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sick and weary of it. I hope that your illness is not much and that you will soon recover but in my view of the matter if the country could do without you it is high time you took some recrieation to yourself and came up here for a time free of the tramels of thought for the state and recruit strength and vigour for what may be expected if you retire. On this point I wrote Douglas before telling him to acquent you of my views as I did not want to tell yourself till I could see what course you would take. He did not receive my letter till he arrived at Napier so he had no chance. He is now with me and a great pleasure to me as now through care and cold watter & kerrosine his knee is nearley well and for the last few days we are able to go about. As to station matters Douglas will gave you all the news I can onley add that the season was good for lambing and good and juditicous management