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New Plymouth April 26th. 1851. Sir, I beg to forward the Police Report for the fortnight ending this day:- Sunday Parade at ten o'clock. The "Lucy James", Joyce, 2 days from Wellington; cargo - general. The Governor-in-Chief had left in H.M.S. "Fly" for Auckland. Posted letters to you. Overland Mail left for Wellington. Hakopa went to Waiwakaiho, and recovered a mattock taken by Wiremu Piti from W. Paynter, in payment for cattle trespass. The damage to the cultivation was afterwards estimated at 7/6 and paid. The following applications for Licences were granted:- William Palmer Murch Ship Hotel William Collyns Day Taranaki Hotel William George Seven Stars. The "Lucy James" sailed for Manukau; passenengers, Mr. and Mrs. Smart, Mr. Staines, Mr. Elliot, Mr. Barraball, Mr. Reed, R. Gallop, Mr. and Mrs. Liddell and child; cargo - 26 tons flour, 28 kegs butter, 60 kits onions. Left with Hakopa for Waiwakaiho, and arranged a difference between Ropiha and William Allen. Found Wiremu te Rangi had ploughed a portion of the disputed land between the FitzRoy and Native boundary running through Mr. Smart's farm. The barque "Creswell", Williams, 10 days from Auckland, with 14 passengers and original cargo from England. Court Day. No case. Overland Mail from Auckland. Minaropa, a Ngatiruanui native, complained of Mr. Cxenham withholding money for work done. On enquiry, found a loose agreement had been made, and and suggested a mutual adjustment. Good Friday. The Government Brig called in for provisions, on her way to Nelson. The boat put off with provisions, and after an ineffectual search, returned to shore. The "Creswell", having discharged, sailed for Wellington; passenger, Miss Horne; cargo - 6 tons flour, 1 ton bran. General muster and drill. Tamati te Ngahuru told the Resident Magistrate that some Taranaki natives intended to erect a stockyard, south of the Tataraimaka Block, for securing wandering cattle, the property of Mr. Cutfield. Overland Mail from Wellington. Two of the Police on duty in Town, to prevent irregularities at the Public Houses and Breweries. The "Shepherdess", Swan, 2 days from Wellington; cargo, general. The same sailed for Kawhia; passengers - Mr. and Mrs. Boultrop and Mr. J. Woon. Went to Mr. James Bayly's, and arranged a difference between him and a native from Ngatiruanui. Overland Mail left for Auckland. A feast took place at the Kawau. Police engaged cleaning arms at Barracks. A Waikato native, named Kerei, found with a pair of white trousers on his person, which he stole from Mr. Hulke. The Resident Magistrate fined him 2/6. Paid. Israel Pellew came to Barracks, and told me several articles of clothing had been stolen from his garden at 7 o'clock this morning. Nakopa and other members of the Police were informed of the robbery. The "Victory", Mullens, 579 tons, 6 days from Wellington, with 4 passengers and cargo for this place. General muster. Heale on duty at Bonded Store, Medland at Police Office. Rawiri and Tamati Waka came to Barracks. The latter dictated a letter to you. The "Victory", having discharged, sailed for India. The duties of the Police continue as usual, and all is quiet here. I have the honour to be Sir, Your most obedient, humble servant (Signed) H. Halse Sergt. To:- D. McLean Esq. J.P. Inspector of Police.