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them more bitter; and they would give anything to have a go at you in op-posing your election, if they saw a shadow of a chanee. But I don't think they will dare. I am not sure you will not do as well to stay away until the Elections are over. If you come for the Elections you will have a lot of awkward questions put you, and have a good deal of Election filth to wade through. How have you fared with your wool sales? I hear some greasy from here, belonging to Watt, sold at 5d. Rhodes only averaged a little over 1/- for washed; and everyone out in the early sales has suffered terribly. Really things are in a bad way for all our Run-hold-ers. You don't meet one who does not admit to have gone heavily to the bad during the past year. Where it is going to end, it is difficult to see. I telegraphed you this morning about Roads. I wish you would consult with Gisborne, and find how much can be spared for Taupo Road, and Seventy-Mile Bush-Road. For the Taupo Road, I made the estimate as low as possible. It will take all that to make the road fairly good, but it will