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mismanagement of Kinrosses that may have a very injurious effect on them coming back for the rest that they bought but I hope not. I have no news of any importance. I do not know anything of how Williams is getting on. Of course if no one backs him up he must be in a rather queer way, rent coming due and nothing to meet it. I wonder if John McLean received the parcel of blue gums I sent him care of Mrs Hart. I think if he had he would have exknowledged receipt of them. I would like him to get them as I promised to send them to him last year. It is possible they went astray. I send them with Condie and he gave them to Kenedy who said he would forward them and I make no doubt but he did. This place is looking very well at preasant and the English grasses showing to great advantage. Have you had any a/c of any of the sale of the scoured wool or locks. I would like to hear how they did as the