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repudiate everything they could and that Ngaterawa and Raukawa especially should be contested - They are evidently working to get Hapuku into their hands again - It is a pity you cannot come here for a time as you could stop that - Locke at my desire has sent for Hapuku but the enemy are keeping a tight rein upon him - Buchanan I have seen since Hart wrote he will contest the Superintendency with Rhodes if I give it up He professes to be on our side but I did not say much one way or the other - I still think I had better remain at Hawkes Bay and give up Public Works - Every day shows me the work cannot be properly done from here. Gisborne has just made a lot of arrangements disposing of Carruthers' time when in my opinion he ought to be differently employed - Kinross knows about Russell's action in Raukawa and waits Hapuku's arrival here -