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5th and told them all I could see them and the chance of nothing being done for some time. I can only venture to say in place of them being an expence to us here they would be a great saving. I have written my poor patern wife as you term her to prepare herself to come out and to bring six (6) dog carts with their harnis with her as we can sell them to a large profit in this districk and keep one for your use and the station that to have ready at her father's when she got the order to come here which I trust will not be long before I can do so. We cut all the lambs that were up on Domett's run last week and they yielded 90 per cent and all the dry ewes were sent back there for the rams again. The sheep here are still lambing and we will not cut till next week. The wool shed is in course of being commenced. I am securing the timber for it. Alexander works well with me. He I consider has a first rate head about this work. He is now away after