the Govt. to appoint a second member for the Upper House, and that my name was introduced in connection with it. Of course you are well acquainted with my general political opinions, so I need scarcely say that they are such that I could consistently give the Govt. a general support so long as they keep in the present track. Wishing you a pleasant and successful trip Believe me Yours sincerely, Warwick Weston I wish I was accompanying you. This is confidential. I think Halse should be asked and if he will take it, it might be a question whether or not also to appoint Weston but if Halse do not accept I should advise appointing Weston. Vogel.