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Hokianga 7 Feby. 1872 Dear Sir, As I see the Government is about to establish a System of Immigration I beg to offer myself as well qualified to act as an agent in England viz. in North Lincoln and Yorkshire - My father is the Rector of Heapham in Lincolnshire, and is a well known clergyman in the country and having spent the first 20 years of my life in Lincolnshire, and being well known to the principle families in the County, I should need no introduction beyond that which the position of my own family would give me, I am as the son of a country clergyman well acquainted with the poorer classes in these counties, who are famous, as good agricultural labourers, and sheperds, and would make excellent farm servants in N. Z. It was from these counties that the Mormons received so large an addition to their numbers in 1849 and 50. There is another class viz. the small farmers men with from £100 to £500 capital who can only just live in England, who with their practical knowledge would do well in this country, and teach their more ignorant neighbours the real art of farming. My reason for offering myself is, that I am personally well known to a large number of people in the counties I name, that I have a good knowledge of New Zealand, its people their language and customs, its climate and soil. It is only a few weeks since (by post) my father desired my opinion as to the advisability of two of his parishioners (farmers' sons) coming to this country to settle - Should you think anything of my application, arrangements could easily be made for some person to take my place in the Customs during my absence, which need not extend over a very long period at the option of the Government - during which time I am convinced I could do good service in the cause of Immigration, as I should not go amongst the people as a stranger but as one whose name they were familiar with. My father having been a clergyman in North Lincolnshire for upwards of 35 years. I am Dear Sir, Yours very faithfully, Spencer von Sturmer The HonbleDonald McLean, Native Minister WELLINGTON