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Waiapu, Sat. Nov. 14th. 1868. My dear McLean, It would be of no use delaying the steamer till Morgan and others came. The weather is bad, and threatening worse. I shall, as soon as they all come together, devise with them some scheme of Common defence, in case of any emergency. The Taparoas are building a strong pa up the valley, at Manutahi; and we shall get something done here. They all go out to work, armed. H. Potae was very anxious that as many more of the Ngatiporou as possible should go to Turanga, to assist in a forward movement against the Hau Haus. But I find that they are quite averse to any more leaving this; and even express their desire that those who have already gone, should return. I have only been here a few hours; so that there has been no time to see many of the natives. If you can possibly send the ''St. Kilda'' up, when she next comes to Turanga, I think it would be well; and I should be able to give you fuller information. Ever yours, (Signed) J.H. Campbell. To:- His Honor, D. McLean. Napier.