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Napier 27th April 1859 Donald McLean Esq. Auckland My Dear Sir, Our friend Gollan was married today to Mrs. Pelichet and left with his bride after a breakfast at our house for Chambers en route for home. You will I am sure be pleased to hear this our latest piece of news and therefore given first - You will no doubt be surprised to hear of my election to the Superintendency, an event wholly unlooked for by me and best explained in the extra of the Herald that I send herewith - I must say, however, that I thinkthe election of the Superintendent by the Council will not work well in general - as even in the late instance but for the compromise that was effected the New Provinces Act was near being rendered of no avail in our regard - the opinion seems to be gaining ground very fast that the election of the Superintendent should be made by the people as in the other Provinces but that to save the recurrence of such scenes as we have witnessed at Wellington he should have the power of dissolving the Council . We are much in want of some properly qualified person to act as Chief Clerk or Secretary - the Salary to be given whom would be about £250 to begin with - Do