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Page 3 May Sunday 26 Showery weather. Monday 27 Cleared up. Employed plowing. Planted 14 blue gums and 15 peach & apple trees. Killed 4 wethers. Tuesday 28 Damp weather. Plowing. Got a man to assist me in the gardin to prepare it for trees at the rate of £40 per annum. Wednesday 29 Fine weather. Employed plowing. Self planting trees. Bought 200 blue gum .... 20/- per 100. 30lb flower to Miss M'Rae 4lb tea & 20lb sugar. Thursday 30 Heavey dull weather. Employed getting fire wood & sundry jobs. Planted 10 Nio trees, 100 blue gums. Friday 31 Heavey rain & very unpleasant weather. Planted 70 blue gums. Men mending their clothes. June Saturday 1 Heavey rain throughout, could not work outside. Planted 36 blue gums in the evening. Sunday 2 Heavey rain throughout. Monday 3 Showery disagreeable weather. Self and man employed in gardin. Sent 10 bags wheat to the mill. 37 bushels & 20lb. Tuesday 4 Fine weather. Employed plowing. Planted 60 blue gums.