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whole claim, however far inland extending, having in every case, been purchased, the mere registration of the Reserve will be the registration of the entire native claims, without attempting to define the exact inland extent; instead of suggesting in the first instance, as the boundary of the desired purchase, any great range of mountains, or other natural feature of the country." Anticipating, however, that some difficulties might here-after arise, if the inland boundary was not actually marked upon the ground, I arranged with the Ngatiapa tribe that they should accompany me in a body during the summer months to the interior, to point out the exact inland termination of their claims; some of which extend as far as Otara, a settlement at present inhabited by a migrative band of Taupo natives, whose claims and right to reside there are disputed by the Ngatiapa; who also object to their receiving any payment for land to whicj they have not a hereditary or