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Te Aute Saturday 30th. July /59. My dear Maclean, I came over to have a chat with you about several matters, but the state of the weather will probbly prevent our meeting at present, unless you come on to Waipukerau. The chief subject on which I am anxious is in reference to the appointment of a Resident Magistrate for the District of the Waipukerau, and Assistant Native Sery. for the Province. Some such arrangement is in my opinion of the most essential importance to the peace and good order of the inland District. because it is very certain that the R.M.'s Court at Napier is of little (if of any) use either in Native or mixed cases from inland or the Coast; & even of the Native would agree to go down there, the hardship and expense thereby entailed would be an intolerable burden to inland Natives and Europeans. All the European cases are now tried at our inland Monthly Courts, and the public duly appreciate the Govt. saving of time and expense. I am sure I do not require to point out to you how necessary it is to have some one as Assistant Native Secretary to come between the Natives and Europeans in the event of disturbance or disputes, nor how important is also is to have such appointment held by a person who has been resident in the District, and who already knows the people personally as well as enjoys the confidence of both races. I understand that Mr. Cooper's office of Land Purchase Commissioneris about to be discontinued and having named the matter to him I find that he would be willing to take such an appointment as I have alluded to. Of his qualifications for the office I believe there would be but one opinion in the District, and if you adopt the same views, perhaps you would bring the matter under the notice of the Government with the weight to which your opinion is entitled. I am, My dear Maclean, Yrs faithfully, H.R. Russell.