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Report from 1st. to 14th. of Feby. 1852. Feb. 1 Sunday parade at ten oclock. 2 Posted usual report and Abstracts for your signature by this days mail to Wellington. A stranger named William Davies locked up for drunkeness and disorderly conduct. 3 Same fined 5/- with costs. After the hearing informed Resident Magistrate that same individual had been attached to the Auckland Police and was unable to produce his discharge. 4 Mr. Meritt and William Davies left this evening for Whanganui. 6 Force engaged cleaning arms at Police Office. Overland Mail from Auckland. The "John Wesley" had arrived there with despatches for the Governor in Chief. Some melancholy traces of Sir John Franklins expedition had been discovered and hopes were entertained that a few of the party were still alive. eb. 7 General muster and drill. Overland Mail from Wellington. 8 Sunday Parade at ten oclock. 9 By direction of Resident Magistrate Private Dunn left for Whanganui with despatches for the Governor in Chief. 10 Overland Mail left for Auckland. On information that a young woman named Elizabeth Cran, left her situation at the Hua on Tuesday last and had not since been seen I sent Ptes Johnson and Heale in search - they found her body in the centre and at the bottom of the river under the Raeiomiti Pa. A Waimate native named Piripi promptly went into the river and raised the body to the surface, when it was placed on the northern bank and removed to the dead house by order of Colonial Surgeon the following persons were warned to attend at Colonial Hospital at 9 tomorrow morning. Fuller George, Marsh James, Batten William, Northcroft William, Smith John, Channell James. 11 Attended at Hospital. An inquest was held on the body of the deceased Elizabeth Cran. The Jury, after examining Nathaniel Reed, returned a verdict of "Found drowned". The funeral took place at 2 p.m. 12 Te Ngahuru came into Town, told Resident Magistrate that Mr. Cutfield had paid £5 for damages done to crops at Wairoa in the Tataraimaka Block. 14 General muster - Taumata came to Barracks, he was looking ill. The duties of the Police continue to be attended to and all here is tranquil. H. Halse. Sergt. Major. A.P.F. New Plymouth. 14 Feb. 1852.