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Napier February 27th. 1872. Dear Sir, I assessed on the 14th. Inst. the Duty on your agreement with Tareha at £31-10-7 - i.e. £30 for 10% Duty under the 16th. Sect. of Act of 1869 and £1-10-7 for acreage Duty under the 27th. sect. of act of 1867. Mr. Kinross has the agreement for the purpose of obtaining the receipt for Duty of the Sub Treasurer. On the 9th. inst. I handed over to Mr. Kinross your p/n for £47-6- in favour of Peti Te Owai and he made her an advance of £10 on a/c. The only P/n's of yours which I now have are Rora Poneke £47-6- (nearly all paid) Te Hapuku £47-6-81-16-) payable to creditors Turuhira Rangahua £47-6- Ropata Te Hoahakari £81-16- Paora Nonoi £81-16- I send by this mail my notes for this District for last 6 months. I have referred to two of your transactions - i.e. conveyance Rora Poneke to you not included in last report, and your agreement with owners of Ngatarawa No. 2. Te Muera came in the other day in a great state of mind and wanted to know whether the report he had heard that you had been paying rent to Wiremu Te Ota for Ngatarawa No. 2 was correct for he said if true it would be better to have a lease made out in order that each might get his proper share. He seems to be coming round a little. Te Muera says that Arapeta and his people are not going to live on the land yet awhile. The report of the Frauds Committee is still talked about a good deal. Col. Whitmore says I believe that Mr. H. Russell tried to take him at once but he does not think he meant to do Hapuku. I intend asking you in about a months time for permission to visit Poverty Bay as Commr. It will be then 6 months since I was there last. I do not think Mr. Moorhouse will object - on the contrary I trust he will agree for I am getting a great deal of land at Poverty Bay brought under the Transfer Act, but I cannot approve the titles until I get further information on many points. This information can be best obtained by me down there. The Land Transfer Act is getting on very well here and it has very good prospects of success. Mr. Josh. Hamlin has just come in from Taupo and he reports that the Natives of that District are leaving in numbers for the appraoching Native meeting at Whanganui. We have had a good fall of rain here lately but the weather is now settled again. I am Yours truly, Hanson Turton. To:-- The Honble D. McLeanWellington